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Global Warming's Terrifying New Math


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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1350268014' post='2493499']
I am trying to stay non-committal because I am not willing to go hunting for sources tonight. :smile3: But I basically agree.


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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1350268121' post='2493500']
What about it is ridiculous?


Well, I know how you feel about this issue that is going to savagely impact a lot of the poorest people on earth. And that says a lot.

Hasan, honestly, did you even read my first post? I said that I am all for "good stewardship of the earth." You are really not reading what I wrote, therefore, your arguments are moot.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1350269418' post='2493510']
But math is not half as scary as meth, especially when it is warmed.
I'm not asking how you know this...

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1350269238' post='2493509']

Hasan, honestly, did you even read my first post? I said that I am all for "good stewardship of the earth." You are really not reading what I wrote, therefore, your arguments are moot.

I did. What you said is just not very substantive. What you said ammount to this: "I'm all for good stewardship of the earth, but I am completely dismissive of the single most important environmental issue of our day."

Just saying that you abstractly value environmentalism doesn't mean anything substantive.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1350269418' post='2493510']
But math is not half as scary as meth, especially when it is warmed.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1350269819' post='2493512']

I did. What you said is just not very substantive. What you said ammount to this: "I'm all for good stewardship of the earth, but I am completely dismissive of the single most important environmental issue of our day."

Just saying that you abstractly value environmentalism doesn't mean anything substantive.

Are you trying to look for a fight or something? Why are you twisting my words around? I did not say that I don't care but I think you'd like to believe I don't. Show me one post I made that says I don't care and then I'll apologize.

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1350269854' post='2493513']
Well the dude came from Berkeley. So did LSD. [b]linkage[/b] anyone? hmm....

You misspelled 'intellectual laziness.'

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southern california guy

[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1350267028' post='2493494']

A narcissist is an individual who only thinks about himself. An example of narcissism would be somebody who is happy to seriously disrupt the lives of millions of people if it means that he get's to add a mango tree to his garden.

But it is my choice... as a man of great power. I could stop global warming and save countless lives -- but I chose to warm the world so that I can grow a mangosteen tree! :crazyshoot:

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1350269942' post='2493516']

Are you trying to look for a fight or something? Why are you twisting my words around? I did not say that I don't care but I think you'd like to believe I don't. Show me one post I made that says I don't care and then I'll apologize.

[color=#282828][font='Segoe UI', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Amen! [b][i] I don't pay much attention to this global warming thing. I think it's a bunch of hooey.[/i][/b] I'm all for good stewardship of the earth but worrying about the end times is something I'll leave up to God[/font][/color]

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southern california guy

[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1350269907' post='2493514']

Global Warming's Terrifying New Meth!!

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[quote name='southern california guy' timestamp='1350270164' post='2493518']

But it is my choice... as a man of great power. I could stop global warming and save countless lives -- but I chose to warm the world so that I can grow a mangosteen tree! :crazyshoot:

I guess so.

It's not within one individual's power to change. But if people collectively cared more then it could be changed. It may be too late to change. A lot of really powerful corporations have a lot of money in the current system and they have a lot of power. But just doing nothing isn't going to help.

Don't want to vote democrat? That's fine. I really don't give a [i][color=#ff0000]floop[/color][/i]. I would happily vote for a republican who was serious about this issue. Start pressuring your republican leaders to get serious about climate change. This isn't a partisan thing. I would be happy to see the democrats lose their monopoly on the environmental vote if it meant that we could lessen the pain that is coming.


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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1350270188' post='2493519']

[color=#282828][font=Segoe UI', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Amen! [b][i] I don't pay much attention to this global warming thing. I think it's a bunch of hooey.[/i][/b] I'm all for good stewardship of the earth but worrying about the end times is something I'll leave up to God[/font][/color]

Nope, that is not equal to saying I don't care. Next.

I know where I stand on issues such as these. No amount of name-calling or arguing is going to change that. And I really don't appreciate someone twisting words around to fit their agenda. Just because someone didn't respond the way you wanted to is not cause for saying they don't care and that they are flippant or irresponsible. Ask anyone I know and they'll tell you that I DO care.

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