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Right Now Who Wins? Obama Or Romney?

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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1350765297' post='2495439']
I thought we were already at that point.
I am not sure what news sites you are reading, but I have not seen any asteroid mines lately. :|

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1350765396' post='2495441']
I am not sure what news sites you are reading, but I have not seen any asteroid mines lately. :|
No, about your children making fun of you for being old.

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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1350765472' post='2495444']
No, about your children making fun of you for being old.
I should hope not. I do not have any kids yet. :|

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1350766402' post='2495452']
I should hope not. I do not have any kids yet. :|
That twinkle in your eye is clearly laughing at you.

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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1350766569' post='2495453']
That twinkle in your eye is clearly laughing at you.
That is kind of freaky.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1350766657' post='2495455']
That is kind of freaky.
Life begins at twinkling.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1350767061' post='2495458']
That has some interesting moral implications.
As would the proposed marriage between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. "I now pronounce you Amermexianda. Your citizens may now meander across the borders and kill each other at will."

Edited by r2Dtoo
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[quote name='Annie12' timestamp='1350770211' post='2495465']
It will be a tie.
A tie would require New Hampshire, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Missouri, and Virginia to go to Romney, the other swing states to go for Obama, and Nebraska must give one vote to Obama.

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you forget that Texas going Republican will give one vote to Ron Paul, so Nebraska doesn't have to give a vote to Obama. Nevada's faithless elector probably won't get a chance to be faithless though :(

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1350701652' post='2495210']
He did help Fidel come to power. I have no idea whether he was a sadist or bloodthirsty. That refers to his subjective emotional states. He did commit serious human rights abuses.[/quote]
Yeah, I suppose if Che was in a calm emotional state when committing his butchery, then it's all cool.

[quote]I don't. I think that intellectual and moral integrity are important things rather than reflexively acting as a propagandist for my 'side.' You may want to try this sometime. [/quote]
Physician, heal thyself.

[quote]The Gulags existed in the Stalinist USSR. Many leftists opposed Stalinism. Including the strain from which I draw political inspiration.[/quote]
What actual leftist regimes do you believe are deserving of our emulation?

[quote]That's actually not what all leftists claim. But I don't expect you do have any substantive knowledge of any political strain or thought that doesn't come pre-chewed in The Weekly Standard.[/quote]
Actually, I haven't even seen an issue of The Weekly Standard in some time. I'm not the one whose "thought" consists of copy-pasting opinion pieces from various lefty rags, then crying and hurling insults whenever anyone disagrees.

[quote]I disagree with Winchester. On a lot of practical issues. But he actually thinks about what he says. Stop linking yourself to him.[/quote]
Since when did I need your approval to prop posts on here? I'll prop or compliment whatever posts I like, thank you very much.

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RCP currently has PA as a swing state. PA, really? If the polls keep going this way it'll be Romney in a landslide. If they do.

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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1350777710' post='2495502']
RCP currently has PA as a swing state. PA, really? If the polls keep going this way it'll be Romney in a landslide. If they do.

Last I checked, Obama is up by five percent, but that's near the margin of error for the poll... That's why it's still "a swing state."

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