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Will You Anti-romney People Apologize?


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southern california guy

[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351390471' post='2498916']
If Romney is elected, and repeals the HHS Mandate which forces employers to pay for abortion causing drugs, and reinstates the Mexico City Policy which will end overseas funding of abortion, will all of you get on here and apologize and admit you were wrong?

Dear Dustin,

My conscience is bothering me something terrible. So I have decided to apologize now.

I did not mean to hurt your feelings or mislead anybody on this board. Mitt Romney has pledged to do a few noble Pro-life deeds. I am sure that he will be legally prevented from carrying out these deeds... But at least he has very good intentions. And that is what really matters! That is why I can support him now. And I can direct my frustration towards those bad people who will legally stop him.

I will not judge him based upon his past political record. He is a changed man. Now that he is the Republican nominee he is officially "Pro-life". Even though his position on abortion has not changed and is in line with the official policy of the LDS Church. It is somehow different than when he was Governor of [size=4][font=arial, sans-serif]Massachusetts. [/font][/size]

[size=4][font=arial, sans-serif]He believes in killing babies that were conceived because of rape, or incest. He believes in killing babies whose birth may affect a mothers health -- including her mental health. And at the same time he cares about those babies -- that he believes in killing. He is a very good man.[/font][/size]

[font=arial, sans-serif]And besides he is a very rich man. And if I vote for him he will turn our economy around and we will all become rich. I want to be rich! And I believe it will happen if I only vote for Romney.[/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif] [/font][font=arial, sans-serif]Please accept my deepest most heart felt apologizes! :cry:[/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]Richard[/font]

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The fact is Romney has only given his word that he is for life and we know how he changes his belief to fit the electorate. Romney's ACTIONS have been against life so you are voting for a pro-abort. He shows who he is in this election too, he professes the "exceptions" to killing a child in it's mother's womb and Paul Ryan is following him by signing up as Mitt's running mate. There is no lesser of two evils. God knows our hearts, despise not prophecy. Truth is black and white, if you vote for someone who has legislated for abortion, you cooperated with their evil. Go to
Confession if you have, God is merciful.

Message to m.tague from God The Father Jan.11, 2008


"Not one of the candidates running for president of your country- - -U.S.A. - - -is truly of Me! [u]One is a Mormon and one is a Muslim- - -neither are Christians.[/u] The others all break My Commandments especially 'THOU SHALT NOT KILL.' They believe in same sex unions which is NOT a marriage!!! I told you - - -'ONE MAN FOR ONE WOMAN!

Whichever candidate you elect and ONLY AFTER much heartfelt, intense prayer, will eventually lead U.S.A. to be under total control of VERY evil men. Martial Law and prison camps will be your fate.

Rid your country of Me and I promise I WILL PUNISH SEVERELY!!! You will have a dictatorship and no more free will. U.S.A. is on a downward spiral to feel My Justice! My HAND IS FALLING! Destruction IS coming- -severe punishment awaits U.S.A. and every country that eliminates your God!

Any man or woman who rejects My words, lies, murders, approves of abortion, controls under the rule of Satan WILL DIE- - -forever!!!

These words you will find in Scripture, the Holy Bible! You read NOT My word! You do not own a Bible! You will swear to protect all My people in your country yet, in your heart you know you are lying. You intend to sell U.S.A. to the 'ENEMY'! Your intentions are evil, you are liars!

You will see destruction as never seen before! This punishment is imminent! You will recognize nothing for NOTHING OF SIN will remain. Then I, your God, will create a Grand 'New Heavens and a New Earth!

Your time IS short! My time IS very near!! I WILL conquer! Amen! My word IS true! I, your God, have spoken! WAIT AND SEE!!! My Wrath IS the payment for YOUR SINS!!! Amen, ALL IS EXCEEDINGLY NEAR!!! AMEN!!!"

m. tague

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