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Who Is The Real Pro-choice?


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thank God we have illegalized this barbaric practice. no matter who is elected we should always keep eternal vigilance to maintain the ban on this type of evil and advance towards bans on all the evils of abortion.

Obama's opposition to banning this was absolutely inexcusable, and I thank God that he doesn't have the chance to fight against this ban because the life movement has so well informed the Americna people to be opposed to this issue (to the point that even NARAL is "neutral" on it). Based on his legislative history especially on life issues such as this, I don't think anyone should ever vote for that man for any type of office.

I really wish we had a good candidate to oppose him with a chance of winning, but I have not seen anyone who will do anything substantial for us. Which is why it's nice to be reminded of the victories we have achieved--we have made it indefensible on a bipartisan level to be in favor of such evil barbaric acts such that even Mr. Obama has not been seen to touch that issue with a ten foot pole in the four years of his presidency.

Let's be heartened that we can continue to fight for the hearts and minds of people so that they will one day be so equally disgusted with all abortion murders that they will not allow any politician to support them.

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Voting for someone because they like "less" murder does not make them pro-life. If you are for any type of abortion, you are pro-choice. there are degrees of pro-choice but not of pro-life. You are either pro-life or not

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[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1351393660' post='2498933']
Voting for someone because they like "less" murder does not make them pro-life. If you are for any type of abortion, you are pro-choice. there are degrees of pro-choice but not of pro-life. You are either pro-life or not


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Archaeology cat

[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1351393660' post='2498933']
Voting for someone because they like "less" murder does not make them pro-life. If you are for any type of abortion, you are pro-choice. there are degrees of pro-choice but not of pro-life. You are either pro-life or not
[/quote] :like:

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To Jesus Through Mary

[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1351393660' post='2498933']
Voting for someone because they like "less" murder does not make them pro-life. If you are for any type of abortion, you are pro-choice. there are degrees of pro-choice but not of pro-life. You are either pro-life or not


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[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1351393660' post='2498933']
Voting for someone because they like "less" murder does not make them pro-life. If you are for any type of abortion, you are pro-choice. there are degrees of pro-choice but not of pro-life. You are either pro-life or not

Nothing is 100% bullet proof except in Paradise. We're gonna have to die, go to Heaven, only then we can live in a perfect world. Just vote for Romney, that will save countless babies life. That is all we can do right now.

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[quote name='Freedom' timestamp='1351395607' post='2498955']
Nothing is 100% bullet proof except in Paradise. We're gonna have to die, go to Heaven, only then we can live in a perfect world. Just vote for Romney, that will save countless babies life. That is all we can do right now.
Yes, checking a little box beside one sociopath instead of the other is going to save countless lives.
Frankly this is an abdication of responsibility. If [i]that[/i] is what you believe to be the extent of your obligation to protect human life, then you're doing it wrong.

We can, and must, do much much more than picking favourite lunatics to support our causes. We need to support actual change. Actual efforts that do not rely on corrupt murderers for their success.

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[quote name='Freedom' timestamp='1351395607' post='2498955']
Nothing is 100% bullet proof except in Paradise. We're gonna have to die, go to Heaven, only then we can live in a perfect world. Just vote for Romney, that will save countless babies life. That is all we can do right now.

Nope. I don't believe voting for Romney will do anything to stop or even limit abortion.

You want to save babies lives? Volunteer to counsel pregnant women in crisis. Drop off diapers and formula. Help out at a shelter. Pray your rosary. Work with teens on crazy topics like chastity.

These are things you can do every day to end abortion. Voting once every four years doesn't make one pro-life either. It's what you do tomorrow and every tomorrow that defines your beliefs.

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If the extent of one's pro life support is their occasional votes for the politician who spends slightly more time lying about respecting life, then to me that is essentially the same as the Catholics who check their faith at the door of the church when they leave on Sunday. To that person, faith is something only for specific times and places, and when it is not convenient then it just fades into the background.

Edited by Nihil Obstat
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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1351396064' post='2498964']
If the extent of one's pro life support is their occasional votes for the politician who spends slightly more time lying about respecting life, then to me that is essentially the same as the Catholics who check their faith at the door of the church when they leave on Sunday. To that person, faith is something only for specific times and places, and when it is not convenient then it just fades into the background.

I can't remember why we ever fought!

Let's never fight again

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[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1351396141' post='2498965']

I can't remember why we ever fought!

Let's never fight again

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[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1351393660' post='2498933']
Voting for someone because they like "less" murder does not make them pro-life. If you are for any type of abortion, you are pro-choice. there are degrees of pro-choice but not of pro-life. You are either pro-life or not

See, I said the same thing earlier (being pro-life is a zero-sum equation--you either believe it's wrong, or you don't), but havok went all premenstrual on me and said that my statement reflected my ignorance on the Church's teachings.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1351400235' post='2498989']

See, I said the same thing earlier (being pro-life is a zero-sum equation--you either believe it's wrong, or you don't), but havok went all premenstrual on me and said that my statement reflected my ignorance on the Church's teachings.

Maybe it's your delivery

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