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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1350538716' post='2494369']
You must have a ton of it by now if you've been writing it for almost three years!

Other than that terrible mathematical error you made, I do have a lot. Not as much as some, but my chapters are much bigger than usual so it levels it out.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1350535437' post='2494341']

I have a crush on Lil Red.
Line starts back there, kid.

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1350534507' post='2494331']
kujo, perhaps some people are frustrated because this is possibly the fourth or fifth thread talking about this, and she's been repeatedly given great advice. which she seemingly ignores. we ARE trying to help. i know you haven't been on phatmass in awhile, but come on man. don't you know us better?

Actually, I [i]do[/i] know Phatmass well, which is why I was worried that the zeal to "help" might have overtaken some people's good sense to just make a girl feel confident. You're right that I didn't know the backstory, but I suppose I just responded negatively to people being so rough with her.

[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1350535286' post='2494338']
I was worried that she would misunderstand my statement so I wanted to make sure she didn't. I didn't come on this thread having any experience in dating (Though by normal standards I'm sixteen so I should have at least had five girlfriends by now, maybe even at the same time) but as a young man with a sister, and I wouldn't want my sister putting herself through this, so perhaps coming at it from a different perspective would help. You obviously didn't find it helpful, but oh well. You weren't very charitable in your first post to me, but you seem to have a "Do as I say not as I do" attitude.

If someone ever insinuated that my sister was "obsessive" and/or "chemically imbalanced," they'd have a broken jaw.

[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1350535437' post='2494341']

And all of my last post is beside the point that this is insulting to poor Lil Red...

Why is it insulting to her? Do you have such a low opinion of yourself?

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I'm torn between sympathy, suspicion, and the realization that this is the f-wording internet, so it's highly unlikely that anything said will really help.

The third tear is the smartest. The wiser I think something is, the more likely it is to be interpreted as attention-whorish (accurate), and truly pointless. But if I say something really wise, some people will like me. I'll get props. I will get a happy taco. I love happy tacos. I like to make tacos happy. I wish I could just go around making tacos happy.

Annie, nothing on here is likely to help you. I have thought of a lot of things to say. I might have said them in one of the other threads you've started about this guy. I feel badly for you. Honestly. If there had been an internet when I was a young girl, I probably would have done some of the same croutons you're doing, right now. Luckily, most of my obsessive dialogue is internal, although my ridiculously frequent posts on facebook are likely some kind of avatar, for them. Notice how this paragraph is almost entirely about me. Really, you need to find a good, stable adult to talk to. Good luck with that quest. Really, though, you've got my sympathy. In which case, if you are indeed trolling, well played. Let the record show that Winnie did indeed suspect trolling, and all of his advice comes with that qualifier, and all apparently helpful posts were made in the sincere hope that God was watching and would forgive Winnie for his many horrible deeds in life, even the one involving Carrot Top and the lemur cage, and give him his own special Heaven with (certain) babes, and alcohol, and firetrucks.

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To Jesus Through Mary

[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1350567203' post='2494405']
Actually, I [i]do[/i] know Phatmass well, which is why I was worried that the zeal to "help" might have overtaken some people's good sense to just make a girl feel confident. You're right that I didn't know the backstory, but I suppose I just responded negatively to people being so rough with her.

Here is a little bit of the back story.

She was responded to with what I thought was patience and kindness. We initially did try and help her feel confident. It isn't just a matter that she didn't want to hear it, but that she continually asks to same question and is even rude in her responses. And she is 20, not 14. She isn't a girl, she is a woman. I do understand insecurity and crushes. I, like everyone other normal person, have had my fair share. I actually feel for her there. However some of her responses were uncalled for.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1350533155' post='2494321']
And honestly, I'm inclined to agree with others that this is somewhat obsessive and unhealthy. I'm not saying you are chemically imbalanced, but you are making too much out of this guy. He is a guy just like every other guy in the world, including me. [b]Just a small note, but you should have felt a chill up your spine when you read that.[/b] Is he a really holy guy who is totally amazing? Possibly. But you don't know him well enough to make that judgement. There are many guys who look perfect on the outside but have nine billion problems on the inside. So don't obsess over him, talk to him. Ask him out on a date. If he says yes, amesome. But that is not a sign you are called to be married forever. That is a sign that he is interested in talking to you while you drink coffee. You have to discern with him, not discern about him with God. You should of course pray, but prayer without works is useless, as scripture itself says. You will never see if there is any fruit of your labors unless you go and ask him out, talk to him, and truly see if he is the guy for you. Until then, you are likely stuck in this terrible broken record, and nobody wants that, especially you.

First LOL of the day. Nice.

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[quote name='IcePrincessKRS' timestamp='1350574528' post='2494417']

First LOL of the day. Nice.
You misspelled "just threw up in my mouth, a little bit".

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I left for work at five in the morning yesterday and got back at seven in the evening. I played Skyrim and fell asleep on the couch around nine, and I woke up at four-thirty. Thinking "What the heck, I'll just stay up." I went on Phatmass because I didn't once yesterday. I come back to find the props system completely gone. It hasn't happened yet because my body and mind have not fully awoken, but do expect a mental breakdown later.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1350567203' post='2494405']
If someone ever insinuated that my sister was "obsessive" and/or "chemically imbalanced," they'd have a broken jaw.

Why is it insulting to her? Do you have such a low opinion of yourself?

But I wasn't insinuating that. On reading it again I agree it can look like that, but I wasn't thinking about how it might be read differently. I was worried about how she might take the words "unhealthy" and "obsessive" badly, so I didn't think about the clarification as much as I should have.

I do have a pretty low opinion of myself, actually.

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Basilisa Marie

Annie, you are idolizing him. Name one negative quality that he has. Go on. I'll wait. What I mean by idolizing him is putting him on this pillar of virtue, viewing him in a light that is too rosy. You need to bring him down to earth if you want to get to know him. That's all. Quit saying two rosaries for him every day. Instead, say one rosary for your future husband (WHOMEVER he may be, or your vocation) and one for your own growth in faith and holiness. That way you're not only helping whomever your future husband is by praying for him, but also by growing in holiness yourself so that you can be a better spouse.

Look, take some time and get to know him as a person. Once you see his warts, then you can make a much better decision about whether or not he's someone who's worth your time. Put your feelings for him on a shelf for a while and try to just be his friend. Not only will that help you get to know him better, but I'm thoroughly convinced that most of the best relationships have a deep friendship as their source. Two people could look like absolute models of Catholic holiness on the outside, but if their vices grate on each other too much, there's no way a relationship between them will work.

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[quote name='Annie12' timestamp='1350428950' post='2494079']
Yeah, so , I'm really stuck on the guy I've previously posted about (I'm guessing y'all know what I'm talking about). But, I try really hard to just let God be in control and surrender completely to his will on what he wants to happen in this situation. But, I care so much about this guy that every time I see him I can't help but feel depressed because he doesn't know how I feel and to tell him would be unbelievably awkward and frankly social suicide. So, I'm trying to survive this trial God has given me. I tell him (God) that He is in control but then I have moments where I just go week in the knees and I have no idea who's in control anymore. I want to let God take the wheel at all times but I find it so hard because of the way I feel about this Guy. so, I've prayed and prayed and prayed, God keeps giving me the same answer (that I will be with him eventually) and miraculous things have happened, but I'm having a really hard time with impatience and feeling sad because this guy is completely oblivious.... The funny thing is, I've had crushes before because a guy was cute or something, but this is completely different, It's because I see Christ in this guy.... He is such a holy guy... I just love him... but he don't have a clue and I have no idea how he'd react if he knew... any suggestion? I'm all ears at this point....

I'm going to be 100% honest with you. If I were the guy, and I saw this post, I would be creeped out.

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