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Give Me A Reason Why Catholicism Is Preferable To Orthodoxy...

Basilisa Marie

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Mark of the Cross

Actually I like that Orthodox view on marriage. The Catholic Church approach of no divorce, so we will invent some lame reason to say that it never happened has seemed to make me be inclined to be a little cynical about it. Certainly some marriages are made in heaven, but most are not. People being humans rush in where angels fear to tread. I think it quite reasonable to allow a mistake or even two.

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[quote name='Selah' timestamp='1353006968' post='2510664']
I love Coptic Christians. Some of the kindest people I have ever met. Love 'em.
If you have a Coptic Church close by, they acknowledge that Eastern Orthodox as perfectly Orthodox with a matter of translation back in the day between them. That might be a cool place to hang while you wait for the chance to be closer to an Eastern Orthodox church.

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1353014264' post='2510758']
My religion is more loving and tolerant than yours and if you don't agree I will get mad and kill you.
James 1:27 Religion clean and undefiled before God and the Father, is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their tribulation: and to keep one's self unspotted from this world.

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[quote name='Light and Truth' timestamp='1353017270' post='2510800']
If you have a Coptic Church close by, they acknowledge that Eastern Orthodox as perfectly Orthodox with a matter of translation back in the day between them. That might be a cool place to hang while you wait for the chance to be closer to an Eastern Orthodox church.

I wish there was! I'd be there in a heartbeat :D

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Something I find tends to get a laugh out of everyone, Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant:

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1353017238' post='2510799']
Actually I like that Orthodox view on marriage. The Catholic Church approach of no divorce, so we will invent some lame reason to say that it never happened has seemed to make me be inclined to be a little cynical about it. Certainly some marriages are made in heaven, but most are not. People being humans rush in where angels fear to tread. I think it quite reasonable to allow a mistake or even two.

The thing is Jesus didn't really allow for a mistake or two. If you're going to allow 3 there's no real reason to stop at 4. After all, if a woman just has bad luck and her 3rd husband starts beating her, Orthodoxy won't allow her to divorce him and marry again. She's stuck with him. There is NO flexibility in allowing a 4th try.

In that regard I prefer the Protestant and Catholic approaches, very much so. The Protestants (most of them) go all the way and say "divorce and remarry as many times as you need to, to be happy." The Catholics say "Till death do you part." The Orthodox say "three strikes and you're out" which to me undermines both the need to be happy in your marriage (if the 3rd husband turns out to be a stinker, too bad) and what Jesus taught about marriage (remarrying after divorce is adultery). I'd love to hear the history of how they settled on 3, and not 2 or 4. From what I understand it was adopted under secular imperial pressure.

Another difference I like is the wedding ceremony itself. In Orthodoxy the priest is the one who confects the sacrament, he is the "minister" of the sacrament. Whereas for Romans the bride and groom themselves are the ministers of the sacrament. The Roman approach echoes Jewish traditional theology much more strongly. In an Orthodox wedding ceremony there are no vows - the bridal couple simply appear before the priest and he makes everything happen. I loved being able to say my vows!

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1352928017' post='2510004']
But the Roman Catholic Church IS in communion with the catholic Church founded by Christ!


I never said it wasnt. There are around 20 rites that are part of the Catholic Church the Roman/ Latin rite being one of them. Some Eastern rites are and some arent.

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[quote name='Selah' timestamp='1353029585' post='2510939']

its pretty but russian orthodox arent in union with the pope so they need to fix that

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1352933027' post='2510057']
Light and truth is correct. Many Catholics place the Catholic Church over Christ. The Church that Christ founded is [b]Christianity.[/b] If we are going to argue that a particular denomination is the true Church because it was first, then Judaism is the true church. Jesus religion is a doctrine of Christianity that he taught and he said he would build that on Peter. But what he meant was all those who taught his doctrine are the successors of Peter. The Roman Church now acknowledges that all those who live a Christian life but in ignorance of Jesus through not being taught or by being deceived are members of the catholic Church. The other sheep not of this fold even include other religions and non religions. Cardinal George Pell stated on Q&A that atheists have the possibility of salvation. Do you really think the God of love will reject one who loves him in their heart but rejects him in mind due to disinformation/brain washing ?


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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1353030271' post='2510962']

its pretty but russian orthodox arent in union with the pope so they need to fix that

Okay. When Rome is ready to reunite with Constantinople, give them a call :)

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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1353030165' post='2510957']I never said it wasnt. There are around 20 rites that are part of the Catholic Church the Roman/ Latin rite being one of them. Some Eastern rites are and some arent.[/quote]
What mean ye?

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