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Global Warming's Terrifying New Math


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No one is saying that natural phenomenon aren't contributing. However, the bulk of the scientific observation points to humans accelerating the warming process.  If you're going to assert the things you have, you need to provide some citations and evidence to support your claim. Others have done so, and so must you.


Human life has often been compared to a bee colony, both hard working, prosperous, and ever growing... With bees when the hive is full  part of the hive moves to a new location...


For what it's worth where do we move?...




Kind of funny how we are so interested in Mars

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I was reading a study done on ancient tree core samples correlated with data from preserved corn seeds found in a canister stashed in the pyramids along with written and pictorial data from the roman era. It concluded that the earths average temperatures back 2000 years ago were much hotter than today. They related that was the reason for the attire of the time which looked like dresses on men as it was so hot they needed the air to be able to cool them. I know there have been times of heating and cooling throughout the history of the planet. Personally I doubt the "man made global warming" and feel its nothing more than the hoax of the seventies about the ice age we should be in right now, which was not only media driven it had hoardes of "scientists" spouting this, mostly green types who laid it off to pollution blocking off the sun's ability to warm the earth. With the recent scandalous proof of scientists and educators "cooking" data to bolster their views I wonder how any sane person can give this any credence?


On a side note, how can any christian believe that an all powerful God who could create an earth and populate it with man, telling him to be fruitful and multiply and giving man dominion over everything on the earth, reconcile that belief with God being so short sighted, or naive, or having miscalculated that His creation could somehow destroy the earth that He created ? Its a self flattery to convince ourselves we are so significant that we could actually destroy what God has wrought. I am not saying we could not kill each other, engage in genocide, poison parts of the earth, but to assume that we could bring about the end times is placing ourselves with our finite wisdom on par with the Creator. 



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I was reading a study done on ancient tree core samples correlated with data from preserved corn seeds found in a canister stashed in the pyramids along with written and pictorial data from the roman era. It concluded that the earths average temperatures back 2000 years ago were much hotter than today. They related that was the reason for the attire of the time which looked like dresses on men as it was so hot they needed the air to be able to cool them. I know there have been times of heating and cooling throughout the history of the planet. Personally I doubt the "man made global warming" and feel its nothing more than the hoax of the seventies about the ice age we should be in right now, which was not only media driven it had hoardes of "scientists" spouting this, mostly green types who laid it off to pollution blocking off the sun's ability to warm the earth. With the recent scandalous proof of scientists and educators "cooking" data to bolster their views I wonder how any sane person can give this any credence?


On a side note, how can any christian believe that an all powerful God who could create an earth and populate it with man, telling him to be fruitful and multiply and giving man dominion over everything on the earth, reconcile that belief with God being so short sighted, or naive, or having miscalculated that His creation could somehow destroy the earth that He created ? Its a self flattery to convince ourselves we are so significant that we could actually destroy what God has wrought. I am not saying we could not kill each other, engage in genocide, poison parts of the earth, but to assume that we could bring about the end times is placing ourselves with our finite wisdom on par with the Creator. 



Shut up, ed.

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southern california guy

No one is saying that natural phenomenon aren't contributing. However, the bulk of the scientific observation points to humans accelerating the warming process.  If you're going to assert the things you have, you need to provide some citations and evidence to support your claim. Others have done so, and so must you.


Ok, I will get some links to back things up.  This is the internet.  I guess that I should support things, since it is so easy to do here.

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good thing God gave people legs..so they can walk away from the waterline...derp.

disclaimer: anyone else making tongue-in-cheek jokes beware...serious lack of funny bones going on...

Hmmm, how many people have died in tsunamis in the last decade.
Maybe I'm lacking a funny bone, but I can't really think of any hilarious jokes about tsunamis and global warming right now.

PS Groo, you got any great jokes about mass shootings up your sleeve? Edited by stevil
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Hmmm, how many people have died in tsunamis in the last decade.
Maybe I'm lacking a funny bone, but I can't really think of any hilarious jokes about tsunamis and global warming right now.

PS Groo, you got any great jokes about mass shootings up your sleeve?


That's why God gave kids legs so they can run away from a shooter  :hehe2:  :bounce:  :bounce:




Oh, hey, I guess you're right

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