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I Miss Nihil

Nihil Obstat

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[color=#282828][size=4]I miss Nihil. I miss being called a pretty cool guy who is both funny and insightful (the guy sure does know how to offer a great compliment), and I miss his hilarious posts. :sad:[/size][/color]

[spoiler]Oh wait. :smile3: Never fear, Phatmass, for I have not left you![/spoiler]

Edited by Nihil Obstat
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I miss when Nihil's mind wasn't whacked. :sad: I mean, I wasn't here for that, but I still miss it dearly... :cry:

Edited by FuturePriest387
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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1348118616' post='2484583']
I miss when Nihil's mind wasn't whacked. :sad: I mean, I wasn't here for that, but I still miss it dearly... :cry:

I have yet to be convinced that such a time ever existed. Perhaps in a universe separate from this one (and God help us, that never the twain shall meet).
Sanity is inherently such a loose concept. Quite frankly I believe I am more sane now than I have been at any time in the past, but the thing about becoming more sane is that the enhanced clarity allows for a broader range of expression, including but not limited to what might be perceived (by those less in tune with their own continuum of sanity) as perhaps [i]in[/i]sane.
Truly, he is only truly sane who has encountered the Dasein which reaches out into the Nothing. Without the Nothing, no self and no freedom. But we encounter the Nothing only in ennui, anxiety, and true joy. We might argue, in fact, that the Nothing is only encountered at the extreme boundaries of sanity, when both sanity and insanity retreat, leaving the Dasein pure and isolated in the void.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1348117166' post='2484574']
Oh wait. :smile3: Never fear, Phatmass, for I have not left you!
oh. joy. :|

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[quote name='Slappo' timestamp='1348170718' post='2484703']
I was afraid of a pony when i ventured to click the spoiler



Warning: nudity


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