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Give Me A Reason Why Catholicism Is Preferable To Orthodoxy...

Basilisa Marie

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I prefer Catholicism because it is overall less rigid - Orthodox doctrine is "frozen in time" and they lack the mechanisms to interact with the challenges of modernity. For instance, what is the Orthodox teaching on in vitro fertilization? Different people have different opinions. Theologians argue all day long. There is no consensus.

In terms of liturgy, art and architecture there's not much room for creativity or for different cultures to bring their own innovative gifts.

There's also a lack of missionary spirit in Orthodoxy - whereas evangelization is a huge thing for the Roman church. In my experience the churches are very ethnic and insular - very tight knit but inward looking.

There's not as wide a variety of religious orders AT ALL in Orthodoxy - there's no equivalent to the Franciscans or the Dominicans, for instance. Monasticism is pretty much it. Apparently this is because most of our non-monastic orders sprang up post-schism, so the Orthodox didn't get to benefit from this.

The Orthodox allow you to divorce and remarry 3 times. Where did they get 3? The saying goes that they "bless the first marriage, perform the second, tolerate the third, and forbid the fourth." Totally nonsensical and not biblical at all. Sometimes annulments are handled incorrectly in the Roman church, but at least it's not an arbitrary number of allowed divorces.

So many reasons, yet I do love the Orthodox and I can't wait for the schism to be healed.

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Interesting thing I learned today. The SSPX will refuse to marry people when one or both of them have previously obtained an annulment. It is not because they reject the idea of annulments as a concept, but they do not trust the current tribunals as being able to determine beyond any doubt whether or not the original marriage was valid. Since they do not have jurisdiction to form their own tribunals, they simply consider themselves as being unable to act in those situations.


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How many Eastern Orthodox Christians even post at Phatmass?

It is pretty easy to say something about Orthodoxy (even something that misrepresents the Orthodox faith) when there really is no one to rebut what you are saying.

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[quote name='Maggie' timestamp='1352949508' post='2510297']I prefer Catholicism because it is overall less rigid - Orthodox doctrine is "frozen in time" and they lack the mechanisms to interact with the challenges of modernity. For instance, what is the Orthodox teaching on in vitro fertilization? Different people have different opinions. Theologians argue all day long. There is no consensus.[/quote]
I don't think that "mechanisms" are as necessary if you have a good foundation. I prefer Orthodoxy because it seems less dogmatic on things that I do not believe are as important.

[quote name='Maggie' timestamp='1352949508' post='2510297']In terms of liturgy, art and architecture there's not much room for creativity or for different cultures to bring their own innovative gifts.[/quote]
I find more exposure to creativity within Orthodoxy because of the opportunity to see how different cultures express themselves. In Catholicism, mostly I just hear the same old Roman Rite stuff.

[quote name='Maggie' timestamp='1352949508' post='2510297']There's also a lack of missionary spirit in Orthodoxy - whereas evangelization is a huge thing for the Roman church. In my experience the churches are very ethnic and insular - very tight knit but inward looking.[/quote]
I have run into several Orthodox missions/mission churches. I have never run into this in Catholicism. Granted, Orthodoxy does need to be more evangelical in this regard, but there is also a difference in philosophy of evangelism.

[quote name='Maggie' timestamp='1352949508' post='2510297']There's not as wide a variety of religious orders AT ALL in Orthodoxy - there's no equivalent to the Franciscans or the Dominicans, for instance. Monasticism is pretty much it. Apparently this is because most of our non-monastic orders sprang up post-schism, so the Orthodox didn't get to benefit from this.[/quote]
Why is this of value?

[quote name='Maggie' timestamp='1352949508' post='2510297']The Orthodox allow you to divorce and remarry 3 times. Where did they get 3? The saying goes that they "bless the first marriage, perform the second, tolerate the third, and forbid the fourth." Totally nonsensical and not biblical at all. Sometimes annulments are handled incorrectly in the Roman church, but at least it's not an arbitrary number of allowed divorces.[/quote]
Even once is still to be avoided if possible. If you need to get married and divorced that many times, there is a problem, hence a cap. It also means that a young woman with young kids and whose husband starts to beat her doesn't have to stay with him or stay single for the next 60 years-remarriage is a lesser sin than staying single and falling into fornication.

[quote name='Maggie' timestamp='1352949508' post='2510297']So many reasons, yet I do love the Orthodox and I can't wait for the schism to be healed.[/quote]
We love you too.

Edited by Light and Truth
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[quote name='Apotheoun' timestamp='1352968044' post='2510453']
How many Eastern Orthodox Christians even post at Phatmass?

It is pretty easy to say something about Orthodoxy (even something that misrepresents the Orthodox faith) when there really is no one to rebut what you are saying.
I can pretty much guarantee you that I am the only Oriental Orthodox here, though I have a deep respect for my Eastern Orthodox brothers and sisters and hope that our churches can soon recognize in each other the Orthodox faith that we share and bridge the schism between us.

Edited by Light and Truth
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Nice post Light and Truth.

An Orthodox friend of mine was asked once by a Catholic "Why are Orthodox so doctrinally rigid?" And he responded to the question by saying, "What Catholics see as rigidity, we Orthodox see as fidelity to the truth given to us by Christ the Lord and His Holy Apostles."

I suppose it is a matter of perspective, but St. Jude did say that the faith "was once for all delivered to the saints," while he said nothing about doctrine constantly evolving over time.

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[quote name='Light and Truth' timestamp='1352969133' post='2510455']
I can pretty much guarantee you that I am the only Oriental Orthodox here, though I have a deep respect for my Eastern Orthodox brothers and sisters and hope that our churches can soon recognize the true unity of our Orthodox faith.
I think there is one other Oriental Orthodox Christian at Phatmass, but he has not posted in some time.

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because Catholic's: look better, act better, feel better, smell better and are happier, more joyful, peaceful, generious, conciderate, hard-working, faithful people.
not that there is anything wrong with orthodoxy... those people are good too!

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[quote name='add' timestamp='1352980480' post='2510465']
because Catholic's: look better, act better, feel better, smell better and are happier, more joyful, peaceful, generious, conciderate, hard-working, faithful people.
not that there is anything wrong with orthodoxy... those people are good too!

Well, that was highly insulting.

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[quote name='Apotheoun' timestamp='1352968044' post='2510453']
How many Eastern Orthodox Christians even post at Phatmass?

It is pretty easy to say something about Orthodoxy (even something that misrepresents the Orthodox faith) when there really is no one to rebut what you are saying.


And Todd, while I am not an Eastern Orthodox Christian, I have been wanting to convert for some time now. Sadly, there are little to no Churches in my area, though there are plenty in Charleston.

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[quote name='Selah' timestamp='1352982996' post='2510472']


And Todd, while I am not an Eastern Orthodox Christian, I have been wanting to convert for some time now. Sadly, there are little to no Churches in my area, though there are plenty in Charleston.

Plenty in my area I'm in now and we get along well. :) No snide comments from either side about is better. No intentionally trying to stir up angry responses or going on a crusade against one another. Catholics and Orthodox just living surprisingly Christ-like and not busy trying to prove why their side is "better".

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[quote name='BG45' timestamp='1353002775' post='2510628']

Plenty in my area I'm in now and we get along well. :) No snide comments from either side about is better. No intentionally trying to stir up angry responses or going on a crusade against one another. Catholics and Orthodox just living surprisingly Christ-like and not busy trying to prove why their side is "better".
Personally I have only seen people act like that on Phatmass. :P
I am friends with a Coptic Orthodox girl that I have known since junior high. She is part of an Orthodox students' association on campus, and I have attended their events a couple times. Very friendly people. None of them ever hassled me for my weird Latin sensibilities. ;)
Frankly, their club is much more fun than the Catholic group on campus. <_<

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[quote name='Selah' timestamp='1353006968' post='2510664']
I love Coptic Christians. Some of the kindest people I have ever met. Love 'em.
So far, out of all the Coptic Christians I know, 100% of them are absolutely lovely people. So they are one for one. :D

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Mark of the Cross

My religion is more loving and tolerant than yours and if you don't agree I will get mad and kill you.

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