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Florida Passes Plan For Racially-based Academic Goals


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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1350249174' post='2493373']
i see no skin colors. we are all mesopotamian
Maybe you are but I'm not. I don't buy into the idea that race / ethnicity / culture is politically irrelevant. Many white conservatives insist they're not racist, they're just opposed to President Obama's politics. And that may be true, they don't hate people merely based on skin color. But race is a political construction. To be "black" or "white" or "brown" is not merely a matter of pigment, but has a political history, and that political narrative is part of the dominant experience for those groups of people. It is in that sense that there is a racial dimension to the political hatred for President Obama. His skin and his politics are tied to a racial political history, and it is that political history that many blacks are attaching themselves to when they support Obama. It's no coincidence that President Obama is vilified as a dangerous socialist...that is part of the conservative political history in the 20th century, the fear they had when blacks and others around the world started to throw off colonial powers and racial inferiority, which, yes, often was tied up in socialist politics (capitalism was hardly a likely means of throwing off colonial power).

The idea that blacks are their own political group, with their own political history and social experience, is cause for fear among many Americans. They prefer to see being "American" like a religious identity, something that is ideological and universal. But, of course, their standard for being "American" is based on white middle class experiences.

Americans fear radical politics, and these politics are personified in the black man, the Other. Right now, it's personified in one particular black man: Barack Obama. His reputation as a radical is out of size with his bland, conventional American patriotism, but for many Americans he is the bogeyman, and that is largely because as a black man he represents a political history that has travelled a different road than white political history in America.

I fear I may have gone off topic. Apologies.

Edited by Era Might
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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1350250904' post='2493378']
You have been reading Hegel, am I right? :smile3:
Hehe. No, but just finished reading a biography of Malcolm X, who was in the middle of all this in the 60s, and he read Hegel.

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[quote name='Era Might' timestamp='1350250981' post='2493379']
Hehe. No, but just finished reading a biography of Malcolm X, who was in the middle of all this in the 60s, and he read Hegel.
I thought I smelt some Spirit in there. ;)

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1350245819' post='2493353']
race will cease to be an issue when the liberal pantywastes stop making it an issue.

I'm glad you've never experienced real racism.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1350251875' post='2493384']
I thought I smelt some Spirit in there. ;)

I knew you'd become a booze-hound someday.

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Groo the Wanderer

[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1350268855' post='2493506']

I'm glad you've never experienced real racism.

i actually posted earlier about this, but you didnt bother to read. guess you prefer being a

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1350270328' post='2493520']
i actually posted earlier about this, but you didnt bother to read. guess you prefer being a

In this thread?

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1350245819' post='2493353']
race will cease to be an issue when the liberal pantywastes stop making it an issue. i check all boxes on every form asking that stupid question. if its fill in the blank i answer 'human'

that should be good enough.

Unfortunately, Groo, this doesn't work in less developed countries where racism is a very big deal. It also doesn't work in even developed countries where for instance black people have a higher chance of living in poverty and thus more prone to violence so people of other colors become prejudiced. I have an uncle who knows Italians as "Whops" (Whatever a "whop" is) and an uncle who refers to black people as many names to prove it.

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Groo the Wanderer

[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1350278821' post='2493577']

Unfortunately, Groo, this doesn't work in less developed countries where racism is a very big deal.

So you think Florida is a less developed country? I know they aint Texas, but they aint Arkansas neither.

You went to publik skools huh?

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