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Should Only Table Be Allowed To Post In Reyb Threads?

Groo the Wanderer

Should only table be allowed to post in threads started by reyb?  

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='reyb' timestamp='1349764755' post='2491576']

I was once a Catholic and never been a protestant. But now, I do not belong to any particular group because, I believe Christ died for all of us. To me, Jesus Christ is not the Lord of ‘Christians’ only because, He is the Lord of all God’s creation.

Thus, in my eyes all Christians, all Islam, all Buddhist, each and every person for all generations and even those who do not believe in God are all members of the Church of Christ because Jesus Christ died for all of us without anyone being exempted, and in that Church I consider myself to a part.

Aha, that is of good heart but not nescisarily practical bro. 1. the koran says if you don't convert you are an infedal and must be killed. 2. If a buddhist says masterbation is totally ok and no problem because your not affecting anyone else.

1.True faith can not be forced with the threat of violence or death.
2. Masterbation you are harming yourself and reducing your capacity to true charity.

True the children of GOD will lay with lion cubs and not be eaten and pick up snakes without being harmed, but we can't say a chicken egg is actually an emu egg when it isn't, although both are eggs one is different from the other. Just a dumb example i guess because i don't even know if the groups that you have mentioned are the other flocks our lord jesus talks about that belong to him. I will try another example <warning over 18 example>....
A cat can't mate with a dog, A bird can't mate with a mouse etc etc. Though all are animals there different. Sorry that was probably even adumber example than the previous. And reyb i'm so glad that you still believe in jesus and love sacred scripture and assumably pray, are you a free mason ? Free masons believe the way you believe but are anti catholic, please don't be anti catholic alot of wisdom comes from sacred tradition also and not just sacred scripture. But on the free mason tip somone told me some of them believe jesus is the devil. :(

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

but it is true that all are children of god, i think holy scripture at mass today said words to that effect. But not all know they are a child of GOD. It is our mission to try and alert them to this truth.

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1349821054' post='2491736']
Some from each of those groups. I fear Augustines (was it he) lament that most humans are destined for hell.

Certainty! As long as it is complete in the spirit and not just lip service.

Let us discuss the issue of predestination later and I am hoping you will bring Augustine with you. But first let us settle on how we will discuss our differences.

Thank you Mark for giving me your affirmation. I will continue my request later. I am still waiting for any answer they have in mind - from them who are already posted something in this thread or from others who may still be wanting to participate in our discussion - if they are willing to settle our differences out of love to one another or not. Most especially to Groo, who started this thread, to Papist and also to Winchester who are always doubtful to my intention and to the rest who seems just playing around. I am waiting for your approval in response to the appeal of our dear Apostle Paul - on how we should settle our differences.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

also reyb the holy catholic church believes all culture has had fragments of the light throught history including the prophets of judism, but we are not nescisarily as christians to embrace everything they believe like for example, maybe one group says injecting heroin is ok because your not hurting anyone else your only hurting yourself or again the masterbation thing. Or they say it's okay to sleep around because your both consenting as long as you don't rape, these are extreme examples but some philosophy as such and can not be accepted by christians though we can not persecute one for such a belief.

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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1349828031' post='2491769']

Aha, that is of good heart but not nescisarily practical bro. 1. the koran says if you don't convert you are an infedal and must be killed. 2. If a buddhist says masterbation is totally ok and no problem because your not affecting anyone else.

1.True faith can not be forced with the threat of violence or death.
2. Masterbation you are harming yourself and reducing your capacity to true charity.

True the children of GOD will lay with lion cubs and not be eaten and pick up snakes without being harmed, but we can't say a chicken egg is actually an emu egg when it isn't, although both are eggs one is different from the other. Just a dumb example i guess because i don't even know if the groups that you have mentioned are the other flocks our lord jesus talks about that belong to him. I will try another example <warning over 18 example>....
A cat can't mate with a dog, A bird can't mate with a mouse etc etc. Though all are animals there different. Sorry that was probably even adumber example than the previous. And reyb i'm so glad that you still believe in jesus and love sacred scripture and assumably pray, are you a free mason ? Free masons believe the way you believe but are anti catholic, please don't be anti catholic alot of wisdom comes from sacred tradition also and not just sacred scripture. But on the free mason tip somone told me some of them believe jesus is the devil. :(

Okay let us booked them for discussion some other time later. But let us agree on how we should discuss our differences. Are you willing to listen to the appeal of Apostle Paul on how we should settle our differences?

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Please all also take into consideration that Holy Mother Church believes the scripture of the Holy Bible has the power to save and that the baptism is valid if it is done in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. I'm not saying give up on the holy sacraments and sacred tradition these are optimal with holy scripture.

JC "Be baptised and believe and you will be saved." "anyone whom speaks in my name is sure to not do evil afterwards (anyone who speaks in my name can eventually do no evil.)"

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='reyb' timestamp='1349829023' post='2491777']
Okay let us booked them for discussion some other time later. But let us agree on how we should discuss our differences. Are you willing to listen to the appeal of Apostle Paul on how we should settle our differences?

We can talk of what saint paul says on such matters. That would be wonderful in the name of JESUS in love for GOD and one another. :)

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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1349829162' post='2491778']
Please all also take into consideration that Holy Mother Church believes the scripture of the Holy Bible has the power to save and that the baptism is valid if it is done in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. I'm not saying give up on the holy sacraments and sacred tradition these are optimal with holy scripture.

JC "Be baptised and believe and you will be saved." "anyone whom speaks in my name is sure to not do evil afterwards (anyone who speaks in my name can eventually do no evil.)"
[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1349829247' post='2491779']
We can talk of what saint paul says on such matters. That would be wonderful in the name of JESUS in love for GOD and one another. :)

Thank you Tab for your approval. I will continue my request later (of course it is in line with Apostle Paul's appeal for all of us) but let us wait for them.

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[quote name='reyb' timestamp='1349823973' post='2491758']
He is not a Catholic in the same way your early church father is. He is not a believer of Holy Trinity. You can see in his letters that he is mentioning about God, Christ and Holy Spirit but he never mention or touch anything about the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. All true witnesses of God like Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Jonah and Paul are all ‘Christians’ since they belong to Christ for having the Spirit of Christ (I already explained this before). But none of them are worshipper of this 'Holy Trinity' therefore none of them are Roman Catholics or Protestant Christians.

Your early church fathers claimed he belongs to them in the same way Gnostics claimed Apostle Paul is also a Gnostic like them. But, he was not a member of any of these groups because the Jesus he is preaching is different from the Jesus they are proclaiming (please see 2 Cor 11:4)

[indent=1]‘ For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached,...’[/indent]
St. Paul does not talk of black holes in space, yet they do exist. [img]http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-think005.gif[/img]

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1349821054' post='2491736']
Some from each of those groups. I fear Augustines (was it he) lament that most humans are destined for hell.

Certainty! As long as it is complete in the spirit and not just lip service.
So you saying I need to be spiritual, and not religious? [img]http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-taunt014.gif[/img]

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Religious and spiritual are not at odds, there more like bannanas and custard. And you forget the third element which is the icing sugar to reflect the holy trinity. Religious,spiritual and sacrifice. Sacrificial offerings of mercy must be made in the name of GOD. So now mercy become the true sacrifice since jesus said " i desire mercy not sacrifice." And since we are only created in the image and likeness of GOD and we are not and never will be GOD there is probably a 4th element that is imperative, we may call this unkown ingrediant lets say a beverage, warm milk and honey. Maybe thats it, maybe the 4th key ingrediant is mystery which allows for wisdom and understanding.

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1349865941' post='2491894']
St. Paul does not talk of black holes in space, yet they do exist. [img]http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-think005.gif[/img]

Black Hole is not a ‘spiritual truth’ and therefore do not expect to see it in their testimony.

You are practically saying, it is not guarantee that a particular ‘thing’ is a lie simply because it is not written in the scripture. Thus, you are trying to prove this concept using ‘black hole’ as an example, and therefore proving as well the truthfulness of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity although it is not clearly written in the scripture.

I am not expecting any Catholic looking at this doctrine (of the Holy Trinity) as ‘physical truth’ like a black hole in the universe, and that is precisely where I am coming in my argument, if the doctrine of the Holy Trinity is truly a ‘spiritual truth’ and from God then, it is impossible for them (to these God chosen people like Abraham, Moses and most especially Apostle Paul) not to mention it because (again), they expressing ‘spiritual truths’ in their testimony. (see 1 Cor 2:13).

It is truly impossible for them to teach this kind of doctrine because the reason and intention in creating this doctrine is already nullifying the very reason why they are bringing everyone to Jesus, and that is, to know God since ‘only the son can reveal his father’. Meaning, if this doctrine is truly the revelation of God about himself then you do not need to see Jesus Christ anymore to reveal his father.

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[quote name='reyb' timestamp='1349876591' post='2491915']
Black Hole is not a ‘spiritual truth’ and therefore do not expect to see it in their testimony.

You are practically saying, it is not guarantee that a particular ‘thing’ is a lie simply because it is not written in the scripture. Thus, you are trying to prove this concept using ‘black hole’ as an example, and therefore proving as well the truthfulness of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity although it is not clearly written in the scripture.

I am not expecting any Catholic looking at this doctrine (of the Holy Trinity) as ‘physical truth’ like a black hole in the universe, and that is precisely where I am coming in my argument, if the doctrine of the Holy Trinity is truly a ‘spiritual truth’ and from God then, it is impossible for them (to these God chosen people like Abraham, Moses and most especially Apostle Paul) not to mention it because (again), they expressing ‘spiritual truths’ in their testimony. (see 1 Cor 2:13).

It is truly impossible for them to teach this kind of doctrine because the reason and intention in creating this doctrine is already nullifying the very reason why they are bringing everyone to Jesus, and that is, to know God since ‘only the son can reveal his father’.
No. That is what you are saying. Just b/c St. Paul does not specifically speak of the Holy Trinity, you interpret that to be he does not believe in the Holy Trinity. BIG conjecture.

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1349877112' post='2491916']
No. That is what you are saying. Just b/c St. Paul does not specifically speak of the Holy Trinity, you interpret that to be he does not believe in the Holy Trinity. BIG conjecture.

Your actions and arguments are the very reasons why Apostle Paul made an appeal to all of us on how to settle differences properly but you did not give me the opportunity to explain it further. He said in 1 Cor 4:6-7

'Now, brothers, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, "Do not go beyond what is written." Then you will not take pride in one man over against another. For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?'

He said ‘Do not go beyond what is written’ because if you have differences with your brothers and both of you will insist on your arguments which is not written in the scripture. What will happen then if not war and division? Anyway, let us set aside the appeal of Apostle Paul for a while.

So are you saying Apostle Paul is also a believer of this Holy Trinity although he did not write anything about it? Don’t you realize, much more I have the reason to tell you what you just said ‘Big Conjecture’?, Isn’t it? But I understand you and I know you are just trying to defend you faith.

So how about Moses, do you think he is also a believer of this Holy Trinity?

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[quote name='reyb' timestamp='1349880340' post='2491925']
So how about Moses, do you think he is also a believer of this Holy Trinity?
When I meet Moses, I will ask him.

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