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What Should Byz Do?


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Altar server classes are starting up at my parish. I volunteered to teach them because I know the services, having only left the altar a few weeks ago. Father said he'd consider or something.

Now this other guy who ranks pretty high in the parish has contacted me asking if I want to help. The last time he led the classes, I remember taking a big role and having to correct him at least once. I emailed him and said I'd already notified Father.

But what should I do? I don't like this guy and recoil at the thought of working with him. But I like the idea of well-trained severs who know what they're doing. Should I bite the bullet if it comes to that, or should I find other things todo when the classes will be happening?

Normally I'd ask my spiritual director about this kind of mess, but this time it would be "Hey Father, I don't like (name) or the idea of working with him, but I want to train the servers. What should I do?" Something tells me that's not a good idea.

So can I get some input?

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As one of my favourite saints (Saint Mary of the Cross) said: "Never see a need without doing something about it". I try to remember these words when things like this come along.

Personally, I'd hesitate to back out of something if you've already committed. Especially if it's a volunteer role.

Can you see any way of getting past your feelings regarding this person? I have had to work with disagreeable people at times, and it has been hard. What's helped me in those situations is remembering that these people are loved children of God. When I remember this, I'm motivated to give them my own love, respect and consideration. It can really make difficult interaction easier.


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Basilisa Marie

If your presence would have a real positive impact on the formation of new servers, if I were you I'd bite the bullet. Maybe sit down with the other guy before the classes start to go over things? Maybe he's asking you because Father told him you were interested.

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[quote name='Byzantine' timestamp='1348711129' post='2487146']
Altar server classes are starting up at my parish. I volunteered to teach them because I know the services, having only left the altar a few weeks ago. Father said he'd consider or something.

Now this other guy who ranks pretty high in the parish has contacted me asking if I want to help. The last time he led the classes, I remember taking a big role and having to correct him at least once. I emailed him and said I'd already notified Father.

But what should I do? I don't like this guy and recoil at the thought of working with him. But I like the idea of well-trained severs who know what they're doing. Should I bite the bullet if it comes to that, or should I find other things todo when the classes will be happening?

Normally I'd ask my spiritual director about this kind of mess, but this time it would be "Hey Father, I don't like (name) or the idea of working with him, but I want to train the servers. What should I do?" Something tells me that's not a good idea.

So can I get some input?

Personally, I [b]would be[/b] discussing it with my director.
I had a real quandry about a person I was dealing wit and felt that the right thing to do (bury my feelings) turned out, after discussions with my director, not to be the right thing to do at all. I think if I had not sought direction on the matter, I would never have been really comfortable with my decision and no matter what it had been. Now I am - and as time has passed (and my journey continued to unfold), it has turned out to be the right thing to do and the best in the situation and for both of us.

Edited by BarbaraTherese
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

yes, ask your spiritual director also. I don't like peoples that say "oh your just asking multiple people looking for the answer you wan't to hear." I like all the responses to this thread so far, lol. Hopefully they all help you to discern GODS will for you in this paticular situation. :)

JC "ask and you will recieve."

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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