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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Healing Of The Family Tree.

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Pax domini bretheren...
One of the bishops of korea has put out an official warning of participating in the so called rite to the healing of the family tree. He states it is contrary to the catholic faith. I read it as being contrary because surely baptism heals the sin of adam as well as the so called generational sins, we belive in one baptism for the forgiveness of such sins. What sayethh ye all. Here is the web address for what the korean bishop has stated exactly, i read it and than put my own anaylsis as to baptism and what it does, http://www.catholic.org/international/international_story.php?id=25913

Onward christian souls.

JC "Be baptised and believe and you will be saved."

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