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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1350887044' post='2495876']

Wait wait wait wait wait... You're saying that as a seventeen year old girl I would not want to have nineteen and twenty one year old foster parents because I would be raped?[/quote]
Yes, apparently you have no idea what "statutory rape" is.

[quote]Why are nineteen and twenty one year old's so special? Why just them?[/quote]
Because of the situation it would be incredibly easy for the 21 year old man to manipulate both the 17 and 19 year old girls. It really shouldn't be that difficult to see what could happen.

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[quote name='Staretz' timestamp='1350925220' post='2495933']Would you like to rephrase what you said above in my presence?[/quote]

Why should the fact that you overcame your obstacles as an adult (and good on you for it) change by impressions of a group of minors?

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It all comes down to if you can cope with foster kids being manipulative without them bringing you down, then take them in. If not, then don't. I know that those who adopt older or special needs chidren are sometimes required to take classes in preparation. They could offer preparation classes for those who wish to become foster parents so that they can handle such situations. The classes would need to be properly done of course. You don't want to simply scare the possible foster parents, but provide them with tools to use. I know that sometimes adoption preparation classes can go overboard on the scaring.

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='tinytherese' timestamp='1350939322' post='2495990']
It all comes down to if you can cope with foster kids being manipulative without them bringing you down, then take them in. If not, then don't. I know that those who adopt older or special needs chidren are sometimes required to take classes in preparation. They could offer preparation classes for those who wish to become foster parents so that they can handle such situations. The classes would need to be properly done of course. You don't want to simply scare the possible foster parents, but provide them with tools to use. I know that sometimes adoption preparation classes can go overboard on the scaring.
[/quote]they do offer classes for foster parents. At least, it was required in KY when my parents were fostering some kids.

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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1350938190' post='2495979']
Yes, apparently you have no idea what "statutory rape" is.

Because of the situation it would be incredibly easy for the 21 year old man to manipulate both the 17 and 19 year old girls. It really shouldn't be that difficult to see what could happen.

It's easy for a man of [i]any [/i]age to manipulate a seventeen year old girl. And let's not forget in my scenario he is married to the nineteen year old girl in the first place, so I would like to assume he would not have to manipulate his own wife in order to have sex with him.

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[quote name='Slappo' timestamp='1350937890' post='2495977']
Two huge differences:
1. Your sister isn't a stranger. She's a relative.
2. Your sister is married to her husband, not living with her boyfriend.

Having a 17 year old bunk up with a couple friends of her's a few years older is not a [b]foster [u]home[/u][/b]. The young adult friends aren't going to teach her financial planning, provide real life wisdom on relationships, discipline her, encourage/force her to complete high school etc...

My point still stands. I wasn't saying me specifically. I'm saying there are people that age who would do well with foster kids, even if the people are not relatives. This was my point. And my sister and future brother-in-law most certainly have good real life wisdom on relationships as they are, quite obviously, getting married and stuff, and both of them are college graduates so they would certainly encourage anyone in their care to finish high school. Will they be as good as people that are thirty? It depends. I know I would rather live with them than anybody else I know.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1350941366' post='2496007']

It's easy for a man of [i]any [/i]age to manipulate a seventeen year old girl. And let's not forget in my scenario he is married to the nineteen year old girl in the first place, so I would like to assume he would not have to manipulate his own wife in order to have sex with him.
LOL! You really are naive.

It's incredibly likely for a 21 year old young, dumb, and full of sperm man to sleep with the 17 year old, and if caught by his wife could convince her that it was really the girls fault, and all hell breaks loose. That happening to you is possible, but unlikely.

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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1350942798' post='2496016']
LOL! You really are naive.

It's incredibly likely for a 21 year old young, dumb, and full of sperm man to sleep with the 17 year old, and if caught by his wife could convince her that it was really the girls fault, and all hell breaks loose. That happening to you is possible, but unlikely.

You seem to imply that a man is incapable of self-control. Don't throw every man under the bus just because you have these problems. Self-control can be attained.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1350944467' post='2496035']

You seem to imply that a man is incapable of self-control. Don't throw every man under the bus just because you have these problems. Self-control can be attained.
You will learn to have less and less faith in humanity as you get older.

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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1350944709' post='2496040']
You will learn to have less and less faith in humanity as you get older.

You did, but not everyone does. Again, stop throwing humanity under the bus just because you have these experiences. You are not everyone and you do not speak for everyone.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1350944765' post='2496041']

You did, but not everyone does. Again, stop throwing humanity under the bus just because you have these experiences. You are not everyone and you do not speak for everyone.
You are in no position to make these comments due to your youth and inexperience which you've been putting on display all day here. You made a very broad generalization that just because I hate foster kids means I hate the whole of humanity. I don't.

I hate foster kids because I've worked with too many of them. Am I jaded? Maybe, but who cares? Social workers have every resposibilty to think worst case scenario with their kids and think of ways to minimize the possibility. It might not be "fair", but they do.

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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1350945546' post='2496044']
You are in no position to make these comments due to your youth and inexperience which you've been putting on display all day here. You made a very broad generalization that just because I hate foster kids means I hate the whole of humanity. I don't.

I hate foster kids because I've worked with too many of them. Am I jaded? Maybe, but who cares? Social workers have every resposibilty to think worst case scenario with their kids and think of ways to minimize the possibility. It might not be "fair", but they do.

I didn't say you hate the whole of humanity. You said you didn't believe in humanity and that when I get older I wouldn't as well. Stop generalizing the entire population to fit with your life experiences.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1350945715' post='2496046']

I didn't say you hate the whole of humanity. You said you didn't believe in humanity and that when I get older I wouldn't as well. Stop generalizing the entire population to fit with your life experiences.
You contradict yourself so many times in this statement I want to know which Presidental canadidate are you?

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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1350946208' post='2496052']
You contradict yourself so many times in this statement I want to know which Presidental canadidate are you?

Not believing in humanity and hating humanity are two different things. If you correlate them as the same thing that is your own problem.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1350946374' post='2496054']

Not believing in humanity and hating humanity are two different things. If you correlate them as the same thing that is your own problem.
Where did I say I didn't believe in humanity?

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