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What Are You All Doing?

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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The way I read this was that Tab was referring to the Church as a whole... and that [i]would[/i] belong in the debate table.

Tab, is there something "Rome" is doing that you feel will chase people away? Or maybe something Rome is [i]not [/i]doing that you feel they should in order to "bring them home?"

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

well us being roman catholic christians. Yesterday i was attempting to defend future priest from gang rape by some people on this site whom in my eyes are to clicky and either exluding or out right attacking others that attempt to have a say on phatmass. I should have titled this 'some' or 'most' or 50 50 because of course it isn't all,i don't know the exact number but at times it seems to be prelavent, but alas my words betray me and possibly lack understanding, but please help me i would like to understand. I just feel that many may not stick around here because of the supposed elite click of this site, and i'm going to stand against it because it is wrong, not always wrong but wrong when they attempt to rip somone to shreds like a pack of wolves.

Onward christian souls.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

and like i said it isn't always but when it happens it is like a storm, and i feel terribly sorry for the poor person that is wrong on here. Do we not also have the right to be wrong sometimes,where not GOD, and i fear pride runs this sight at times. In my experience pride causes one to become fierce at times, which is the wrong way to correct error.And i know because i suffer from pride at times but am alot quicker to address it usually after it happens but hopefully one day in the midst. And also to a lesser degree of fierce there is mockery and sarcasm which i believe is baiting somone to react badly, unsure if anyone understands this. Maybe you all humbly rebuke each other in the pm boxes but i don't know i don't really get many pm's. Which reminds me of what i was intending to do and havent started yet and that is to address a problem i have with somone in pm 1st and publicly second. It's biblical. Public discipline should be last option, and i do it to because thats just how the world is at present, maybe we can break this habit together.

Onward christian souls.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

i think i can see many lost sheep. In my opinion lost sheep doesn't nescisarily mean that somone is not within the fold, outside of the flock would be a prodigal. Somone whom baits another willingly or not is at least equally in the wrong as the person whom bites. And the baiting i'm talking about is not being a fisher of men. It is false, holy scripture states that a mans heart is tested by the Lord, i read it as we are not to test each other. Also something i said in the political thread where futurepriest was being axed, i siad i was in davy jones' locker for 3 years, i meant i was drinking to much alcohol / underwater. I understand where all under alot of pressure and blashphemies are rampart or possibly seemingly rampart because of the media, i think the reason i was drinking so much was because of the murder of the most innocent human life/ abortion. And i guarentee the under water adventure is no lil mermaid fairy tale, it's tough and i don't reccomend for anyone, in truth i think we should all be fasting off the stuff asking the lord to step in in a big way on this hippy movement.

Pharisees " why is it that johns disciples are fasting and your disciples are eating and drinking there fill." Jesus "would the wedding guests be expected to fast while the groom is still present, there will come a time when my disciples will fast."

Onward christian souls.
Young men of GOD rise up.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1351729728' post='2501552']
well us being roman catholic christians. Yesterday i was attempting to defend future priest from gang rape by some people on this site whom in my eyes are to clicky and either exluding or out right attacking others that attempt to have a say on phatmass. I should have titled this 'some' or 'most' or 50 50 because of course it isn't all,i don't know the exact number but at times it seems to be prelavent, but alas my words betray me and possibly lack understanding, but please help me i would like to understand. I just feel that many may not stick around here because of the supposed elite click of this site, and i'm going to stand against it because it is wrong, not always wrong but wrong when they attempt to rip somone to shreds like a pack of wolves.

Onward christian souls.

You definitely have a unique way with words.....

But I think I get what you're trying to say.

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