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Useless And Incomplete Sacrifice


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The Ubiquitous ask (see topic Colossian 1:24 in Catholic Q&A),

How can anything be lacking in the sufferings of Christ?

And this is what he got from Catholic Scholars:

[quote]Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross is the perfect sacrifice, but it is not complete we, the Church, complete it. God allows us to suffer so that, among other reasons, we will complete the afflictions of Christ. We are allowed the incredible gift of sharing in the Cross of Christ so that we will complete it. Elsewhere in his letters, St Paul writes that Christ is the head, the Church is the body. We, as the Body of Christ, complete the suffering of Christ, our Head.

Whenever each of us carries our small portion of Christ’s Cross, our suffering joins in Christ’s work of salvation. This means that our suffering can be salvific; hence, the phrase, “offer it up”. God gives us the opportunity to offer our suffering up for (the salvation of) others in the same way that Christ offered himself up for the salvation of all.

To Cappie,

I hope you will not take any of our discussion ‘personally’ besides nothing is about personal in any of my discussion in Phatmass. But you need to explain to us why Christ’s offering though you called it ‘perfect sacrifice’ nonetheless it is still ‘incomplete’? How come there is ‘incompletion’ in any perfect setting?

In the other topic (TellThem Not) Catholics are practically saying God’s revelation is not enough to reveal the true nature of Jesus Christ and now in this topic, Christ offering although you call it ‘perfect sacrifice’ is again not enough to complete its work for the entire humanity because it is not complete.

Your conviction is against Heb 7:26-28 which states:

‘Such a high priest meets our need — one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself. For the law appoints as high priests men who are weak; but the oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son, who has been made perfect forever’.

I know you read the letter of Apostle Paul but he is not saying what you are now claiming. You said ‘God gives us the opportunity to offer our suffering up for (the salvation of) others in the same way that Christ offered himself up for the salvation of all.’

Can you please explain to us in what way your suffering becomes salvation to others?

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[i][color=#ff0000]floop[/color][/i] you. I shave my legs and pluck my eyebrows and you have the flooping NERVE to call my sacrifices useless and incomplete?! See if you ever get any ever again (my homemade cookies!).

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1348286284' post='2485313']

Oh my goodness Brothers. Please do not mad at me. We are just simply discussing. :saint2:

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1348286620' post='2485323']

Last one. Promise.


Don't do it Brothers. You see nothing is left. :hehe2:

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[quote name='reyb' timestamp='1348286525' post='2485321']
Oh my goodness Brothers. Please do not mad at me. We are just simply discussing. :saint2:
It's not anger; it's resignation to have the same stupid flooping retreads.

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Yeah, I lied.



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The Catholic hierarchy doesn't even believe in Jesus. They are the sole propagators of the NWO and they are poised to consolidate their draconian grip on the whole world via puppets in the American government within about a year or so. After everyone takes a breath knowing that 2012 was not the end of man, the Vatican is gonna like catch the whole world sleeping and then just start RUNNING the game mayne.

So that makes this entire discussion mute.

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Groo the Wanderer


Edited by Groo the Wanderer
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