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The Foster Care System


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Groo the Wanderer

[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1350414118' post='2494022']
That was my perception. Doing a google search I discovered that it isn't all that clear, maybe from 5%-10%, somewhere in between.
I'm thinking that because gay couples can't concieve of themselves then they might be more likely to adopt (just a theory). But it is quite significant. Many kids could have loving parents rather than being stuck in orphanages and foster care.

I understand that Catholic belief consider homosexuality a sin, but they also consider all humans to be sinners.
So I am wondering, do you think it is better for kids to be in an orphanage or in a loving family, despite the parents being gay?

not necessarily a loving family. keep going on the google searches. you'll find the studies showing that SSA households have a much higher rate of domestic violence than households built the way God designed them

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1350686507' post='2495117']

not necessarily a loving family. keep going on the google searches. you'll find the studies showing that SSA households have a much higher rate of domestic violence than households built the way God designed them
Which studies?

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Groo the Wanderer





these to start...

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It is so easy to find what you are looking for, especially when only taking a superficial look into things.

Child abuse rate at zero percent in lesbian households, new report finds

where studies do mention adoption they often fail to distinguish between outcomes for unrelated children versus those in their original family or step-families, causing research on the more general case of LGBT parenting to be used to counter the claims of LGBT-adoption opponents.[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_adoption#cite_note-Charlotte_Patterson_2007.2C_pg._2-0"][1][/url][/sup] One study has addressed the question directly, evaluating the outcomes of adoptees less than 3-years old who had been placed in one of 56 lesbian and gay households since infancy. Despite the small sample and the fact that the children have yet to become aware of their adoption status or the dynamics of gender development, the study found no significant associations between parental sexual orientation and child adjustment, making the results consistent with notions that two parents of the same gender can be capable parents and that parental sexual orientation is not related to parenting skill or child adjustment[/quote]
Supporters of LGBT adoption suggest that many children are in need of homes and claim that since parenting ability is unrelated to sexual orientation
It pointed to studies finding higher than average abuse rates among heterosexual stepparent families compared with families headed by biological parents.[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_adoption#cite_note-4"][5][/url][/sup][sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_adoption#cite_note-5"][6][/url][/sup] The American Psychological Association, however, notes that an ongoing longitudinal study found that [b]none of the lesbian mothers had abused their children[/b]. It states that [b]fears of a heightened risk of sexual abuse by gay parents are not supported by research[/b]

Certainly more such studies are important and can only result in better out comes for the children.
Studies need to be objective and balance and need to be focused on the welfare of the adopted children.
If abuse is to be assessed then it needs compare adopted children in gay families with adopted children in hetro families, it needs to compare based on reigion, based on race, based on socio-economic. Then an assessment needs to be made as to where the children are better off, whether they remain in an orphanage or are placed in any one of these potential families.

Of course if it is proven that a child is better off remaining in an orphanage rather than placed in a specific adoptive family, then child needs to be where the better of the two options is.

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1350790000' post='2495545']
neither huffington nor wiki are regarded as relevant or responsible sources
If this is true, then in all fairness you cannot cite NARTH. :smile3:

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1350426213' post='2494072']

I wouldn't say that is always necessarily terrifying. If I were put under my sister and her husband-to-be's care I would do perfectly fine.
So says something with a penis.

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One of the biggest problems with the foster system is "aging out." When a child turns 18, his or her foster parents can turn them out. In some cases there are transitional housing available, and if a foster family is a good family, they will let the child stay on until he or she graduates from high school.

Since having a high school diploma is necessary at this point in America, it's incredibly important that all children receive one. All too often in my state, foster families turn the children out and the many end up homeless.

Foster care is such a complicated system with so many problems. I know a professor who is working on a study about children aging out here. Hopefully her work and the work of other professors and social workers can help the system reform.

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1350790000' post='2495545']
neither huffington nor wiki are regarded as relevant or responsible sources
Going by the edgeboston article that you provided, the problem seems to be men.
The more men you have in the family, the more likelihood of abuse that there is. So two men is more likely than just one man, no men (two women) are much less likely.
So if we go by that report and going by the premise that a family that is less likely to have domestic abuse is a better family for adoption then it seems a lesbian family is best suited for adoption.

Domestic abuse is real, it happens even in hetro relationships. So instead of giving up on adoption altogether (or restricting to lesbian families only), the people that adopt out kids need to do certain back-ground checks, do the adults have a history of violence or alcohol abuse? They also need to check in on the families to make sure the kids are safe and loved.

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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1350841401' post='2495687']
So says something with a penis.

Do what now?

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1350865350' post='2495776']

Do what now?
Just that you would think that you could put yourself in the position of a 17 year old girl and it would actually be comparable situation.

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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1350872814' post='2495805']
Just that you would think that you could put yourself in the position of a 17 year old girl and it would actually be comparable situation.

I wasn't. I said there are some cases where you can be placed with very young people who are mature, responsible adults who would do way better than some into their forties and fifties. I didn't say as the seventeen year old girl I would rest assured that all would be okay.

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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1350872814' post='2495805']
Just that you would think that you could put yourself in the position of a 17 year old girl and it would actually be comparable situation.

I am pretty sure they call that entrapment.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1350877128' post='2495818']

I wasn't. I said there are some cases where you can be placed with very young people who are mature, responsible adults who would do way better than some into their forties and fifties. I didn't say as the seventeen year old girl I would rest assured that all would be okay.
If you were a girl I would still say no. The only thing that makes the situation you describe different is your gender.

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