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Obama Or Romney: Which Candidate Reflects Your Values?


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[quote name='Freedom' timestamp='1351361925' post='2498639']
I cannot believe people who are fighting for the right to stop the heart of a baby from beating in his mother's womb then turn around and vehemently protect the animals rights. There is something sick about this and no one can contradict that.

I can!

People who are pro-choice do not believe that a child in utero has the same rights as the mother. This belief isn't "evil," it's just misinformed. When you talk to these individuals on a one-to-one basis, and refrain from hurling the Pavlovian insults and buzzwords at them, you'll discover that most actually believe abortion is wrong, but don't have the courage or conviction to extend that belief into a law. It's a peculiar situation, but it doesn't make them "sick." It makes them a work in progress, just like you and I are.

Now, animal rights are important, too. Are they as important as the abortion issue? No, probably not. But having a disagreement about that doesn't mean you are "sick." It means that you are misinformed and needing of God's grace and wisdom. The line for those too things is pretty long and diverse, last I checked.

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To Jesus Through Mary

[quote name='Freedom' timestamp='1351361925' post='2498639']
Thank God for your input, Ed, you really made my day. May God bless you for it! For awhile I thought I was all by myself in this hungry lions arena, each wanting a piece of me. It feels so good that someone else stood by me. You completely mirrored my views about Romney. He's a good guy and America is better off with someone like him. I cannot believe people who are fighting for the right to stop the heart of a baby from beating in his mother's womb then turn around and vehemently protect the animals rights. There is something sick about this and no one can contradict that.

I hope you took Nihil's advice and thanked God that you are more righteous then us.

I am not voting for Romney because I am pro-life.

[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1351362211' post='2498645']
I sense a blossoming bromance. :love:


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Protecting a helpless child at any age at all, being in her/his mother's womb or out, gives him a chance to live. The only way to stop this life is to kill the child. If you are pro-abortion, know that this is terminating a child's life.

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[quote name='Freedom' timestamp='1351364414' post='2498719']
Protecting a helpless child at any age at all, being in her/his mother's womb or out, gives him a chance to live. The only way to stop this life is to kill the child. If you are pro-abortion, know that this is terminating a child's life.
If I had to guess, I would say that precisely zero Catholics in this thread are pro abortion. It is a huge success of the moral bankruptcy of the political machine that you are conflating Romney and the pro-life cause.

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[quote name='To Jesus Through Mary' timestamp='1351363350' post='2498679']
I am not voting for Romney because I am pro-life.

You are wrong, Romney is not pro-choice, Obama is and everybody knows that.

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[quote name='Freedom' timestamp='1351364650' post='2498723']
You are wrong, Romney is not pro-choice, Obama is and everybody knows that.

Romney says he's okay with abortions in the cases of rape, incest and the life of the mother.

= Pro-choice.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1351364551' post='2498720']
If I had to guess, I would say that precisely zero Catholics in this thread are pro abortion. It is a huge success of the moral bankruptcy of the political machine that you are conflating Romney and the pro-life cause.

That's why there has been tens of law suits from the Catholic Bishops against Obama and not one against Romney. All the law suits are against ObamaCare because of its mandatory abortion laws.

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the biggest issue is when he included "health of the mother"--his spokeswoman did some damage control after that because everyone in the pro-life movement knows "health of the mother" is code word for pretty much "all abortions"; in fact, the major pro-life groups specifically said that they would have pulled their endorsement of him had he supported the health of the mother exemption.

I don't buy what his spokeswoman said, because he has a long pro-choice history (so if he had actually changed his mind, he'd be conscious about the difference between a health or a life of the mother exemption) that is consistent with him being in favor of the health of the mother exemption. if it was that important to him, he would have corrected the issue himself; he didn't. I am thoroughly convinced that he is for a health-of-the-mother exemption (which covers 99%+ of all abortions carried out) and that's why I see him as totally pro-choice, not even an improvement.

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[quote name='Freedom' timestamp='1351365018' post='2498730']
That's why there has been tens of law suits from the Catholic Bishops against Obama and not one against Romney. All the law suits are against ObamaCare because of its mandatory abortion laws.

No, the lawsuits are political motivated. That's why they didn't go against Romney--he's Republican. So are the bishops.

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[quote name='Freedom' timestamp='1351365018' post='2498730']

That's why there has been tens of law suits from the Catholic Bishops against Obama and not one against Romney. All the law suits are against ObamaCare because of its mandatory abortion laws.
That does not make Romney pro-life.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1351364743' post='2498724']

Romney says he's okay with abortions in the cases of rape, incest and the life of the mother.

= Pro-choice.

Obama is pro killing the baby at any stage up to live birth, which means to leave the baby out to die after he is taken out. How about that? Also in his ObamaCare, he's forcing the Catholic church to provide contraceptive medicine. ObamaCare is planning to have Planned Parenthood type clinics in the school's that arrange for abortions and other methods. So now which candidate is better for the baby? You tell me.

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you too, Freedom. though we have disagreements, we are all sons of Our Lady and we shouldn't let them divide us too much.

Edited by Aloysius
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[quote name='Freedom' timestamp='1351364650' post='2498723']
You are wrong, Romney is not pro-choice, Obama is and everybody knows that.
Oh right, I forgot only one person on earth at a time is allowed to be prochoice.
Tell me, can a Catholic in good standing be in favor of abortion in cases of incest and rape? Why or why not?

[quote name='Freedom' timestamp='1351365018' post='2498730']
That's why there has been tens of law suits from the Catholic Bishops against Obama and not one against Romney. All the law suits are against ObamaCare because of its mandatory abortion laws.
lolol no. It's because Obama is the president of the US and Romney is (pretty much) nobody. It has nothing to do with who is more prolife. Your abilities as they relate to the fields of logic and reason worry me.

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