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Can Catholics Vote For Obama?


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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1352493468' post='2507328']
honestly if i were running for office, your opinion of me as a candidate would still make me not care about you as a voter. cause if your not going to vote, why on earth should a politician or party or system care about your opinion?
You are assuming that they care about your opinion if you do vote. They sure do not. They only pretend to care for as long as they need to take that power, then they barely even try to keep up the facade.
That is one of the parts that is most disgusting about the whole thing, and it is why I no longer want to play along. Politicians have zero respect for the sanctity of life, for property, for freedom - they [i]absolutely do not care about you[/i] except as a meaty ATM.
I am beginning to believe more and more that it is unethical to play along with their system, to pander to them, while they pretend to be moral people for about a year at a time so that they can be elected. I simply do not want anything to do with their vile, inhuman game.

It is not a question of what is most effective quite as much as it is a question of doing what I believe is right.

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Archaeology cat

In case anyone was upset that third party voters may have thrown the election: http://fernandapowers.com/2012/11/07/did-third-party-voting-throw-the-election/

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1352494815' post='2507345']

You are assuming that they care about your opinion if you do vote. They sure do not. They only pretend to care for as long as they need to take that power, then they barely even try to keep up the facade.
That is one of the parts that is most disgusting about the whole thing, and it is why I no longer want to play along. Politicians have zero respect for the sanctity of life, for property, for freedom - they [i]absolutely do not care about you[/i] except as a meaty ATM.
I am beginning to believe more and more that it is unethical to play along with their system, to pander to them, while they pretend to be moral people for about a year at a time so that they can be elected. I simply do not want anything to do with their vile, inhuman game.

It is not a question of what is most effective quite as much as it is a question of doing what I believe is right

I know this is crazy, but I do not like this type of popular cynical broad judgments about politicians. I know it's easy, and many of them make it easy. But still... you or rather we do not have the ability to read and judge the hearts and minds of these modern day publicans. They are our brethren, sinners just like us. I understand your dislike of politicians, but I still do not like judging whole groups of people with a wide brush.

Edited by KnightofChrist
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[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1352495707' post='2507362']
I know this is crazy, but I do not like this type of popular cynical broad judgments about politicians. I know it's easy, and many of them make it easy. But still... you or rather we do not have the ability to read and judge the hearts and minds of these modern day publicans. They are our brethren, sinners just like us. I understand your dislike of politicians, but I still do not like judging whole groups of people with a wide brush.
I am being especially extreme for the sake of making a point. In theory yes, I am sure that there are some out there who honestly believe they are helping people. I think they have been duped by the very same machine of which they are a part. I would almost go so far as to say that the political system has a mind of its own, but rather than that I will say that the people who really pull the strings, the actual power at work, is very much in it for its own self-interest, and part of the game involves pulling the wool over the eyes of the people, as well as those politicians who wield less power, who do not realize the true nature of the game they are playing.

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[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1352498445' post='2507386']
It's all a conspiracy while some play The Game of Thrones.
Good books, but too much sex. The show was even worse for that.

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