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Redemptrix €“ No For Mary, Yes For Priesthood


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Seatbelt Blue asked in CatholicQ&A (see topic Co-Redemptrix) the following:


I've been Catholic since 2001, and I still really don't get the widespread support for this "co-redemptrix" stuff. I find the idea very difficult to swallow - VERY difficult. Probably due to a poor understanding of it. It seems to me like this idea, which thankfully has not been declared, elevates Mary to an almost divine level, almost a fourth member of the Trinity. This bothers me to no end.

I'm a faithful Catholic. I accept all the Church teaches. The Church, last I checked, doesn't teach this, giving me some wiggle room. Could someone please explain to me what exactly this "co-redemptrix" thing means?

And this what he got from Catholic Scholars:
Dear Seatbelt Blue,

[quote]First of all: Mary is in no way redemptive. No Catholic can ever call Mary Redemptrix or Redemptress etc. That is heretical. Mary does not save us. Jesus does. And Jesus is the only Saviour of the whole world.

The title in question here has the prefix "co-", to indicate that whatever Mary is said to be doing is done only in and through Christ. She is co-operating with Redemption, and that is the most the title of "Co-Redemptrix" can mean.


Yes, it is correct. Many ordinary Catholics do not consider Mary as a saviour because they only see Mary’s help as a way to reach Jesus. Therefore, it is very clear to them that Mary is not Redemptrix (if she is alone). Hence, they undestood Co-Redemptrix as simple as –‘Jesus saves them with the help of Mary’.

Now, if Mary is not ‘co-savior’ of Jesus Christ. Why then on the other topic, the suffering of priesthood ‘completes’ the ‘incomplete’ sacrifice of Christ.? Are you now saying, 'Priesthood are Co-Saviour of Jesus Christ while Mary is not?

To Catholic Scholars,
Please make it clear.

Edited by reyb
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Groo the Wanderer



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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1348369137' post='2485593']
Please, no more.

Okay. I will wait for your explanation a little longer regarding our topics. But, you must explain these things because you are Catholic Scholars and teachers. If you failed to explain them, please do not teach them to your little brothers because you give them hope while you yourself are still hopeless. I am not insulting anyone although I know it hurts. But what can I do? You must come back to your senses by seeking the one and only Jesus Christ (and I am not referring to your historical Jesus). See you later.

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[quote name='reyb' timestamp='1348366518' post='2485583']
Could someone please explain to me what exactly this "co-redemptrix" thing means?

Jesus uses sinners to reach sinners.

Classic example: Jesus used Peter to reach the Ethiopian eunuch.

Jesus + sinner working with Jesus -> reach sinner not working with Jesus

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[quote name='reyb' timestamp='1348366518' post='2485583']
Seatbelt Blue asked in CatholicQ&A (see topic Co-Redemptrix) the following:


I've been Catholic since 2001, and I still really don't get the widespread support for this "co-redemptrix" stuff. I find the idea very difficult to swallow - VERY difficult. Probably due to a poor understanding of it. It seems to me like this idea, which thankfully has not been declared, elevates Mary to an almost divine level, almost a fourth member of the Trinity. This bothers me to no end.

I'm a faithful Catholic. I accept all the Church teaches. The Church, last I checked, doesn't teach this, giving me some wiggle room. Could someone please explain to me what exactly this "co-redemptrix" thing means?

And this what he got from Catholic Scholars:
Dear Seatbelt Blue,

Yes, it is correct. Many ordinary Catholics do not consider Mary as a saviour because they only see Mary’s help as a way to reach Jesus. Therefore, it is very clear to them that Mary is not Redemptrix (if she is alone). Hence, they undestood Co-Redemptrix as simple as –‘Jesus saves them with the help of Mary’.

Now, if Mary is not ‘co-savior’ of Jesus Christ. Why then on the other topic, the suffering of priesthood ‘completes’ the ‘incomplete’ sacrifice of Christ.? Are you now saying, 'Priesthood are Co-Saviour of Jesus Christ while Mary is not?

To Catholic Scholars,
Please make it clear.


Have at it, my friend.

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[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1348545537' post='2486349']
reyb shouldn't be allowed to create this many dumb topics. There must be a cap.

plz mods, so your thing

[color=#FF0000][size=8]REMOVE THE SOCK![/size][/color]

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To Catholic Scholars,

Can you please enlighten us why priesthood suffering brings salvation to others while the suffering of Mary is not? Or why priest becomes co-savior of Christ while Mary is not?

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1348545734' post='2486350']
[color=#FF0000][size=8]REMOVE THE SOCK![/size][/color]

your thinly veiled sexual innuendos are very inappropriate. Isn't it time for your yearly 1-month ban?

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