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Joe Biden Get's Excommunitcated From The Catholic Church!


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[quote name='cappie' timestamp='1350802888' post='2495599']
I think here the issue is excommunication is not whether or not he should approach, or should be given, Holy Communion. Cardinal Burke and Dr. Edward Peters have already explored those issues with erudition and profound insight. Here the question is whether or not Biden’s public comments, and/or voting records, constitute delicts in the Church. In order to determine whether or not the delict has occurred, we must determine what constitutes the act of heresy. If it is a heresy to believe that we may not take away a woman’s right to choose, then certainly Biden has committed the delict. But is it a heresy?

Agreed. Canon law is a very narrow, very technical subject, and any interpretation of canonical legal terms is necessarily complicated and more prudently reserved to highly specialized people. :P

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[quote name='cappie' timestamp='1350802888' post='2495599']
I think here the issue is excommunication is not whether or not he should approach, or should be given, Holy Communion. Cardinal Burke and Dr. Edward Peters have already explored those issues with erudition and profound insight. Here the question is whether or not Biden’s public comments, and/or voting records, constitute delicts in the Church. In order to determine whether or not the delict has occurred, we must determine what constitutes the act of heresy. If it is a heresy to believe that we may not take away a woman’s right to choose, then certainly Biden has committed the delict. But is it a heresy?
1) While the op's title was inaccurate (the article actually said nothing about excommunication), it's very clear from Cardinal Ratzinger's statements that Biden and other "Catholic" politicians who take a pro-abortion stance should be denied Holy Communion. Whether or not such politicians are formally delicts from the Church, by their continuing political support of abortion, they are living a life of public, unrepentant sin.

Unfortunately, many priests and bishops prefer avoiding political controversy to doing the right thing in this regard.

2) While I don't believe you take a pro-abortion stance, I would respectfully ask that you not use the enemy's language (" take away a woman’s right to choose.") Such rhetoric trivializes the issue at stake, and makes the position of pro-abortion pols sound far more innocuous than it is in reality. No one wants to "take away a woman’s right to choose" in some generic sense; this is about killing a child, which is never a legitimate right. Would you refer to a "right to choose" to murder any other group or class of person? Or would you talk about " man's "right to choose" rape? And let's keep in mind also that the "pro-choice" position of such politicians involves not only allowing or tolerating abortion, but forcing the rest of us to pay for them (whether we choose to or not)

Just a thought, because language matters.

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Language does matter ! The language needed here is the language of prayer for VP Biden and the other death providers/promoters who brandish their catholicism like a badge of honor while leading many souls down the path to sin.


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