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Since It's About The Election, It Goes Here


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Are people affected by the recent hurricane going to be able to vote? I hear some places will be without power for 10 days...

Where would they go to vote?

Is there any plan or precedent for this?

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Here, I'm gonna guess we'd just go to the town office and fill out our paper ballots as usual; we've never had computerized voting. I wonder if they'll make a plan to go to paper and / or extend the absentee voting time?

Don't they already basically let people vote for forever in some places anyway?

Edited by xTrishaxLynnx
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To Jesus Through Mary

My bet is that most everything will be back up by then. In NYC right now major portions of each borough has a portion with power. So they may have to readjust some of the voting centers, but doubt that it will be that much of an issues.

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I wonder if all the Catholic orgs, that are holding prayer vigils and novenas have been answered by God to keep liberal NY from voting in the election ? Probably not as God would expect us to vote as we should and sow what we deserve from our vote.

This election reminds me of Psalm 83 . > [b]O God, do not remain unmoved; be not silent, O God, and be not still! For behold, your enemies raise a tumult, and they who hate you lift up their heads. Against your people they plot craftily; they conspire against those whom you protect. They say, "Come let us destroy their nation; let the name of Israel be remembered no mor[/b]e!"

My typing finger is too tired to continue, but you get the drift.


Edited by Ed Normile
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