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Does God Expect Us To Travel Across The Country To Find Our Home?


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I simply can't afford to buy plane tickets to attend all the "Come and See" retreats that I desire to attend. I'm in Texas, and there are no appealing communities here for me. I'm finding all sorts of amazing communities...but they are all beyond driving distance, and as you all know, airfare is ridiculous.

So does God expect me to smell of elderberries it up and find money somehow to visit these attractive communities for which my heart flutters...or is this some kind of sign/indication that maybe I'm wrong about my vocation after-all?

I want so badly to do the will of God, but I cannot know if these communities are my future home without visiting them and staying with them; but I don't have enough money to do so! I'm in college, and I have a part-time job, but it's not nearly enough to cover the expenses of travel.

Sorry for sounding whiny and complaining, but I figured some of you must have some advice. I'm at my wits end. Just about the only community near me is the one to which my spiritual director belongs, but I really don't feel called there. To me, it seems that God wouldn't call me somewhere far away if I don't have the means to get myself there. My parents are not supportive of my discernment, and thus they refuse to help pay for anything relating to religious life.

So I'm sending out an S.O.S. :unsure:

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Pray about it. And yep -- at times you may be called to travel not only across the country but across continents to find your home.

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I"m in Florida and my community is literally on the other end (Washington state) When I began discerning I wanted to stay in Florida and sought orders in Florida, then I realized I had to be open to God's will and I started looking in the south. Then I realize that I couldn't trick God and so allowed myself to be open to ANY community regardless of location. God provided and I remember my first visit to Spokane cost way less that it should have (my brother made it my birthday present). I also was able to get help from family and friends for subsequent visits.

LC a former PMer now siser Mary Catherine (sp?) found her home in England. I think if you trust that He'll provide, he will (it's a lesson I'm learning) try not to focus on the wher and how but rather on the "yes Lord", "whatever you will Lord"

If I might suggest, perhaps the Serra club or the Knights of your parish can help with ticket expenses?

Praying for you.

Edited by HopefulBride
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Don't worry, you aren't whining. All of us get stressed about the same things. :) My two cents is, if God wants you there; He will get you there.


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[quote name='HopefulBride' timestamp='1347049021' post='2479954']
If I might suggest, perhaps the Serra club or the Knights of your parish can help with ticket expenses?

Praying for you.

Thank you, HB. That's actually exactly what Sr. Mary Joanna told me when I told her of my dilemma (I was interested in SMMC, but then I found MSSR and felt more called to them...but I definitely love SMMC!). You'll fit right in! :) Unfortunately, the Serra club never responded to my email, and my local KoC said they do not have the funds available to help with my airfare.

So.... :cry:

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Lots of prayers for you!

I am in a very similar position. I live in Canada - as many of you already know - and in terms of religious communities, we have very slim pickings up here. Although there are a couple that I like, most of them are half way across the country, and the majority of the communities that I would love to visit are in the United States. Yeah, and I have very limited funds :(

So, I'm just trying to be patient and trust in God's will. If He wants me in an order in the United States, or on the other side of Canada, then He will provide the means for me to get there.


Edited by MeteorShower
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[quote name='Joan Marie Wandel' timestamp='1347050044' post='2479973']
are you able to take a train?

...they still have those? :idontknow:

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[quote name='ToJesusMyHeart' timestamp='1347050533' post='2479983']
...they still have those? :idontknow:
[/quote] :hehe2: Yes, and they tend to be a lot cheaper than planes if you have a station near you.

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God will truly provide if it is His will. You could try sending letters to family and friends. I was able to get to the Philippines to volunteer with some sisters with just one check from a family friend.

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Would you happen to know how I can find out if there is a train station near me? Because I didn't even know people still rode trains... :blush:

Is there a website?

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