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Mormons Versus Catholics?

southern california guy

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southern california guy

[color=#000000][font=arial, sans-serif][b] [size=7][b]Mormons vs. Catholics[/b][/size][/b]

[b] Have the two religions always gotten along as well as Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan do?[/b]

[color=#006699][b]By [url="http://www.slate.com/authors.lv_anderson.html"]L.V. Anderson[/url][color=#666666][size=3]|[/size]Posted Monday, Aug. 13, 2012, at 6:50 PM ET[/color][/b][/color][/font][/color]

[left][size=4]Mormon Salt Lake temple and the Roman Catholic Basilica Of Goessweinstein
[color=#999999]Photos by George Frey/Getty Images; iStockphotos.[/color][/size][/left]

[size=4]Mitt Romney’s choice of Paul Ryan as his vice-presidential candidate makes 2012 the [url="http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/12/us/politics/mitt-romney-names-paul-ryan-as-his-running-mate.html?_r=1"]first time in American history that a major party has run a ticket without a Protestant on it[/url]: Romney is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Ryan is a Roman Catholic. Have Mormons and Catholics always gotten along as well as the Republican running mates appear to?

No. The root of the conflict is doctrinal. The premise of the Book of Mormon is that the Bible is a corrupt and incomplete account of God’s revelation—an implicit criticism of Catholic doctrine. The Book of Mormon also makes reference to an evil “church which is most abominable above all other churches,” described more colorfully as “the mother of harlots.” Though the Book of Mormon does not identify this evil institution as the Catholic Church, many Mormons have believed the two to be one and the same since the publication of the Book of Mormon in 1830.

Despite their doctrinal differences, Mormons and Catholics cohabited peacefully in Utah in the 19[sup]th[/sup] century—but leaders of the two churches began passive-aggressively sniping at one another in the 20[sup]th[/sup] century. In the late 1910s, Salt Lake City Catholic Bishop Joseph Sarsfield Glass commissioned murals in the [url="http://www.utcotm.org/visit/history"]Cathedral of the Madeleine[/url] that incorporated[url="http://www.sltrib.com/features/ci_12993316"]Bible passages that could easily be read as criticisms of Mormonism[/url], including a line from St. Paul’s letter to the Galatians that describes any alternate gospel as “anathema.” And in the 1930s and 1940s, a Catholic radio program and a Catholic pamphlet entitled “A ‘Foreign Mission’ Close to Home!” convinced Mormon leaders (mistakenly) that Catholics were trying to convert Mormons to Catholicism.

Mormon mistrust of the Roman Catholic Church came to a head with the 1958 publication of Bruce R. McConkie’s encyclopedia-like [url="https://www.amazon.com/dp/0884944468/ref=as_li_ss_til?tag=slatmaga-20&camp=0&creative=0&linkCode=as4&creativeASIN=0884944468&adid=0EKFFZTP8CYDCMVM1A60&"][i]Mormon Doctrine[/i][/url],which was not an official LDS publication, though McConkie was a low-ranking church leader. McConkie’s entry for Catholicism simply referred readers to another entry called “Church of the Devil,” which explicitly identified the Roman Catholic Church as being “most abominable above all other churches.” McConkie’s book so upset the Catholic bishop of Salt Lake City that he visited the LDS church president in tears, which convinced the LDS leader to rein in anti-Catholic sentiment. Derogatory references to the Catholic Church were removed from later editions of [i]Mormon Doctrine[/i] (which is now out of print), and Mormon-Catholic relations in Utah became much friendlier in the 1960s and thereafter.

The most notable recent Mormon-Catholic clash came in 2001, when [url="http://www.nytimes.com/2001/07/24/us/vatican-decides-to-rebaptize-mormons-who-are-converting.html"]the Vatican began requiring Mormons who converted to Catholicism to be rebaptized[/url] (a move that implicitly called into question the Christian bona fides of the Mormon church). But the past decade has been a time of alliance between the churches, with [url="http://www.ebar.com/news/article.php?sec=news&article=3689"]Mormon and Catholic leaders coming together to fight gay marriage in Hawaii and California[/url] and to stand against[url="http://old.usccb.org/comm/archives/2010/10-039.shtml"]perceived government encroachments on religious freedoms[/url]—stances that align with the[url="http://www.mittromney.com/issues"]Romney-Ryan platform[/url].

Got a question about today’s news? [email="ask_the_explainer@yahoo.com?subject="]Ask the Explainer[/email].

[i]Explainer thanks[/i] [i]Gregory A. Prince, co-author of [/i][url="https://www.amazon.com/dp/0874808227/ref=as_li_ss_til?tag=slatmaga-20&camp=0&creative=0&linkCode=as4&creativeASIN=0874808227&adid=14ES1A7H8HDK6WD1P5M6&"]David O. McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism[/url][i].[/i]

[i]Read all of Slate’s [/i][url="http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/mormon_explainer_1.html"][i]Mormon Explainers[/i][/url][i].[/i][/size]

Edited by southern california guy
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To Jesus Through Mary

[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1351544871' post='2499889']
The temple in SLC is B-E-A-Utiful.

It looks like it was made out of legos.

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I hope this will post... it's a panorama of the inside of that VERY beautiful cathedral....


Blessed Sacrament Chapel is BEHIND the screen behind the altar of sacrafice.... under the crucifix.


Check out the Cathedral Website for a virtual tour... look under 'Visitor' and then under 'pictoral tour'... and the rest of the website is neat, too!


Edited by AnneLine
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southern california guy

Want to see inside the Salt Lake City temple? I found pictures of a scale model! It's not what I would have expected.



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To Jesus Through Mary

It is a temple for them...

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[quote name='To Jesus Through Mary' timestamp='1351568547' post='2500156']
It is a temple for them...
Quite the sausage-fest there. I wonder if they are all gay.
I see no possible world in which I would attend a male-only pool party.

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southern california guy

[quote name='To Jesus Through Mary' timestamp='1351568547' post='2500156']
It is a temple for them...

That is cute.

Apparently other people have thought of this too.


Yes this is a lego replica of the temple complete with little lego people!

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To Jesus Through Mary

Are they polygamist legos? Are they going to vote for Obama or Romney, or the infamous wasted 3rd party vote?

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1351568012' post='2500151']
[size=7]What is this, a temple for ants??[/size]
Escher art!


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southern california guy

[quote name='To Jesus Through Mary' timestamp='1351598611' post='2500263']
Are they polygamist legos? Are they going to vote for Obama or Romney, or the infamous wasted 3rd party vote?

It appears that there are all men lego characters. They need some wives for those men!


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