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Romney's Vs Obama's Economic Plans


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Is anyone else confused about what Romney's economic plan is and what Obama's is. The commercials that are all over t.v. and youtube just have me confused on what the two want to do. Sometimes commercials come out to correct the facts of what was said by the opposing side about what they stand for.

Does Romney intend to increase the taxes of the middle class and decrease the taxes of the rich in favor of big business which some argue got us into the recession that we're in right now? Will the those who have saved for medicare have to go on a voucher system? Does Obama want to give welfare to those who don't work? Has the economy gotten better or worse under Obama? I'm not one who understands who economics works, so I'll need layman's terms to understand what the heck is going on.

I'm tired of politicians spending their time bashing each other instead of advertising what they themselves want to do. I discussed this with my mom and she said that unfortunately, negative adds are more effective and that groups who are not approved by the candidates themselves can get away with spouting facts that aren't true.

Who do you think will win? I'm not asking who should win, but who is more likely to do so.

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What are their respective economic plans? In a word, Keynesianism.
Also known as the exact reason the economy is in the mess it is in.

But hope and change, amirite?

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in a word, i'd say the problem is "borrow and spend", make that three words. in a word, borrow. both sides have been doing it out of hand since reagan, with clinton the only one capable of making an argument about zeroing out the deficit and paying the debt down.

what's done in the name of keynesianism is not helping either, but done right, that system isn't so bad. the name of the game there is spending money to get out of a rut. there's some truth to that. the problem is that everyone wants to say "this is a rut" or "that's a rut". since reagan, there's not been anything that should justify government spending under the name of keynes. if we spent under obama to stimulate, people wouldn't see it as such a sin, if it was only for desperate measures and not dilly dally all the time, which is how people might perceive it here. the other problem besides "this is a rut, or that it"i s that people want to say just because people argue government spending might stimulate something, that that's keynes, which it ain't.

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With terrorist attacks going on and killing American people in the American Embassy and our current president going on David Lettermen, the View and then campaigning to be re-elected. If I was a terrorist, I'd vote for Obama because he's going on talk shows and letting me get away with what I do best!

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If you read multiple sources and sites, summarized succinctly on the Congressional Budget Office, you cant have budget increases And tax cuts.we can sustain Obamas record of spending and deficit budgets, even with more taxes.
Romney won't stimulate the economy enough with tax cuts and generate enough receipts to make the budget balance.
The Health Care bill is a budget buster and means the Government will need more taxes.

80% of revenue comes from peoples wages. The economy needs to grow and businesses need to expand to create jobs. Business needs to plan costs and making labor more expensive with health care taxes stymies that.

I don't see politicians managing their addiction to spending our money. Neither Romney or Obama.

I'm hoping that Romney is more pro business that may grow the economy and create jobs where GDP might catch up government Spending. Obama has proven to be a failure at that and loves spending too much.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1348947093' post='2488116']
Well, honestly I think Romney has a good chance of winning. I'm not sure who will win, but I think he has a chance.

thanks for that relevant discussion point :P

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[quote name='sixpence' timestamp='1349215477' post='2489350']

thanks for that relevant discussion point :P

See here:

[quote]Who do you think will win? I'm not asking who should win, but who is more likely to do so.[/quote]

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Their economic plans are essentially the same--take money from you and I, and give it to other people. Romney will give the cash (and power) to his Wall Street pals who kiss his rear, whereas Obama will give the cash (and power) to [i]his[/i] Wall Street pals who kiss [i]his [/i]rear.

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I do recall Obama saying that taxes on small businesses should be increased, and Romney mentioned in the primaries that any capital gains and dividend tax rate cuts would go to the middle class, saying that the rich don't need it, and the poor are covered by other government programs.

Part of the spin may have to do with the expiration of the extension of the Bush tax cuts in January. Obama supposedly wants to extend the cuts for those making less than $200,000 (or somewhere in that neighborhood), and those making more would pay pre-Bush tax rates (top rate was 39.6%). Obama is hoping to frame the tax debate over that 39.6% bracket.

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1349218703' post='2489366']
Their economic plans are essentially the same--take money from you and I, and give it to other people. Romney will give the cash (and power) to his Wall Street pals who kiss his rear, whereas Obama will give the cash (and power) to [i]his[/i] Wall Street pals who kiss [i]his [/i]rear.
This post rocks.

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[quote name='tinytherese' timestamp='1348942534' post='2488078']
Is anyone else confused about what Romney's economic plan is and what Obama's is. The commercials that are all over t.v. and youtube just have me confused on what the two want to do. Sometimes commercials come out to correct the facts of what was said by the opposing side about what they stand for.

Does Romney intend to increase the taxes of the middle class and decrease the taxes of the rich in favor of big business which some argue got us into the recession that we're in right now? Will the those who have saved for medicare have to go on a voucher system? Does Obama want to give welfare to those who don't work? Has the economy gotten better or worse under Obama? I'm not one who understands who economics works, so I'll need layman's terms to understand what the heck is going on.

I'm tired of politicians spending their time bashing each other instead of advertising what they themselves want to do. I discussed this with my mom and she said that unfortunately, negative adds are more effective and that groups who are not approved by the candidates themselves can get away with spouting facts that aren't true.

Who do you think will win? I'm not asking who should win, but who is more likely to do so.

Romney will win. The polls are bogus and are unjustly oversampling democrats. All the new people who believed in the false messiah in 2008 no longer believe. They are disillusioned. Of course Romney risks losing because a lot of people on the right know him for the sham he is. The Ron Paul people like myself will find another person to vote for because we don't take kindly to people who cheat their way to victory and then stick their tongue out at us.

[quote name='Freedom' timestamp='1349211424' post='2489324']

Yet another affirmation I cannot vote for either the Democrat or Republican candidate.

Ron Paul was America's hope in 2012. And it's gone. :(

[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1349218703' post='2489366']
Their economic plans are essentially the same--take money from you and I, and give it to other people. Romney will give the cash (and power) to his Wall Street pals who kiss his rear, whereas Obama will give the cash (and power) to [i]his[/i] Wall Street pals who kiss [i]his [/i]rear.


Burn it Down - Linkin Park :crusader2:

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1349218703' post='2489366']
Their economic plans are essentially the same--take money from you and I, and give it to other people. Romney will give the cash (and power) to his Wall Street pals who kiss his rear, whereas Obama will give the cash (and power) to [i]his[/i] Wall Street pals who kiss [i]his [/i]rear.

Obama and Romney do not have the same support from Wall Street.

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