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Arfink Gets Random.


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I made something cool today. My uncle made some 1/2" thick cherry wood crosses which he intended to finish on the jigsaw by slicing them up into those things where you have "JESUS" spelled out in whitespace, if that make sense, but never finished. So I threw one in the laser instead. :)


There are some problems with this one though. You can see some dark blotches which is where a little bit of mold had happened when they were in storage. The others will be sanded before burning of course, but this one was the worst and so it was the one I used to nail down the alignment process.

Alignment went pretty well once I figured out the idea. Basically I taped plain white paper to the bed and ran the design (out of focus) to produce a "shadow" which i would line the wooden cross up on top of, and it lined up PERFECTLY. I was very happy.

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To Jesus Through Mary

[quote name='arfink' timestamp='1353724402' post='2515529']
I made something cool today. My uncle made some 1/2" thick cherry wood crosses which he intended to finish on the jigsaw by slicing them up into those things where you have "JESUS" spelled out in whitespace, if that make sense, but never finished. So I threw one in the laser instead. :)


There are some problems with this one though. You can see some dark blotches which is where a little bit of mold had happened when they were in storage. The others will be sanded before burning of course, but this one was the worst and so it was the one I used to nail down the alignment process.

Alignment went pretty well once I figured out the idea. Basically I taped plain white paper to the bed and ran the design (out of focus) to produce a "shadow" which i would line the wooden cross up on top of, and it lined up PERFECTLY. I was very happy.

Beautiful Arfink! Maybe you could do a serious of pictures of your progress with your next piece. I don't know if that would be time consuming, but it would be really interesting to see. Very nice work.

I am sorry your Thanksgiving was hard. Hope the rest of your weekend is good. :)

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Getting back in the saddle required subject matter I could readily devote my attention to.

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[quote name='arfink' timestamp='1353724402' post='2515529']
Nice! I would (depending on variables, of course) pay good money for something like that....

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It's Monday, which means more meetings, more phone calls, more yuck. You'd think the world would stop turning if there were no meetings. I wouldn't mind one bit.

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Hey, ARFink, I have an idea to take the taste of cold meetings from your mouth.

You talked on a different thread about the quality of light in Minnesota during the winter. Can you figure out a way to draw that? I can't visualize it and it sounds interesting..... THAT might warm your artistic soul....

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Sure. Right now I am wrestling with rendering celtic knots and braids for use on the laser, and it's proving to be quite mind-breaking to do properly.

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Wow.. did some of those for an embroidered stole at one point, and O LORDY I know what you are talking about... they don't call them knots without good reason....

As odd as this might sound, can you find some line drawings of the knots and crosses and use a printer/copier to enlarge those to get a starter template? It also helps to get out some colored pencils and COLOR the different colored 'yarn' on the drawings if there is more than 1 color.... That's how I ended up working the embroidery pattern.... but of course, this was MANY years ago.... and you probably do it differently....


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Yeah, everyone loves the Celtic stuff, but it's seriously brain-damaging, I am convinced.

HOWEVER, I think I have found the secret- except in the most simple Celtic knot designs, or the ones done by really OCD designers, they cheat! The second one you posted here is NOT a continuous loop! It's actually (if my brain isn't fooling me) 6 continuous loops, each of which is made of several mirror images of a single unclosed loop. To my eye at least, the technique being used there is to make one loop of medium length (equal to 1/4 of the "beam" of that cross) and then copy paste it together, joining up the ends at the end.

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Wow, that is a neat link, ARFink!!!! I actually came back to the thread because I realized you could use something like a 'fill' on a drawing program to tease out the knot... but that is even better.

Mind boggling how the celts did it WITHOUT computers..... well, except the ones in their skulls, of course..... And yes, I knew that most of them use more than one 'rope' - that's where the colors can help.... (and actually was more helpful using more than one rope doing embroidery.... actually turned out BEAUTIFUL!.

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