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A Random Vocations Chat Type Of Thread 2


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Je suis désolé que tu souffres de ces migraines. Ce n'est pas drôle. Maybe with the further testing they'll find that this is something that could be treated or will eventually subside. I have a friend who had a similar thing a long time ago and as far as I know it's not a problem anymore; she keeps up with a very busy and demanding life.

Je prie pour toi, que Dieu continue de te benir et te guider et te donner sa paix.

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  • 7 months later...
Pax_et bonum

I thought the random thread would be a good place to give an update and ask for prayers. For anyone who doesn't know, I've been struggling with depression and anxiety for at least several months. I'm not really sure when it started, but it's gotten pretty bad this summer. I talked with the community I had been applying with, and we agreed for me to take a break from the application process until I get better. I haven't been rejected, but I simply don't have the ability to live the life right now. I don't understand why this is happening, and it hurts; but I still think God could be calling me there, just not yet I suppose. 


So I could really use your prayers, pham. Which reminds me that you can start a novena to St. Clare today for her feast Aug. 11th (not necessarily to pray for me ;) ). I claim St. Amata of Assisi for my name patron; St. Clare, her aunt, miraculously cured her of illness, and then St. Amata became a Poor Clare. I'm hoping St. Clare will help me so I can be a Poor Clare, too, because I know if she wants me as a daughter, she will not fail to help her little child.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for bringing this thread back. I really liked this type of just randomly drop in to share a bit of news or whatever!

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  • 4 months later...
Kayte Postle

So didn't want to start a whole new thread for this but I have a question about Benedictine orders. Are they all monastic? I've been looking into Benedictine spiritually and just casually looking up orders, and most of them appear to be monastic orders.

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Kayte, all Benedictines are by defininition "monastic"--just as all Franciscans and Dominicans are by definition "mendicants."  But not all are contemplative or enclosed. Some people use these words interchangeably, but they actually mean different things. For example, the vows of a Benedictine are not the traditional "poverty, chastity, obedience"--they are "obedience, stability, and  conversion of manners (conversatio morum)."


Many Benedictines engage in active ministries--both men and women conduct schools and colleges, some women conduct hospitals, some men serve as pastors in parishes near their monasteries, etc.  But their form of religious life is monastic by definition (neither contemplative nor apostolic in the canonical sense, though they may appear to be like either or both of those forms of religious life).


Does this help?

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Kayte Postle

Kayte, all Benedictines are by defininition "monastic"--just as all Franciscans and Dominicans are by definition "mendicants."  But not all are contemplative or enclosed. Some people use these words interchangeably, but they actually mean different things. For example, the vows of a Benedictine are not the traditional "poverty, chastity, obedience"--they are "obedience, stability, and  conversion of manners (conversatio morum)."


Many Benedictines engage in active ministries--both men and women conduct schools and colleges, some women conduct hospitals, some men serve as pastors in parishes near their monasteries, etc.  But their form of religious life is monastic by definition (neither contemplative nor apostolic in the canonical sense, though they may appear to be like either or both of those forms of religious life).


Does this help?


Yes, that helps very much. Thank you so much nunsuch!

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In the nature of the thread (ie random)


I heard back from the Sisters in France and they said I could come a visit!! I'm SO happy!!!!!

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Mary's Child

This seems like a good place to post this as I notice that others have posted updates here.

I am preparing to enter postulancy in less than 1 month on Feb 2nd. This is an exciting time but also one in which I need to learn to focus my efforts even more on Jesus and my relationship with Him. There are also many things that need my attention right now as I prepare for this new life. Also I have been asked to cut back on the use of social media during this time.

So I will not be around much from now on. Know that all of you remain in my prayers and if anyone would like to pm me feel free.


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Ok another exciting (at least to me) bit of news. Sister (from in the US) got back to me about some book suggestions! I even managed to find one as a Kindle version. 

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Ok another exciting (at least to me) bit of news. Sister (from in the US) got back to me about some book suggestions! I even managed to find one as a Kindle version. 

what books are they may I ask? God bless you!

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The community has St John as their spiritual father so I asked Sister to give me some books that would help me better understand St John.

The two she gave me were Commentary on the Gospel of St John by St Thomas Aquinas and "Wherever He Goes" by Fr Phillipe. The second is a retreat on the Gospel of St John. 

She also suggested I read all of St John's writing in scripture. It definitely has been food for thought and prayer.

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Mary's Child,

God's richest blessings to you as you begin preparing for your entrance day.  May Our Blessed Mother embrace you in her holy mantle. And may Jesus walk beside you as you enter over the threshold of the convent.

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