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The Foster Care System


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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1350969097' post='2496231']

I'm pretty sure the "appropriate" line was crossed when he said he hated kids in foster care and that all they did was manipulate. His post to Catherine was just icing on the cake.
Well for me at least, I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt when we are talking in general terms. Also I am not really educated in this area, so I do not have anything to add.
But I find it quite inappropriate to move from general concepts to specifics, like in that post. There is a lot of difference in my opinion between saying "foster children are manipulative" and saying "[i]your[/i] foster children are manipulating [i]you[/i]."
There are nearly always exceptions to generalizations. There is not room for exceptions when you are talking about specific people. That is what I have an issue with here.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1350970823' post='2496236']
Well for me at least, I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt when we are talking in general terms. Also I am not really educated in this area, so I do not have anything to add.
But I find it quite inappropriate to move from general concepts to specifics, like in that post. There is a lot of difference in my opinion between saying "foster children are manipulative" and saying "[i]your[/i] foster children are manipulating [i]you[/i]."
There are nearly always exceptions to generalizations. There is not room for exceptions when you are talking about specific people. That is what I have an issue with here.

Of course. But a slight at all foster children is a slight to those who have them, even if you are not really specific. I do agree that you are right, but simply saying all foster kids are manipulative and that you hate them is bad enough. Is it really necessary to get [i]super [/i]personal?

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1350971510' post='2496239']

Of course. But a slight at all foster children is a slight to those who have them, even if you are not really specific. I do agree that you are right, but simply saying all foster kids are manipulative and that you hate them is bad enough. Is it really necessary to get [i]super [/i]personal?
[color=#222222][font='Helvetica Neue', Arial, Verdana, sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]

I believe it is admirable to want to believe the best about people. :)
Always correct, perhaps not. But the inclination itself is worth something.[/background][/size][/font][/color]

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1350971825' post='2496240']

[color=#222222][font=Helvetica Neue', Arial, Verdana, sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]I believe it is admirable to want to believe the best about people. :)
Always correct, perhaps not. But the inclination itself is worth something.[/background][/size][/font][/color]

Some in my family are super critical and judge everyone, and it rubbed off on me for so long. I eventually realized it was wrong and so I quit. I believe there is good in everyone and that everyone can become a very good and upstanding person. Having a positive outlook on life and about people makes you happier, and it helps others to become less critical and judgmental. To me the choice in believing in people is obvious. I do not understand others that don't believe in others, but thankfully due to my beliefs I believe they can change. :hehe:

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We've dealt with people telling us that Zack is using us and we're suckers. We drive him to school, provide a roof over his head and feed him. He gets used clothes routinely because he keeps outgrowing stuff. If he was our natural son, no one would say anything. We'd probably be considered abusive for making him get his
clothes at the thrift store.

Taking in the new boy who is mentally retarded has gotten us branded as saints. I told Zack that I guess for people to think he was worthy of being adopted as a 17 year old that we'd need to drop him on his head or something. Being an orphan is enough.

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Whatever. If you people want to see yourselves as saints I don't care. It's not like there actually is going to be a God at the end anyway.

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I think its great that people are adopting and looking after orphaned kids, why do you have a problem with other people doing that?

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[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1351016026' post='2496372']
I think its great that people are adopting and looking after orphaned kids, why do you have a problem with other people doing that?
I never said I did. All I said was that I hate foster kids because I've had way too many negative experiences with them to still think of them as beings worth much of my sympathy, and the local self-righteous Pharisees here suddenly accuse me of being against the whole human race, and criticize people who adopt. What the blazes is wrong with you people?

Edited by r2Dtoo
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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1351025517' post='2496452']

I never said I did. All I said was that I hate [b]black people[/b] because I've had way too many negative experiences with them to still think of them as beings worth much of my sympathy, and the local self-righteous Pharisees here suddenly accuse me of being against the whole human race, and criticize people who adopt. What the blazes is wrong with you people?

Trololol? Seriously, that was way, way too easy.

Edited by Nihil Obstat
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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1351025811' post='2496453']
Trololol? Seriously, that was way, way too lame.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1351030096' post='2496514']
People use that same reasoning to come to that conclusion every day.
Random Guy: I had a bad experience at Starbucks, so I think I'm going to go to Dunkin Doughnuts for coffee instead.

Nihil Obstat: You're a racist.

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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1351030227' post='2496518']
Random Guy: I had a bad experience at Starbucks, so I think I'm going to go to Dunkin Doughnuts for coffee instead.

Nihil Obstat: You're a racist.
Starbucks = people? Dayum man, that is some Soylent Green stuff there.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1351030322' post='2496520']
Starbucks = people? Dayum man, that is some Soylent Green stuff there.
The difference between foster kids and races is that you can't change your race. Foster kids grow up into adults that will be held accountable for their actions.

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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1351030994' post='2496530']
The difference between foster kids and races is that you can't change your race. Foster kids grow up into adults that will be held accountable for their actions.
Can foster kids change being foster kids?

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