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Todd Aikin And Richard Murdick.


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What are the political consequences of their comments? Deserved? Reflective of the two political parties?

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That's what I think of these two.

Edited by kujo
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What is inexcusable about Aikin's comment? Please quote his exact comment.

What is inexcusable about Murdocks comment? Same for him.

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Basilisa Marie

Way to be super vague in your OP but then require that I be super precise, dude. :)

But I'll play.

Here's a Slate article that I read earlier on this issue: [url="http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/frame_game/2012/10/todd_akin_and_richard_mourdock_banning_abortion_for_rape_victims_is_the.html"]http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/frame_game/2012/10/todd_akin_and_richard_mourdock_banning_abortion_for_rape_victims_is_the.html[/url]

Rape is never something God intends, and focusing on the "good" of a pregnancy following a rape only results in obscuring the main issue - the evil of rape. That's exactly what happened, and now everyone's backpedaling. Obviously life is always something that is good, and rape is always something that is bad. Is life a gift? Yes. But when people talk about pregnancy after rape as some kind of silver lining, it only results in belittling the horrific experience.

I don't believe that a woman should seek an abortion after a rape. I do believe that we need to provide unconditional support for women who experience sexual assault AND women who are pregnant. The thing is, these men are pro-life and in political office. But if they haven't clearly thought about what being pro-life means in the situation of rape, as political leaders they have no business spouting off some opinion before they've thoughtfully considered it - ESPECIALLY regarding such a sensitive issue.

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[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000][size=4][quote]“It seems to me, from what I understand from doctors, that’s really rare,” Akin told KTVI-TV. “[i]If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.[/i] But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something: I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist, and not attacking the child.” Todd Akin on the subject of rape pregnancies. [/quote][/size][/color][/font]

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000][size=4]yeah, talking about rapes being legitimate or not, and the[/size][/color]n insinuating that women who got pregnant from rape werent actually "legitimately raped"...[/font]

Edited by Jesus_lol
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It's a clumsy phrasing that is being spun a certain way. Why focus on clumsy phrasing and look at what he's trying to say regarding legal anortion in the case of pregnancy after rape.

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[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1351359024' post='2498588']
It's a clumsy phrasing that is being spun a certain way. Why focus on clumsy phrasing and look at what he's trying to say regarding legal anortion in the case of pregnancy after rape.

Sure, let's look at what he said.

Did I miss the day on health class where they talked about the female body being able to repel unwanted sperm after it has entered their body by sheer force of will?

That sh*t it just stupid. Period.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1351361845' post='2498638']

Sure, let's look at what he said.

Did I miss the day on health class where they talked about the female body being able to repel unwanted sperm after it has entered their body by sheer force of will?

That sh*t it just stupid. Period.

To be entirely fair, I do not think that was something stupid he came up with on his own. It is something stupid that lots of people used to believe. At least as I understand it.
I am not defending it. Not by a longshot. Not am I defending him. But it is not like it has zero context or underlying rationale.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1351362074' post='2498642']
To be entirely fair, I do not think that was something stupid he came up with on his own. It is something stupid that lots of people used to believe. At least as I understand it.
I am not defending it. Not by a longshot. Not am I defending him. But it is not like it has zero context or underlying rationale.

I see what you're saying, but I could give a beaver dam It's insulting, it's incorrect and it does serious damage to the credibility of those of us who are pro-life and trying to convince others to be as well. When some assclown goes out and says something like this, we have treat it like a gangrenous wound--cut them off and cauterize the area. Dude is an idiot.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1351362313' post='2498648']

I see what you're saying, but I could give a beaver dam It's insulting, it's incorrect and it does serious damage to the credibility of those of us who are pro-life and trying to convince others to be as well. When some assclown goes out and says something like this, we have treat it like a gangrenous wound--cut them off and cauterize the area. Dude is an idiot.
Yes, I agree with that.

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Ash Wednesday

Aikin's comment was really stupid and not even factually correct. I think Mourdock was trying to discuss the sanctity of life but worded it very, very poorly. I guess I just don't understand how these guys didn't prepare themselves for the possibility that they would be asked about this.

It seems to me that the media and left will jump at every opportunity to brand anyone who doesn't support abortion as a total wackjob. I can't help but think even if these guys found some better way of responding, they would still be painted as intolerant nut cases.

It's stunning to me that they even do this with Romney of all people. Despite his checkered record on abortion, he's still labeled as waging a "war on women" and urge women to vote for Obama "like your lady parts depend on it." It's absolutely ridiculous. And honestly as a woman, Obama's "lady parts" advertising just gives me second hand embarrassment.

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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' timestamp='1351370448' post='2498771']
Despite his checkered record on abortion, he's still labeled as waging a "war on women" and urge women to vote for Obama "like your lady parts depend on it." It's absolutely ridiculous.

It's really not when you look at the programs that republicans are trying to cut. To call it a 'war' is undoubtedly hyperbolic but the basic point is grounded in fact.

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I think think that we have conveniently forgotten that women are not the only victims of rape. Children born from rape are also victims, but I still think they're children and ought to be loved and treated with respect.

As Catholics we don't believe that the human soul is merely a result of biological processes. If it's not from biological processes alone, then someone must place it here. The soul is directly infused by God at conception. While He didn't will the rape, obviously, how can we really say that God has no will for the baby to exist?

I think these comments were unfortunate, but can be explained correctly from a theological point of view.

Added to address the original question: as someone who is pro-life myself, I refuse to believe that these people must suffer political consequences for believing what they do, even if they were dumb enough to voice it. If a person can say that pro-life people should die and suffer no consequences, then why should these guys?

Edited by qfnol31
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