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Why Is A Vote Neither Obama Nor Romney A Vote For Obama?


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How is it that a vote for a third party candidate or a write in is a vote for Obama? The question has been asked, yet the answer is danced around and taken as a given.

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[quote name='tinytherese' timestamp='1351206299' post='2497711']
How is it that a vote for a third party candidate or a write in is a vote for Obama? The question has been asked, yet the answer is danced around and taken as a given.
It isn't.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1351206544' post='2497716']
Black magic. Possibly involving virgin sacrifice.

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[quote name='FutureCarmeliteClaire' timestamp='1351206643' post='2497718']

Sin is no laughing matter, young lady. :|

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1351206963' post='2497720']
Sin is no laughing matter, young lady. :|

Or is laughing sinful matter?

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[quote name='Amppax' timestamp='1351219630' post='2497819']

Or is laughing sinful matter?
Only if you are a republican voting third party. Your laughing is magically converted to votes for Obama.

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Seriously ? The liberal left has an agenda and a constant voting block, those who believe in abortion, homosexual marriages and especially those that vote for a living will turn out and vote for whatever politician that promotes their values. The conservatives have been long plagued wanting perfection in their candidates, a worry liberals do not have how else do you think someone like Marion Barry could get re-elected after serving time for crack use and soliciting prostitution, or Barney Frank could retain his seat when hiring male call boys for sex and then allowing a gay sex for sale service to be run out of his housing that he provided for his call boy to live with him who he also hired as an aide and used his influence to fix dozens of unpaid parking tickets for him. Thats the way liberals are they have no moral stances, only thing that matters is who or what will advance their personal agenda or needs. The conservatives on the other hand immediately throw their members under the bus at the first hint of a scandal.

In conclusion, while you may not vote for the Romney/Ryan ticket as Romney may not be pro-life enough for you, or maybe Ryan is not catholic enough for you a vote for another candidate or no vote is in effect allowing a vote for the most liberal, immoral President we have ever been saddled with to go unbalanced or negated by your vote for a candidate who has promised to limit all teh Presidents immoral policies and end others.

If you do vote, make it count for something good. Please do not waste it on a utopia like view that has no realistic way to make any difference. I have heard some say that their 3rd party vote will influence the next election cycle, idiocy at best, who remembers the losers ?


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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1351303056' post='2498298']
Seriously ? The liberal left has an agenda and a constant voting block, those who believe in abortion, homosexual marriages and especially those that vote for a living will turn out and vote for whatever politician that promotes their values. The conservatives have been long plagued wanting perfection in their candidates, a worry liberals do not have how else do you think someone like Marion Barry could get re-elected after serving time for crack use and soliciting prostitution, or Barney Frank could retain his seat when hiring male call boys for sex and then allowing a gay sex for sale service to be run out of his housing that he provided for his call boy to live with him who he also hired as an aide and used his influence to fix dozens of unpaid parking tickets for him. Thats the way liberals are they have no moral stances, only thing that matters is who or what will advance their personal agenda or needs. The conservatives on the other hand immediately throw their members under the bus at the first hint of a scandal.

In conclusion, while you may not vote for the Romney/Ryan ticket as Romney may not be pro-life enough for you, or maybe Ryan is not catholic enough for you a vote for another candidate or no vote is in effect allowing a vote for the most liberal, immoral President we have ever been saddled with to go unbalanced or negated by your vote for a candidate who has promised to limit all teh Presidents immoral policies and end others.

If you do vote, make it count for something good. Please do not waste it on a utopia like view that has no realistic way to make any difference. I have heard some say that their 3rd party vote will influence the next election cycle, idiocy at best, who remembers the losers ?


[quote]how else do you think someone like Marion Barry could get re-elected after serving time for crack use and soliciting prostitution, or Barney Frank could retain his seat when hiring male call boys for sex and then allowing a gay sex for sale service to be run out of his housing that he provided for his call boy to live with him who he also hired as an aide and used his influence to fix dozens of unpaid parking tickets for him. Thats the way liberals are they have no moral stances, only thing that matters is who or what will advance their personal agenda or needs.[/quote]

Wait, and you think we should be more like this? Frankly I think you just made the case for us. Stick with our convictions and demand integrity, or let them get away with that kind of sick, entitled behaviour.

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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1351303056' post='2498298']
Seriously ? The liberal left has an agenda and a constant voting block, those who believe in abortion, homosexual marriages and especially those that vote for a living will turn out and vote for whatever politician that promotes their values. The conservatives have been long plagued wanting perfection in their candidates, a worry liberals do not have how else do you think someone like Marion Barry could get re-elected after serving time for crack use and soliciting prostitution, or Barney Frank could retain his seat when hiring male call boys for sex and then allowing a gay sex for sale service to be run out of his housing that he provided for his call boy to live with him who he also hired as an aide and used his influence to fix dozens of unpaid parking tickets for him. Thats the way liberals are they have no moral stances, only thing that matters is who or what will advance their personal agenda or needs. The conservatives on the other hand immediately throw their members under the bus at the first hint of a scandal.

In conclusion, while you may not vote for the Romney/Ryan ticket as Romney may not be pro-life enough for you, or maybe Ryan is not catholic enough for you a vote for another candidate or no vote is in effect allowing a vote for the most liberal, immoral President we have ever been saddled with to go unbalanced or negated by your vote for a candidate who has promised to limit all teh Presidents immoral policies and end others.

If you do vote, make it count for something good. Please do not waste it on a utopia like view that has no realistic way to make any difference. I have heard some say that their 3rd party vote will influence the next election cycle, idiocy at best, who remembers the losers ?


Ed wouldn't have voted for Lincoln

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[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1351305512' post='2498322']
Ed wouldn't have voted for Lincoln
To be fair, neither would I if I were to go back in time as an American to that election. :|

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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1351303056' post='2498298']

In conclusion, while you may not vote for the Romney/Ryan ticket as Romney may not be pro-life enough for you, or maybe Ryan is not catholic enough for you a vote for another candidate or no vote is in effect allowing a vote for the most liberal, immoral President we have ever been saddled with to go unbalanced or negated by your vote for a candidate who has promised to limit all teh Presidents immoral policies and end others.


We've discussed in other threads recently that Romney went back on his promises of defunding Planned Parenthood, reversing Roe vs. Wade, not allowing Obamacare to pass, and that he is now for abortion in cases of rape, incest, and the health of the mother. His voting record shows that he's pro-choice too.

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