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Useless And Incomplete Sacrifice


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[quote name='reyb' timestamp='1348964638' post='2488231']

Inquiries made by delusional man which cannot be answered by God chosen Catholic Scholars.


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[quote name='reyb' timestamp='1348736026' post='2487211']
To all Catholic Priest and Scholars,

It is wrong to call your hardships suffering for others if you are doing it voluntarily and willingly in order to gain something out of it. It is better to say, you are working for your own salvation rather than ‘suffering’. Thus, I ask in my previous post ‘how come your suffering becomes salvation to others’?

Now, if you are telling me that your ‘suffering’ means hardship in preaching the word of God or whatever priestly duties you are doing for them. Do you consider the ‘hardships’ of protestant preachers a kind of suffering too? Or Do you consider them (protestant preachers) co-saviour of Jesus Christ too?

So can you please explain what do you mean by ‘giving yourself to Christ’ in a more clearer manner?

Are you saying that whenever you perform your Eucharistic Offering, you are offering yourself too together with Christ? Thus, priest are co-savior of Christ but not any woman even your Mother of God?
Did Christ suffer? Did He "voluntarily and willingly in order to gain something out of it."? Was the gain for Himself?

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[quote name='reyb' timestamp='1348882621' post='2487834']
To summarize our discussion:
A Useless and Complete Waste of Time

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  • 4 weeks later...

Let us go back in this issue....

In the beginning of this thread I posted

I hope you will not take any of our discussion ‘personally’ besides nothing is about personal in any of my discussion in Phatmass. But you need to explain to us why Christ’s offering though you called it ‘perfect sacrifice’ nonetheless it is still ‘incomplete’? How come there is ‘incompletion’ in any perfect setting?

In the other topic (TellThem Not) Catholics are practically saying God’s revelation is not enough to reveal the true nature of Jesus Christ and now in this topic, Christ offering although you call it ‘perfect sacrifice’ is again not enough to complete its work for the entire humanity because it is not complete.


BarbaraTherese said ....

[quote name='BarbaraTherese' timestamp='1348966831' post='2488250']
c) If we really love our Father, we will want to see that He gets the
 pleasure of giving to all those whom He wants to be His children. But 
some of them have even forfeited that position, while others are
 somewhat soiled. In either case, in order that He may be able to give
 His favors to them, they need to be open. But many of them do little
 or nothing towards rebalancing the scales for their own sins. So that
 they may be put in the condition to receive, we can by taking on
 difficult things, make up for them. This is love for them - it is 
also love of the Father, for it gives Him the opening to give to
 them, while at the same time it gives them the openness they need to 
receive. (So we see in passing: love of God and love of neighbor are found in one and the same action). [b]Hence St. Paul said, in Colossians
1. 24: "I fill up the things that are lacking to the sufferings of 
Christ in my flesh, for His body, which is the Church." Of course,
 nothing is lacking to the sufferings of Christ considered as an
 individual. But the whole Christ, Head and members, can be deficient.
 Paul wants to do what we just said, to make up for the a lack of 
opening in other members of Christ.[/b]


Are you saying that ‘lacking’ to the sufferings of Christ are the ‘suffering’ brought by hardships in preaching?

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