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Why Is A Vote Neither Obama Nor Romney A Vote For Obama?


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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1351359415' post='2498601']
Actually I advocate not voting. However I think third party is also morally praiseworthy given your situation.

About as morally praiseworthy as ignoring a murder.


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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1351359415' post='2498601']
Actually I advocate not voting. However I think third party is also morally praiseworthy given your situation.

i would say this is not a good thing to do and its skirting your responsibility as a good catholic. i'm not talking about voting third party, i am talking about not voting at all. you can't really claim you are doing this as protest because your voice will never and i mean ever be heard. not voting with your single vote will not at all sway the politicians to change their positions to your views because your the least important person in their eyes, your a non voter. its different if your voting third party because that could accomplish something but not voting will never ever accomplish anything.

evil will continue to prevail when good men do nothing.

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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1351360124' post='2498616']

About as morally praiseworthy as ignoring a murder.


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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1351360245' post='2498619']

i would say this is not a good thing to do and its skirting your responsibility as a good catholic. i'm not talking about voting third party, i am talking about not voting at all. you can't really claim you are doing this as protest because your voice will never and i mean ever be heard. not voting with your single vote will not at all sway the politicians to change their positions to your views because your the least important person in their eyes, your a non voter. its different if your voting third party because that could accomplish something but not voting will never ever accomplish anything.

evil will continue to prevail when good men do nothing.
I disagree, and I have outlined my reasoning at least a dozen times this week. Frankly I am tired of repeating myself in every single thread.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1351361765' post='2498637']
I disagree, and I have outlined my reasoning at least a dozen times this week. Frankly I am tired of repeating myself in every single thread.

well please explain it to me as i have just recently come back to the boards after having been gone a while. so fill me in how not voting is doing your catholic duty.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1351362644' post='2498656']

well please explain it to me as i have just recently come back to the boards after having been gone a while. so fill me in how not voting is doing your catholic duty.

Use the search feature.

And welcome back sweetums. We missed you :)

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Nihil, you must be playing with us shame on you. Not voting is actually ignoring murder, millions of them really as abortion is murder. In my opinion so is voting for a 3rd party candidate, one would do as well writing in Pope Benedict XVI as voting for a 3rd party candidate. In fact that may make more of a statement than voting for another who has no chance to win. It would at least say you are a catholic voter whereas voting for Rand Paul leaves much up to interpretation, heck they could think you are a nut who believes that the U.S.A could be protected by 2 nuclear subs and no military with a Paul vote. lol


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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1351362644' post='2498656']

well please explain it to me as i have just recently come back to the boards after having been gone a while. so fill me in how not voting is doing your catholic duty.

i know it's a pain, but it really is worthwhile to read through the current threads to see the really great arguments made for voting Romney, voting 3rd party, or not voting at all. :) i'd pay attention especially to arguments made by dUSt, Anomaly, Aloysius, Nihil Obstat, MIKolbe, and others. :)

[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/topic/124743-my-homily-if-i-were-a-saying-the-mass-this-week/"]My Homily if I Were Saying Mass This week[/url]
[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/topic/124840-obama-or-romney-which-candidate-reflects-your-values/"]Obama or Romney: Which One Reflects your values?[/url]
[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/topic/124776-voting-for-a-3rd-party-is-voting-for-obama"]Voting 3rd Party is Voting for Obama[/url]
[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/topic/124758-dont-vote-for-romney/"]Don't Vote for Romney[/url]
[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/topic/124662-right-now-who-wins-obama-or-romney/"]Right Now Who Wins? Obama or Romney? [/url]

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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1351363418' post='2498682']
Nihil, you must be playing with us shame on you. Not voting is actually ignoring murder, millions of them really as abortion is murder. In my opinion so is voting for a 3rd party candidate, one would do as well writing in Pope Benedict XVI as voting for a 3rd party candidate. In fact that may make more of a statement than voting for another who has no chance to win. It would at least say you are a catholic voter whereas voting for Rand Paul leaves much up to interpretation, heck they could think you are a nut who believes that the U.S.A could be protected by 2 nuclear subs and no military with a Paul vote. lol


I disagree, and once again, I have already made my quite clear. I am not interested in repeating myself for the umpteenth time. Feel free to track me down in other threads.

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