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The Preciouse Body And Blood Of Christ

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Pax domini bretheren,sympathiesers and others...
So i have to disagree with fr stan fortunas song school of the eucharist. If this song was directed soley at catholic christians than i would agree. If we look at the Holy scripture in the gospels as a whole in this matter we see that jesus christ also said that he has other folds and also states that anyone outside of the fold will be judged by the law written on there own hearts. So even outside of the holy catholic church the grace of GOD exists. But as a christian member of the holy catholic church i believe i am blessed in a paticular manner for the salvation of my soul, which is beyond just this life alone. Fr stan fortuna in his songs states that what jesus says " If you partake of my body and blood you will have life, and if not you will have no life in you." Looking again at what else i stated jesus has said and i bleive to be part of this pakage illuminating this verse. So are there other ways to recieve the precious body and blood outside of the holy catholic church. I say yes, though as a christian member of the holy catholic church i partake in the holy eucharist of the sacred mass in his fullness, because this i believe. So how does one partake in the precious body and blood of jesus christ outside of mass ? Spiritual communion. The holy catholic church is not against this but of course as catholics we are to goto the sacred mass and recieve his precious body and blood in the hosts concecrated by the holy priest from the alter. Jesus states that he has other folds outside of the holy catholic church and we must remember our othodox brothers and sisters are part of the holy catholic church and not in schism, and also that those whom are outside of the fold will be judged by the law written on there own hearts, jesus says all of this and we MUST believe it, and if not to our own peril. What i'm getting at is surely if a person outside of the holy catholic church is ignorant towards what his church believes,and ignorant as in unknowing or even indominately ignorant and only able to drink milk and honey and have no meat so to speak. So what forms of spiritual communion are acceptable ways to partake in the most precious body and blood of our lord and saviour christ jesus, outside of the holy catholic church. If indeed there are other ways to recieve his most precious body and blood?

Onward christian souls.
GOD is GOOD,GOD is LOVE,GOD saves.

P.s. I understand(or am told) that in the u.s.a there are many, some or half (i don't know) of the protestant communities that are openly anti catholic. But we don't have to heap more coal onto that fire by retaliating in the same manner, because it is not the fire of GOD it is the fire of destruction.

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Groo the Wanderer

Not quite sure of everything you said. but I feel compelled to point out that we may also receive the Holy Eucharist outside of Mass during a sick call, at the Anointing of the Sick, and at a Celebration of Holy Communion with Liturgy of the Word (communion service when there is no priest available)

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Mark of the Cross

Tough questions mate! Jesus said "love your God and your neighbor as yourself and you will live." He said of the Eucharist "Unless you do this, you will have no life in you." What life are we talking about? Maybe the life to be a fisher of men, to spread the gospel and love of Christ. The life to be his disciple in your own unique way. How can you love your God if he tells you you must do something important but then you don't do it? If you have not had the life in you of a disciple, this does not mean that you don't have salvation written in your heart. To love your God is to also feed the hungry...

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1347932433' post='2483516']
Not quite sure of everything you said. but I feel compelled to point out that we may also receive the Holy Eucharist outside of Mass during a sick call, at the Anointing of the Sick, and at a Celebration of Holy Communion with Liturgy of the Word (communion service when there is no priest available)

yes thankyou i am aware of these.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

what i'm getting at is if the protestant is indominately ignorant and believes maybe that he recieves his body in sharing a meal and fellowship with other christians and drinks his blood when making a big sacrifice for somone else. If the person truely believes this than surely christ comes to them and will not leave them to the mercy of hell.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1348051122' post='2484095']
nothing merciful about hell. just yes. mercy no.

that you are correct

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