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Obama Campaign Mocks Virgins, Tells Girls To


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[quote name='ContemporaryCaflicCrusader' timestamp='1351265676' post='2497955']
Trying to shed some humor on a spot where there is none. This is why I am voting for Romney. He's the only one who can dethrone Obama. Obama is a felon googlefold. He's not an American. Him not being behind bars shouldn't be questioned not to mention he's a pig. Gee who would have guessed. Virgins pat yourself on the back ^__^ and keep stocking up on ammo, cause things are eventually gonna get ugly like Obama wants in the U.S. I don't think we're gonna have a "legit" election, I mean we'll have a puppet show for people to talk about but when push comes to shove Obama is another Hitler and just might have to be removed the same way eventually.

Insinuating that there might be a need to kill our Commander and Chief #LunaticsOnPhatmassProblems #GetOffTheCrackPipe #StopGettingTo3rdBaseWithSeanHannity

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[quote]The Washington Post reported on Nov. 1, 1980, on Reagan’s outreach to blue-collar voters:

What Reagan was trying to do in Illinois, Michigan and Ohio was to harvest usually Democratic blue-collar votes — the consistent target of his personal campaigning in the Great Lakes states. Whenever he is near voters who might possibly be Democrats, Reagan likes to remind them that he came from that side of the political tracks.

On Thursday night, at a working class bar in Bayonne, N.J., Reagan said, “I know what it’s like to[b] pull the Republican lever for the first time[/b], because I used to be a Democrat myself, and I can tell you [b]it only hurts for a minute and then it feels just great[/b].” Source [url="http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/decision2012/reagan-campaigns-like-a-man-whos-won/2012/10/26/23071b04-1fa4-11e2-ba31-3083ca97c314_story.html"]http://www.washingto...c314_story.html[/url][/quote]

Can a brutha get a "that's what she said?!"

Edited by kujo
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Basilisa Marie

I don't think the problem is so much that it's an icky campaign ad making a joke about sex. The problem is that it's virgin-shaming. If people are going to be feminists, and claim to respect the decisions a woman makes concerning her sexual behavior...that MUST include the decision to be chaste and/or celibate. And not only is the ad disrespecting a woman's autonomy, but it also implies that a female isn't a real woman unless she has sex. It's trying to say that women should have the freedom to make their own decisions and not be defined by what they do with their bodies...by saying exactly how women should decide and defining them by what they do with their bodies.

From an actress who's the star of a supposedly feminist tv show, even if it's a joke, it's in poor taste.

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I've never messed with substances Kujo and I've never "Been to third base". Just tyranicide is in the CCC. I'm not sure he qualifies yet but if he makes the elections a complete sham he's got to be awfully close. I don't even know how to use a firearm I'm just saying we have to draw a line in the sand and wait for them to run over it.

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[quote name='ContemporaryCaflicCrusader' timestamp='1351265676' post='2497955']
So virgin Guys are ok...[/QUOTE]

There's nothing wrong with being a male virgin. There is something seriously wrong with being a male virgin who apparently holds crackpot beliefs and vaguely suggests the murder of the legitimate executive of this country. Which would be you.

[QUOTE] This is why I am voting for Romney.[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE] Obama is a felon googlefold.[/QUOTE]

Really? I didn't know that. What was he convicted of again? I forget.

[QUOTE] He's not an American. [/QUOTE]

And you are not an informed person.

[QUOTE] I mean we'll have a puppet show for people to talk about but when push comes to shove Obama is another Hitler and just might have to be removed the same way eventually.

So you're saying that Catholics will someday have to convince Obama to commence a ground war with the Soviet Union?

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[quote name='ContemporaryCaflicCrusader' timestamp='1351319546' post='2498445']
I've never messed with substances Kujo and I've never "Been to third base".[/QUOTE]

Then that makes you far more tragic. If you were just perpetually high then that would make your comments a lot more excusable.

[QUOTE]Just tyranicide is in the CCC.[/QUOTE]

Obama is not a tyrant.

[QUOTE] I'm not sure he qualifies yet[/QUOTE]

Good to know.

[QUOTE]but if he makes the elections a complete sham he's got to be awfully close.[/QUOTE]

And if I had wheels I'd be a wagon.

[QUOTE] I don't even know how to use a firearm

This is how I know I'm southern. How the hell does somebody get to be your age and not know how to use a firearm?

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Ash Wednesday

Honestly, even some Obama supporters were embarrassed by that ad and also felt that Lena Dunham was a poor choice. She's not the most popular person among her own kind -- she recently apologized for mocking muslims and cracked a tasteless joke about the Karla Holmolka case on twitter.



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[quote name='ContemporaryCaflicCrusader' timestamp='1351265676' post='2497955']
It's a googol.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

That add is disgusting. :( Your freedom is at stake as is australias,new zealands,canadas,the united kindoms,south afircas and irelands (the english speaking nations.) Freedom is not a free for all wwc royal rumble that has no rules, freedom has rules that help keep the general population free from major man made disastors. A priest i heard did a homily on this before our recent elections in my state in australia. He said we rely to much on the government nowdays to do what the community should be doing. Democracy to me doesn't work if the people aren't working it, because than the government has to make it's own descisions without the peoples consent. Exercise your democratic right to write, email is fantastic now to mail government officials and at the least writing a letter to the government in concern and sometimes in congratulations for we need both, And at the least it eases our concience that we may pursue more holy virtue. Oh and pray for your government as often as you can, prayer in the spirit (conversation with GOD) is good but we must also pray for others, we are the saints on earth and these people need our intercession, being a politician must be one of the toughest jobs to do. Oh and pray for the bees, there very important too.

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If you have kids around you should wait til you don't.

Edited by missionseeker
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