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Where Does Romney Stand On Political Issues Other Than Abortion?

southern california guy

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southern california guy

- Is Romney good or bad in terms of reducing the debt? Will he balance the budget or run up a big deficit every year?

- Would he be a big military supporter? Would there be increased military spending? Would he increase our military's involvement in the MIddle East? And would he push for large tax increases to pay for it?

- Where does he really stand on Federal Health Care? Is he for it? Is he against it?

- Would he listen to the people? Is he a pragmatist? Or would he push ahead and sort of "rule" the country?

- Is he the sort of wealthy person who figures that a little corruption is natural in business. Would he do like GW Bush and look the other way when the Banks break the rules -- and then bail them out afterwards? Is he somebody that we could trust?

- Does he believe in bigger government? Or smaller, more limited government?

- Is he a corrupt politician who has received bribes in the past, and is used to doing favors for people who pass money his way?

- As a Mormon would he do things to benefit the Mormon church? Would he do things to limit, or even destroy, the other religions so that the Mormon religion could flourish, grow, and become the dominant religion?

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I can't answer any of the questions except one. He has at least said in the debates and in speeches that he has no problem if States want to do Statewide healthcare. He does have a problem with the federal government doing this because he says this will be inefficient and costly for the nation. I actually agree with him on this part: It is up to the States and if they wish to have it than they have the power to do so. However, I do think regulated healthcare, even if it is done by a State, will be costly for that State and it will be inefficient. But the beauty thing is, that's just one State, not the entire country. People can always move to a different neighboring State or elect a new governor that will repeal it.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1351472607' post='2499365']
For a shill like him, if it increases central government powers, it is a safe bet that he is for it.

Sheww, shame on you Nihil. I still can not figure out why you are so adamant about an election you can not even vote in. I guess this is your opinion as you added no refs or facts to back this assertation?

[b]@ southern california guy [/b]

I can say for certain that Romney knows how to run a business and knows about budgets, Mass. had a balanced budget under Romney and he saved the winter olympics from insolvency and turned it around so it could take place.

He has promised to support the military, he is not a proponent of tax increases as this hurts business. Obama wants to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire which will hurt the middle class and small business, plus he plans to sequester the military which will devastate our military and limit our defense capablilities.

Romney's stance on federal health care is simple, he has stated many times that federally mandated healthcare is constitutionally illegal. He states that teh federal government can not mandate any product or service to the country as a whole. He believes that under our constitution that these matters are up to the individual state to decide, we are a republic afterall.

His record as a businessman is sterling, no hint of corruption nor bribery. He has taken businesses through bankruptcy and reorganized them saving many jobs, and others that were just not viable or able to turn a profit he overseen there liquidation.

The question about promoting the mormon church? I do not get that one at all, he did nothing of the sort in Mass. and with all the liberals do you really think he could force a state church. I could hear the cry from the courts for his impeachment on the so called "seperation of church and state" that does not really exist in the constitution as we all know its written that the government shall " '[u][b]make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof[/b][/u] " that would be hard to legally especially with the imbalance of liberal judges and the Supreme Court could not allow this either.


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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1351529169' post='2499677']

Sheww, shame on you Nihil. I still can not figure out why you are so adamant about an election you can not even vote in.

When America sneezes, the world catches cold. I have had quite enough American germs lately. :smile3:

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Most human beings stand on hard surfaces such as the ground, floor, etc. But there can be many different kind of ground or floor, i.e. a carpet, rug, hard wood, tile (granite, stone, etc.), concrete, mulch, or in some cases sand.

As for Governor Romney, I imagine he has stood on many different varieties of hard surfaces such as tile, hard wood, carpet, concrete, even grass perhaps.

I have never heard of someone stand on a political issue, much less abortion...

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