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I Despise The Pledge Of Allegiance


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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1351281836' post='2498075']
Ah, finally I can post this without everyone getting their panties in a twist. :smile3:



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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1351313392' post='2498380']

He's homeschooled. Thus, he's indoctrinated into the right-wing frame of mind, while the rest of us public schoolers were just spoonfed Marxism and liberation theology over our morning Cheerios.
[/quote]i never attended public school until I did a few semesters of college. My Marxism was injected in accounting and business classes only. Auto correct taught me how to spell liberation theology. Catholic schooling indoctrinated me into the benefits of committing to self delusionment. We gotta believe in something with fervor. Pragmatic reality is just a vice that cripples the dreams. We shall overcome.

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"...if the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good?” Bastiat.

Statism is as much a religion as Catholicism.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1351347226' post='2498519']
"...if the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good?” Bastiat.

Statism is as much a religion as Catholicism.
Statism is diometricly opposed to Catholicism and as you and I both know opposites attract

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[quote name='add' timestamp='1351377848' post='2498841']
Statism is diometricly opposed to Catholicism and as you and I both know opposites attract
Are you hitting on me?

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Don't vote or participate in the political process. Stay home, sit on your couch, and b[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]itc[/font]h a lot on teh interwebz.

Then tyranny will be overthrown and the bells of freedom will ring.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1351471328' post='2499339']
Don't vote or participate in the political process. Stay home, sit on your couch, and b[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]itc[/font]h a lot on teh interwebz.

Then tyranny will be overthrown and the bells of freedom will ring.
[/quote]and people will compliment you on your ability to not limit your intellect to the status quo. Such deep thoughts that enlighten the human condition.

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[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1351473818' post='2499390']
and people will compliment you on your ability to not limit your intellect to the status quo. Such deep thoughts that enlighten the human condition.

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people should get involved in real life. learn the rules that govern the parties' meetings (Roberts Rules) and caucuses, pay attention, get together like minded people and get involved in your local party committees, your state committees.

people complain about what the Ron Paul people did this election cycle--but the fact is, they were lighting the way for what all concerned and well-informed grassroots people should be doing to advance their causes. these processes the Ron Paul people learned and followed are not some archaic holdovers that need to be reformed or abolished, they are the very essence of a participatory Republic. they shouldn't be abolished, they should be

by the time it gets to you voting, too much has already been decided. indeed, that's why I say we've already lost this particular POTUS election. a single vote in the sea of votes is a very tiny number; the politicians play numbers games with statistics manipulating voters like pawns by the time it comes to press the button. if you really care about particular issues, you've got to step up and become involved in the process at much more fundamental levels.

meet up with other like minded conservative and pro-life people and learn the rules to try to get onto your party's local committee and/or state committee, pay attention to the minor processes and know the rules so you can actually stand up and affect those processes when possible. the most important factor in finding allies is to find other people who desire to stand up against the general tendency many of these committees have to try to run things from the top down. no matter how willing you've become to vote for the lesser of two evils when pressing the button every four years, make sure to stand up and refuse to do so during the processes that actually matter in selections and endorsements; the only reason we end up forced to have such terrible options in general elections where we have to hold our nose to vote is because too many people buy into that mentality early on in the process.

the old guard has let us down for the last time. don't let them do this to us again in four or eight years, stand up and ensure that the party goes the right direction. sometimes you have to defeat the Republicans before you can defeat the Democrats.

I don't care so much what you decide to vote in the general election; I've made my opinion clear; but seeing as I already recognize this general election as lost, it doesn't really matter all that much to me what you do; I just get offended at people who say Catholics [i]must vote for Romney[/i], because that's absolutely untrue. But you've got to start learning and getting savvy at the political process if you care at all... certainly it's not for everyone, only the well informed and motivated will take the time and effort to do it, but that process is where the real battles can be fought.

And please, no matter what arguments you accept during the general election season, NEVER accept those arguments until at least after a convention. Because that's how we're guaranteed to never have any influence whatsoever. I also think our willingness to accept those types of lesser-of-two-evils arguments during the general election makes us non-factors, but so much more so does it make us non-factors when we accept those types of arguments prior to the nominations being completed. it's used to end all legitimate discussion in the name of falling in lockstep so we "show unity" to defeat the evil bad guys we're opposing, and the more willing people are to accept that logic (and the earlier they are willing to do so), the more non-factor they become, the less anyone really takes your issues seriously because, let's face it, you're not actually taking those positions all that seriously yourself if you're willing to sacrifice them so easily.

Edited by Aloysius
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This thread reminds me of a friend of my parents who is a frighteningly paranoid conspiracy theorist. According to her the pledge of allegiance is not to the United States. She says there is a company named "The United States of America" that plans to rule the population with an iron fist. No joking. She also said every President has been related to the Royal Family in some way. For instance, Obama is George Bush's cousin, and both of them have direct ties to the Queen. Furthermore, the reason companies are putting things that are bad for our health in food is because the government wants to kill us. The government is currently stocking up all of the good food in caves so when it wipes out the entire human population on earth it will re-populate it with their perfect race of rich people.

The more you know.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1351313177' post='2498378']
do people honestly think [s]succession[/s] [color=#ff0000][b]secession[/b][/color] would work? technically it could work for the states that border canada or mexico of the ocean but that it. succession would never work for a state that did not have a direct route to other countries. also if a single state succeeds have fun trying to defend yourself with only your fellow statesman who have your back when someone invades your tiny country.

so i ask do people actually think this would work or do they just like saying something they think sounds cool?

Fxd for you, brobro :)

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1351493988' post='2499536']
This thread reminds me of a friend of my parents who is a frighteningly paranoid conspiracy theorist. According to her the pledge of allegiance is not to the United States. She says there is a company named "The United States of America" that plans to rule the population with an iron fist. No joking. She also said every President has been related to the Royal Family in some way. For instance, Obama is George Bush's cousin, and both of them have direct ties to the Queen. Furthermore, the reason companies are putting things that are bad for our health in food is because the government wants to kill us. The government is currently stocking up all of the good food in caves so when it wipes out the entire human population on earth it will re-populate it with their perfect race of rich people.

The more you know.

And let me guess--this family friend is your U.S. History teacher :)

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1351517283' post='2499598']

And let me guess--this family friend is your U.S. History teacher :)

Not at all. I would give up on school and humanity itself if she was.

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