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Obama Or Romney: Which Candidate Reflects Your Values?


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What "little compromises" could Obama have made against the tidal wave of rigid ideological opposition from the Republicans on his healthcare law?

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1351347975' post='2498525']
What "little compromises" could Obama have made against the tidal wave of rigid [s]ideological [/s]partisan opposition from the Republicans on his healthcare law?
Individual mandate was birthed amongst conservatives. If the GOP had come up with it, it would have been fine.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1351348415' post='2498528']
Individual mandate was birthed amongst conservatives. If the GOP had come up with it, it would have been fine.

Right, which is why their opposition to the bill was rigid and partisan in nature; it wasn't about "belief," it was about schadenfreude and hurting Obama.

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And I don't want to get into this healthcare debate again, but the idea that Republicans created the individual mandate within the Affordable Care Act is misinformed. The idea was intended to be marshaled by state governments to compel their citizens to purchase health insurance in much the same way that there is an individual mandate by the same agencies that all motor vehicle owners purchase and maintain auto insurance. The individual mandate of Florida begins and ends at its own border; that's the problem with Obamacare--it's a federal program dealing with an issue that is better dealt with at the state level (eg.- Romneycare).

Edited by kujo
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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1351349472' post='2498536']

Right, which is why their opposition to the bill was rigid and partisan in nature; it wasn't about "belief," it was about schadenfreude and hurting Obama.
You said "ideological"; I said "partisan". Now, their only ideology is partisanship, but not using the latter term makes it look as though they might believe in something other than promoting their own ideas that they come up with on their own, without help from the other guys who just believe in power, as well.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1351349872' post='2498539']
You said "ideological"; I said "partisan". Now, their only ideology is partisanship, but not using the latter term makes it look as though they might believe in something other than promoting their own ideas that they come up with on their own, without help from the other guys who just believe in power, as well.

Ah, so we're getting into semantics now.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1351349996' post='2498540']

Ah, so we're getting into semantics now.
No, we're getting into being specific. You put crude oil in your gas tank?

Just admit you need me.

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Some people believe Florida's Ammendment Six is being fought against by Republicans because it dilutes Federal powers.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1351350080' post='2498541']
You put crude oil in your gas tank?.

Are you hitting on me?

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1351350173' post='2498543']

Are you hitting on me?
Do you want me to hit on you?

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1351350210' post='2498544']
Do you want me to hit on you?

Only if we're still being specific.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1351350386' post='2498545']

Only if we're still being specific.

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Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.


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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1351301331' post='2498281']
Future Priest, enlighten us will you, what did Jesus say about judging people ?

Freedom, I have read what you have posted here and I am in agreement with you. I have tried to relate the same here and some are hung up on finding the ideal candidate. I will vote for the candidate who has promised to limit abortion, the candidate who does not back homosexual marriages, the same candidate who has promised to repeal constitutionally illegal mandated health care, which by the way infringes on the religious freedoms of everybody in America and their right to decide whether they pay for abortion, abortifacient drugs and contraceptives. I will vote for the candidate who has actually had some experience running a successful business and could could use his business acumen to make decisions that could actually benefit this countries economy. I will not waste my vote on some non existing perfect politician in some non viable third party. But hey I am a realist and I know what the current President stands for and what he has done to this country thus far, and if Jesus returns and runs for office I will naturally cast my vote for him.

Keep up the good work Freedom and I wish you luck spreading sound views, perhaps if you could get John Stewart or Bill Maher to give a funny 30 second sound bite on MTV you may win over the idealists. Good luck with that.


Thank God for your input, Ed, you really made my day. May God bless you for it! For awhile I thought I was all by myself in this hungry lions arena, each wanting a piece of me. It feels so good that someone else stood by me. You completely mirrored my views about Romney. He's a good guy and America is better off with someone like him. I cannot believe people who are fighting for the right to stop the heart of a baby from beating in his mother's womb then turn around and vehemently protect the animals rights. There is something sick about this and no one can contradict that.

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