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Global Warming's Terrifying New Math


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Groo the Wanderer

[b] Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling[/b]


which kinda stinks. i love penguins!

Edited by Groo the Wanderer
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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1350253181' post='2493389']

This isn't the end times. If you leave this up to God then you are being an irresponsible person. Millions upon millions of people are going to seriously suffer more than necessary. The fact that you can take such a flippant attitude towards this, which is going to visit the worst suffering on the poor and disenfranchised, really speaks ill of your mindset. Jesus commanded you to help the poor. Not piss all over them while joking about how God can handle the armagedon all on his own.
[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1350253019' post='2493388']

I don't think that you have any interest in the truth. But if you are interested in helping evade enormous suffering being visited upon millions and millions of people, then you may want to read about the press lead global cooling hype which is quite different from the science driven concern about global warming


Do you have children?
[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1350253276' post='2493390']

Sure. 20 million Bangladeshies may be displaced by this, with their rice fields wiped out, but you get to have a mango tree. Nothing narcissistic about that.
[/quote]You're much more fun when I'm posting in your stead.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1350253181' post='2493389']
This isn't the end times. If you leave this up to God then you are being an irresponsible person. Millions upon millions of people are going to seriously suffer more than necessary. The fact that you can take such a flippant attitude towards this, which is going to visit the worst suffering on the poor and disenfranchised, really speaks ill of your mindset. Jesus commanded you to help the poor. Not piss all over them while joking about how God can handle the armagedon all on his own.

Hasan, seriously, do you know how ridiculous this sounds? It is a bunch of nonsense to put so much stock into scientific junk that's being debunked these days. You don't know how I really feel about the poor so don't even get me started. I'm too tired to launch into a debate with you so let's just leave it at that.

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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I think Hasan makes a valid point. If anthropogenic global warming is an actual thing (which, to reiterate, belongs to the realm of facts and data and hard science, not to political talking heads on Fox or MSNBC), then it would be irresponsible of us as Christians to laugh it off. Therefore we have a serious moral obligation to get all the facts and data.
There is just as much anti-scientific/anti-reason fundamentalism on the right wing as there is on the left.

Edited by Nihil Obstat
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southern california guy

[quote name='southern california guy' timestamp='1350244787' post='2493347']
As a gardener I'm looking forward to global warming! :evil: I want to grow a mangosteen fruit tree!!! :yahoo:


[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1350253276' post='2493390']
Sure. 20 million Bangladeshies may be displaced by this, with their rice fields wiped out, but you get to have a mango tree. Nothing narcissistic about that.

:harhar: They can move to Asia. I already have [size=5][b]2[/b][/size] mango trees! I want to get a mangosteen!!! "Narcissistic"? I don't know what that is.. but it doesn't sound good!


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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1350254869' post='2493401']
it also has many examples of iriots drinking the koolaid of the liberal media, having no sense of humor,[/QUOTE]

You make me sad.

[QUOTE]and whackjobs that think wiki is a magisterial document.[/QUOTE]

Not a magisterial document. Not even a document at all since it's a digital media. But a decent source for somebody with no idea what they are talking about to get a decent intro to a topic.

[QUOTE]is the earth warming? yes. [/QUOTE]


[QUOTE]anything we can do about it? no.[/QUOTE]

Absolutely wrong.

[QUOTE] natural cyclic phenomena? yep.[/QUOTE]

Natural cycles are involved. Hey, I wonder if natural warming cycles could be exacerbated by putting incredible amounts of a substance into the atmosphere that helps retain heat. Hm. That's a thinker.

[QUOTE]worry about it? nope[/QUOTE]

Do you have children

[QUOTE]so even if the waters do rise, it won;t be overnight. good thing God gave people legs..so they can walk away from the waterline...derp.[/QUOTE]

You really don't understand what you're talking about.

[QUOTE]disclaimer: anyone else making tongue-in-cheek jokes beware...serious lack of funny bones going on...

Oh. A lot of people are going to die in famines that could be avoided or mitigated. LOL!!

Humor is fine. Dark humor is fine. It's a great way to deal with the tragedies in life. But this isn't cleverness that I'm seeing. I'm seeing stupid attempts to deflect from a serious subject with humor. An attempt to use humor to create an ironic barrier that allows people to sleep comfortably knowing deep down that they are making decisions that will severely [i][color=#ff0000]floop[/color][/i] up the lives of incredible large numbers of people.

If you have children then the attitude you have towards this is appalling If you give the slightest [i][color=#ff0000]floop[/color][/i] about the poor of the world then your attitude about this is appalling.

Edited by Hasan
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[quote name='southern california guy' timestamp='1350265347' post='2493487']
:harhar: They can move to Asia. I already have [size=5][b]2[/b][/size] mango trees! I want to get a mangosteen!!! "Narcissistic"? I don't know what that is.. but it doesn't sound good!


A narcissist is an individual who only thinks about himself. An example of narcissism would be somebody who is happy to seriously disrupt the lives of millions of people if it means that he get's to add a mango tree to his garden.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1350266781' post='2493493']Oh. A lot of people are going to die in famines that could be avoided or mitigated. LOL!!

Humor is fine. Dark humor is fine. It's a great way to deal with the tragedies in life. But this isn't cleverness that I'm seeing. I'm seeing stupid attempts to deflect from a serious subject with humor. An attempt to use humor to create an ironic barrier that allows people to sleep comfortably knowing deep down that they are making decisions that will severely [i][color=#ff0000]floop[/color][/i] up the lives of incredible large numbers of people.

If you have children then the attitude you have towards this is appalling If you give the slightest [i][color=#ff0000]floop[/color][/i] about the poor of the world then your attitude about this is appalling.
Nevermind that hackers have repeatedly exposed it as false science, if you don't agree that global warming will kill us all unless we support Obama's cap and trade and electric cars that explode in our driveways ideas than you hate the poor and are a heartless bastage.

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1350255021' post='2493403']

wiki again? dude - move out of your parents' basement. that's like reading the back of a froot loops box for a geometry lesson.[/QUOTE]

I've only cited wikipedia once. You actually could fit a lot of basic geometric proofs on the back of a cereal box. I think you may want to focus more on basic arithmetic, specifically the difference between a number being equal to one as opposed to more than one, before moving onto something like geometry.

[QUOTE]yes i have a daughter. good thing i taught her to swim, huh? LORF!!!

Then, in this particular instance, you are being irresponsible as a parent.

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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1350267181' post='2493495']
Nevermind that hackers have repeatedly exposed it as false science[/QUOTE]

That is not true. Do three minutes of research

[QUOTE] if you don't agree that global warming will kill us all unless we support Obama's cap and trade and electric cars that explode in our driveways ideas than you hate the poor and are a heartless bastage.

Cap and trade is a republican idea. But yes, if you aren't willing to seriously engage with the problems of climate change then you are being morally irresponsible. Sorry.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1350255268' post='2493404']

[color=#222222][font=Helvetica Neue', Arial, Verdana, sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]At the end of the day, anthropogenic global warming is a scientific question that must be settled by scientists. That means tests, hard data, and peer reviews. No talking heads, liberal or conservative, have either the scientific knowledge and training, or the in-depth understanding of the actual questions to have even the smallest idea what they are talking about.

After all, anyone with more than a quarter of a brain can see how appalling the media is at reporting on anything vaguely science related. They practically just make up their entire articles, based on the first and last sentence of the abstract. :rolleyes: It is pathetic.

I certainly am not equipped to make sweeping statements on the issue. So rather than asking Al Gore or Rush Limbaugh to do my thinking for me, I would rather know what the [i]actual data[/i] and [i]actual studies[/i] support.[/background][/size][/font][/color]

It has been settled by scientists. I recently linked a physicist from Berkeley who was a climate change skeptic (one of the very, very few legitimate scientists who still was) who did a massive study via his institute, in large part funded by the Koch brothers, who concluded that the evidence is simply undeniable.

I linked the actual statement but here is a reporting of it. If you want to find the actual study that'd be pretty easy to do.


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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1350267809' post='2493498']

It has been settled by scientists. I recently linked a physicist from Berkeley who was a climate change skeptic (one of the very, very few legitimate scientists who still was) who did a massive study via his institute, in large part funded by the Koch brothers, who concluded that the evidence is simply undeniable.

I linked the actual statement but here is a reporting of it. If you want to find the actual study that'd be pretty easy to do.

I am trying to stay non-committal because I am not willing to go hunting for sources tonight. :smile3: But I basically agree.

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1350260923' post='2493448']
Hasan, seriously, do you know how ridiculous this sounds? It is a bunch of nonsense to put so much stock into scientific junk that's being debunked these days. [/QUOTE]

What about it is ridiculous?


[QUOTE]You don't know how I really feel about the poor so don't even get me started. [/QUOTE]

Well, I know how you feel about this issue that is going to savagely impact a lot of the poorest people on earth. And that says a lot.

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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1350262437' post='2493462']
I agree Math is terrifying. Global Warming math is more useless than calculus however.

Math is a wonderful thing and calculus is actually incredible important.

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