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Politicians And The Eucharist


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Good Friday

[quote][b]Anna writes:[/b]
I stand with the bishops who call for denial of Holy Communion to those public figures who deny a baby's right to life.[/quote]
What about other Catholics who support and/or vote for policies that result in unjust death? Should they also be denied Communion?

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[quote name='Good Friday' date='May 23 2004, 06:48 PM']What about other Catholics who support and/or vote for policies that result in unjust death?  Should they also be denied Communion?[/quote]
What did St. Paul say:
[quote][b]1 Cor 11:27

"Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord"[/b][/quote]

Of couse they should be denied if they are for killing innocent people or any brother or sister!

Did not St. John say:

[quote][b]1 John 2:11
"Whoever hates his brother is in darkness; he walks in darkness and does not know where he is going because darkness has blinded his eyes."[/b][/quote]

again in:

[quote][b]1 John 3:15
"Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life remaining in him."[/b][/quote]

So if you hate your brother that makes you a murderer. So how much more who support death of innocent people, any hate is murder!

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[quote name='Anna' date='May 23 2004, 07:47 AM'] I stand with the bishops who call for denial of Holy Communion to those public figures who deny a baby's right to life.

This action has been a long time coming: Abortion was decriminalized in 1972!!! Millions of babies have lost their lives since then, and dozens of Catholic politicians have set an example of faithlessness and lukewarmness.

As the old saying goes, if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

If we don't stand up for the Source, Summit, and Center of our Faith: The Most Holy Eucharist, and for the Gift of Life, then we're really just calling ourselves Catholics, just as the politicians are.

Let them know that the Emperor has no clothes! Let them know that as public figures, they cannot publicly renounce Church Teachings on Faith and Morals, then trot up to receive the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ as if it was just another political photo-op to garner the Catholic vote!

No one who calls himself "Catholic" can support abortion, artificial contraception, euthanasia, or same sex unions. These aren't our rules, they are God's rules.

And elected officials don't rule.

God rules.

Pax Christi. <>< [/quote]
I am a fan of Anna ;)

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Good Friday

[quote][b]Jason writes:[/b]
Of couse they should be denied if they are for killing innocent people or any brother or sister![/quote]
But that's not what the bishops are doing...

So far, the bishops who have denied politicians Communion have either only denied pro-choice politicians the Sacrament, or they've denied politicians the Eucharist based on the following three criteria: pro-choice views, support for homosexual unions and euthanasia. For those who don't see the blatant partisanship of that, those people are only to be found en masse in the Democratic Party.

Why are the bishops playing partisan politics with the Eucharist? Why aren't they denying it to anyone who supports policies inconsistent with the church's teaching -- not just Democrats, and not just those three issues?

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[quote name='Good Friday' date='May 23 2004, 07:35 PM'] But that's not what the bishops are doing...

So far, the bishops who have denied politicians Communion have either only denied pro-choice politicians the Sacrament, or they've denied politicians the Eucharist based on the following three criteria: pro-choice views, support for homosexual unions and euthanasia.  For those who don't see the blatant partisanship of that, those people are only to be found en masse in the Democratic Party.

Why are the bishops playing partisan politics with the Eucharist?  Why aren't they denying it to anyone who supports policies inconsistent with the church's teaching -- not just Democrats, and not just those three issues? [/quote]
I think this is just the beginning. They are starting at the heart of the problem!!

Edited by Jason
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i guess its harder to keep everyone away from the Eucharist that meets those criteria except for politicians. Because they are in the public forum and everyone knows where they stand so the Bishop and Priest and deal with them, with an average individual it would be harder to know their views.

I think the solution would be catechesis on the subject. Teaching from the pulpit, Every Parish, that voting, beliveing, or influencing abortion thoughts are wrong and sinful.

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[quote name='CatholicAndFanatical' date='May 23 2004, 07:45 PM'] i guess its harder to keep everyone away from the Eucharist that meets those criteria except for politicians. Because they are in the public forum and everyone knows where they stand so the Bishop and Priest and deal with them, with an average individual it would be harder to know their views.

I think the solution would be catechesis on the subject. Teaching from the pulpit, Every Parish, that voting, beliveing, or influencing abortion thoughts are wrong and sinful. [/quote]

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[quote name='CatholicAndFanatical' date='May 23 2004, 07:45 PM'] i guess its harder to keep everyone away from the Eucharist that meets those criteria except for politicians. Because they are in the public forum and everyone knows where they stand so the Bishop and Priest and deal with them, with an average individual it would be harder to know their views.

I think the solution would be catechesis on the subject. Teaching from the pulpit, Every Parish, that voting, beliveing, or influencing abortion thoughts are wrong and sinful. [/quote]
Amen well put!!!

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Guest AloysiusGhost

GF, Abortion is the biggest evil of our time. If you support the mass murder of babies on a daily basis, you are most definitely without question commiting grevious sins in public.

if you are for a war, there is question, but you could be commiting grevious sins in public. it's not as blatant, for the Bishops to actually refuse communion, the grevious sin must be blatant.

if you are for the death penalty, the Church has always taught that the death penalty if used correctly is not inherently evil. Now, the way it's used now many evils happen through it. Again, though, the fact that not all cases are evils and the fact that there are legitamate cases and they might be trying to follow those legitamate cases decreases the blatancy of the evil.

For a Bishop to publically tell a politican they are in grave sin and should not approach Holy Communion because they are not acting in communion, the public evil they commit most be absolutely positively blatant and clear. we don't mess around with barring ppl from communion. abortion and euthinasia and homosexual sex (which comes with the "marriage" territory) are wrong in every single case. PERIOD. NO EXCEPTIONS. (Euthenasia must be defined correctly of course, the Bishop can't do this if they just support things that there's still the theological question up in the air if they're just taking away extraordinary means of keeping them alive). It is just unfortunate that the Democratic Party has supported these things which can never be tolerated under any circumstances. The Republican Party has some sticky issues, but they don't support anything that is inherently evil without exception.

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The bishops who are denying pro-abortion politicians Communion are following Canon law. In the encyclical Evangelium Vitae, Pope John Paul II made clear that supporting laws that fund or expand the availability of abortions is gravely wrong. I have not seen specific cases of politicians being denied Communion for homosexual unions and euthanasia, do you all have sources?

I just wrote a paper on this topic, looking at the issue through Church teachings in Canon law and encyclicals, then doing a survey of news coverage thus far, and a look at similar cases throughout United States history. If you want to check it out, here's the link:

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The Catholic Church has spoken emphatically against abortion since the Didache! 2,000 years of consistant teaching, and some politicians who court the Catholic vote but abandon Catholic teaching use the Most Holy Sacrament to cement a political victory. That is an abomination which has gone on FAR TOO LONG.

If there's a Republican pro-abortion Catholic out there, let him be ex-communicated with the rest! Who cares the political party?! We are concerned with the issue of abortion, and the sacrilege of receiving Holy Communion while promoting a type of murder which has been condemned by the Church since the time of the Apostles.

If these folks can't hold to the tenets of the Faith, why should we give them our vote? Why should the Church give them the Most Holy Eucharist???????????????!!!!!!!!

Let them stand for what they believe: Catholic Truth, or abortion on demand. The two do NOT go hand in hand. :angry:

Pax Christi. <><

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Is there some other political issue that has the Church's unequivocal, unwaivering, voice of moral leadership condemning it?

If so, pile it on.

But something tells me that the pendulum will swing in the conservative direction if that should happen! Hope you can live with that...

Pax Christi. <><

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[quote name='Jason' date='May 23 2004, 08:28 PM'] I am a fan of Anna ;) [/quote]
Me, too. :D Did ya know she's my Mom?

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[quote name='IcePrincessKRS' date='May 26 2004, 12:14 PM'] Me, too. :D Did ya know she's my Mom? [/quote]
No way :o haha, sweet I love your mom she's awesome IceP. She has a beautiful way of putting things. :)

Haha man I didn't know thats cool :cool:

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[quote name='mulls' date='May 21 2004, 10:39 AM'] [url="http://www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/21344.htm"]http://www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/21344.htm[/url]

i say let them have communion. just make sure that verse from 1 Corinthians is read during every mass. the politicians would be responsible to God for their own actions. [/quote]
Thank the friggen media for the drama. They "love" the Church.

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