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Florida Passes Plan For Racially-based Academic Goals


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[quote name='Era Might' timestamp='1350437361' post='2494134']
It must be close to Halloween. That's white a few straw men you've built up.

Everyday is Halloween for Socrates.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1350672062' post='2494926']
Plenty of republicans are. I don't know where in the south you have lived but if you deny this then you're either lying or haven't spent too much time with your base. I've seen it plenty in my everyday life since I was a kid and I see it now when I get yelled at for working for a 'spook.'
What kind of backwater craphole do you live in?

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1350672062' post='2494926']
Plenty of republicans are. I don't know where in the south you have lived but if you deny this then you're either lying or haven't spent too much time with your base. I've seen it plenty in my everyday life since I was a kid and I see it now when I get yelled at for working for a 'spook.'
[/quote]I echo Winchester's question on what croutons-hole you live in and you really need to think about hanging out in condemned trailer parks with meth addicts. I've lived almost all my life in rural Florida. I've seen burning crosses and KKK 'club houses' in the 60's and 70's where I live, but that's ancient history and not the norm, or accepted by anyone in this day and age. I work in construction, pretty blue collar. There's butt-knuckles everywhere, but it's the exception and not tolerated, especially against blacks. There's much more racism concerning Mexicans.

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[quote name='Era Might' timestamp='1350250492' post='2493376']
Maybe you are but I'm not. I don't buy into the idea that race / ethnicity / culture is politically irrelevant. Many white conservatives insist they're not racist, they're just opposed to President Obama's politics. And that may be true, they don't hate people merely based on skin color. But race is a political construction. To be "black" or "white" or "brown" is not merely a matter of pigment, but has a political history, and that political narrative is part of the dominant experience for those groups of people. It is in that sense that there is a racial dimension to the political hatred for President Obama. His skin and his politics are tied to a racial political history, and it is that political history that many blacks are attaching themselves to when they support Obama. It's no coincidence that President Obama is vilified as a dangerous socialist...that is part of the conservative political history in the 20th century, the fear they had when blacks and others around the world started to throw off colonial powers and racial inferiority, which, yes, often was tied up in socialist politics (capitalism was hardly a likely means of throwing off colonial power).[/quote]
Conservatives consider Obama a socialist because he bought GM against the will of stock holders, forces ethanol use, and mandates all Americans buy healthcare insurance merely for existing. Of course some might counter that on healthcare Romney did the same thing in Massachusetts, but so what? How does that change what Obama is?

[quote]The idea that blacks are their own political group, with their own political history and social experience, is cause for fear among many Americans. They prefer to see being "American" like a religious identity, something that is ideological and universal. But, of course, their standard for being "American" is based on white middle class experiences.[/quote]
The idea of America as a religion died quite some time ago in what seems to be the subprime mortgage crisis, but I can't be sure of it's exact cause of death. All I know is upon returning to the States from Okinawa in 2009 I could still smell the religion's rotting flesh. America only needs, and only can be, a religion when she is under attack and at war. It is nothing white America ever could or would want to take upon itself to create. Every race has it's own history, and it will always have an undeniable impact to who those people are, and how they perceive the world, but why one Earth does that mean anyone deserves something not earned?

Besides, everyone knows about Obamnesia, the mental disorder affecting voters making them forget unemployment numbers. It's caused by white guilt, black pride, and consuming MSNBC and marijuana at the same time. The recommended treatment is to have one's resume forcibly stuffed into a binder and sent off to a newly elected Governor's Office for consideration of a position, and repeat and until the victim likes it.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1350672062' post='2494926']
Plenty of republicans are. I don't know where in the south you have lived but if you deny this then you're either lying or haven't spent too much time with your base. I've seen it plenty in my everyday life since I was a kid and I see it now when I get yelled at for working for a 'spook.'
Don't know exactly what "base" of mine you're referring to, but most of my family and friends are staunch conservatives who would never dream of voting for your Dear Leader, and none of our reasons for doing so has a beaver dam thing to do with his race. As if there weren't already enough reasons to oppose him. As an old family friend hailing from Pflugerville, Texas said, "His ethnicity is only thing I like about him." I don't know what trailer park you've been hangin' in.

Yeah, I'm sure you can find racists among those opposed to Obama, but I'm sure there are also Obama supporters who hate Whitey. But I wouldn't generalize Obama's supporters as racists. I will generalize them as idiots, though.

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Groo the Wanderer

[color=#282828][font='Open Sans', sans-serif]easy analysis:[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font='Open Sans', sans-serif]1. either Romney or Obama WILL win the election[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font='Open Sans', sans-serif]2. a vote for neither is the same as a vote for Obama[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font='Open Sans', sans-serif]3. neither is truly pro life, but Romney is closer, hence an improvement[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font='Open Sans', sans-serif]that's like not praying in front of the abortion clinic because you might only save 1 life out of the 50 that day. save the 1 when you can for pete's sakes![/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font='Open Sans', sans-serif]REALLY PHOLKS!?!?!?![/font][/color]

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