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My Homily If I Were A Saying The Mass This Week.


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I have written this in my head for the last 4 years.

How many believe Hitler was a great leader for his nation? Why not? He was a very charismatic person who promoted change. He promised that his government would give his people a better life. He was what the country was looking for in a leader so why was he not a great leader for his country? There are many reasons huh? World War II? The Holocaust? What if he never tried to extend his empire and start a war and only committed the Holocaust? Would he then be a good leader? No?

So what was the Holocaust? Well basically it was the systematic and efficient killing of 6 million men, women and children, predominantly Jewish, during a seven year term. It included, also, the countless torturous experiments done for “medical” reasons on unwilling human test subjects.

As Catholic Christians we believe that life starts at conception and that specific life has retained full personhood with has as much value and rights to live a happy and fulfilling life as anyone living today. Maybe not some teenagers, who might have crashed dad’s car last night, but for the most part he or she is as much a person as you and I. Catholics believe it to the core.

We also as Catholic Christians believe abortion is the killing of innocent life and an intrinsic evil to the human race. Since the Supreme Court decision in 1973 roughly 54 million legal abortions have been performed. Therefor to us Catholics 54 million innocent lives have been legally taken. That is a number 9 times greater than that of the Holocaust. In fact it has been called the modern day Holocaust.

An election is coming up. The incumbent candidate is a very charismatic leader who promoted change. He came at a time where war and the economy hit this country hard. He promised that his government would help the people of this nation. He also does not intend on stopping abortion and has made decisions to insure it remains as well as the use of human embryos for medical research.

So what am I saying? Am I comparing the incumbent candidate to Adolf Hitler? No that is absurd. Hitler was a genocidal madman who fully knew and intended to torture and slaughter innocent life.

I am giving our fellow American and president the benefit of the doubt. I don’t believe he knows his decisions proliferate the modern day Holocaust.

I don’t believe he knows that abortion is taking the most innocent of lives…but you do.

So the question is my fellow Christians: What are you going to do about it?

Edited by socalscout
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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1350946192' post='2496051']
Vote for someone who is pro life!

Unfortunately, that's not Governor Romney either.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I was watching ewtn and supposedly your republican mick romney is anti abortion but pro homo sexual marriage,and your democrat barak obama is pro both and that his church has optional baptism that isn't in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit,they have a politicaly correct baptisimal option that has no gender it starts 'in the name of the creator'and i can't remember the rest although they will baptise in the name of the father etc,ewtn seemed to be frowning upon that. I think ewtn was leaning towards your famous mormon as a lesser evil even though we don't agree with there ideas on faith. But these are my thoughts on what ewtn was saying and i may be wrong. Can somone who may have seen this on ewtn explain it properly because i'm probably off target.

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1350946192' post='2496051']
Vote for someone who is pro life!

Unfortunately, that's not Governor Romney either.


(I propped twice)

[quote name='ToJesusMyHeart' timestamp='1350954584' post='2496134']
But his VP might change his mind!

Unlikely. :|

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1350961082' post='2496172']
but hi VP might be the prez in 8 yrs. think ahead folks, think ahead


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ugh. his VP changed his mind alright, changed his own mind and threw his support behind Mitt's official exceptions. Now, when exceptions are just rape and incest and the life of the mother, that's certainly not the Catholic position but it'd be better than what we have now as a step in the right direction. But Mitt's exceptions don't stop there. Mitt's exceptions include "for the health of the mother"--that's the codeword for a pro-life person who's really pro-choice, because the health of the mother can include the "mental" health, it can even be stretched to include the financial "health"/well being... it's been done before. And yes, your boy Paul Ryan is standing with Romney on that ugly little loophole.

I don't want Paul Ryan as president in 8 years. Any redeeming qualities he may have had he's sleezed up by joining himself at the hip with Mitt. Exceptions for rape/life of the mother makes you moderately pro-life and perhaps a step in the right direction. But an exception for "the health of the mother" makes you pro-choice, not pro-life at all; not a step in the right direction, in fact it's a step in the wrong direction as an attempt to co-opt and silence the pro-life movement. It's as simple as that. a vote for Mitt Romney is a vote to co-opt the pro-life movement and render it useless for the next eight years. Don't throw your vote away on him.

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Groo the Wanderer

gotta take exception with you. as the veep, he has no say in the administration's stance. you say joined at the hip - i say enduring the exceptions to get his foot in the door so he can clamp down on it when its his turn. do not be so quick to judge paul ryan. use your brain. while mitt is far from the perfect candidate, he is a lot better than the murderer we have now. incremental improvement is better than voting for someone you know will not get elected just to make a point. nose, meet face,

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Romney is no better than Obama. Paul Ryan is no better than Romney. I won't vote for these terrible candidates; those who do vote for them are allowing themselves to be pawns in the propaganda show, and are therefore throwing away their vote.

And while I do not support Obama by any means, I would much rather see Mitt Romney lose this election than win it, actually. Romney's actually worse than Obama in many ways.

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1350988673' post='2496259']
gotta take exception with you. as the veep, he has no say in the administration's stance. you say joined at the hip - i say enduring the exceptions to get his foot in the door so he can clamp down on it when its his turn.[/QUOTE]
Yeah. People who throw their morals under the bus the minute they get the opportunity to climb to the next rung tend to later throw all that power away by asserting those thrown away values all the more forcefully.

[QUOTE] he is a lot better than the murderer we have now. [/QUOTE]

By your logic Mitt Romney is also a murder. Not to burden you with intellectual consistency.

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I think all of you who are not voting for Romney/Ryan have lost your minds and have somehow got caught up in some type of utopia fantasy that will never exist.

It's called reality. Google it.

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1350986539' post='2496257']
ugh. his VP changed his mind alright, changed his own mind and threw his support behind Mitt's official exceptions. Now, when exceptions are just rape and incest and the life of the mother, that's certainly not the Catholic position but it'd be better than what we have now as a step in the right direction. But Mitt's exceptions don't stop there. Mitt's exceptions include "for the health of the mother"--that's the codeword for a pro-life person who's really pro-choice, because the health of the mother can include the "mental" health, it can even be stretched to include the financial "health"/well being... it's been done before. And yes, your boy Paul Ryan is standing with Romney on that ugly little loophole.

I don't want Paul Ryan as president in 8 years. Any redeeming qualities he may have had he's sleezed up by joining himself at the hip with Mitt. Exceptions for rape/life of the mother makes you moderately pro-life and perhaps a step in the right direction. But an exception for "the health of the mother" makes you pro-choice, not pro-life at all; not a step in the right direction, in fact it's a step in the wrong direction as an attempt to co-opt and silence the pro-life movement. It's as simple as that. a vote for Mitt Romney is a vote to co-opt the pro-life movement and render it useless for the next eight years. Don't throw your vote away on him.
[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1350989155' post='2496260']
Romney is no better than Obama. Paul Ryan is no better than Romney. I won't vote for these terrible candidates; those who do vote for them are allowing themselves to be pawns in the propaganda show, and are therefore throwing away their vote.

And while I do not support Obama by any means, I would much rather see Mitt Romney lose this election than win it, actually. Romney's actually worse than Obama in many ways.
I agree. I could never support Romney because it simply goes against my conscience. (oops, I said it.) There's more to being pro-life than just abortion, and even Romney (as you said) supports abortion situationally.

People say that we should vote for Romney to get Obama out of office, but to me, I don't really see much of a difference between the two. I can't support evil, no matter which one is lesser.

Anyway, it's not like me internet debating will change anyone's mind, but... Yeah.

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351002560' post='2496292']
I think all of you who are not voting for Romney/Ryan have lost your minds and have somehow got caught up in some type of utopia fantasy that will never exist.

It's called reality. Google it.
It will only not exist if we have attitudes like that.

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