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SO I WENT TO THE CARNIVAL TONIGHT... :eat: :drunks: :eek:

(I couldn't abstain from meat at the carnival; everything had meat in it. So I abstained from funnel cake. :| )

I ran into a lady who I've only had a decent conversation with once or twice. She was working at a fundraising booth for the women's group. She comes to the 10:30 Mass (the same Mass we go to). The most conversation I have with her on a regular basis is a wave :wave: after Mass before I leave.

Well, tonight, she said to me, "I've been meaning to ask you if you're discerning!!!" Not, "I think you'd make a great sister!" or, "Have you ever considered the religious life?"

She actually had a feeling that I was discerning without me even mentioning it.




Okay, remember, I've only talked to this lady one or two times.


Edited by DiscerningCatholic
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Nice. That is pretty outstanding. Obviously God is behind your vocation if He puts someone in your life who "knows".

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its a face that means she probably guessed something was up from the t shirt you were wearing with this big shield on it


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Totally Franciscan

God works in mysterious ways. There has been a nice young man at our church, who brings his grandfather, and his mother is the cantor. He is so very tender with his disabled elderly grandfather that it just warms my heart to see him. It had been on my heart to ask him if he had considered the priesthood, but it was never the right timing. Two Sundays ago I happened to be sitting behind him, so after Mass he turned around to me, and we started a conversation. I asked him if he had considered being a priest. To my surprise, he answered in the affirmative. Indeed, the Holy Spirit is at work!

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[quote name='Totally Franciscan' timestamp='1350147213' post='2493090']
God works in mysterious ways. There has been a nice young man at our church, who brings his grandfather, and his mother is the cantor. He is so very tender with his disabled elderly grandfather that it just warms my heart to see him. It had been on my heart to ask him if he had considered the priesthood, but it was never the right timing. Two Sundays ago I happened to be sitting behind him, so after Mass he turned around to me, and we started a conversation. I asked him if he had considered being a priest. To my surprise, he answered in the affirmative. Indeed, the Holy Spirit is at work!

:like: :like: :like:

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I'm not sure how many times that's happened to me by now.... Of course, not all of them were quite as clear as "Are you going to be a nun?", but I've gotten that too.

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I'd always heard of this happening but it never happened to me until a few months ago. Someone who I am an EMHC with asked me if I was considering religious life because I'm very active in the Church. I got a big smile on my face! :)

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The religious who is my SD for retreats told me the first meeting we had that she thought I had a vocation. It's always good to ask; even if someone isn't discerning, the seed is planted. A religious sister in the order I am now discerning with asked me if I'd ever thought about it my freshman year of high school--and look where I am today!

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