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Voter Id Laws: A Fake Solution To A Fake Problem


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I've always had to show my I.D. where I vote, along with my voter registration card ...

I remember the time I was in the convent. Just because I was wearing a habit along with my other sisters, a group of rabid liberals forcefully stopped us from entering the building where we were to vote. One of them sneered, "you all aren't allowed to vote!" They weren't kidding either... All it took was a stern look from Mother, and they parted like the Red Sea! :lol:

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I always had to show ID along with my voter registration also.

And in PA, they issue free voter IDs, if memory serves, unlike most of the states trying to enforce a voter ID law.

Edit: Not to say I agree or disagree with voter ID laws, but as much as we turn the Founding Fathers into Gods, you'd think it would be "patriotic" to enforce such laws. After all, the Founding Fathers didn't want the people to have total control, that's part of why we have/had: A democratic republic (representative government), the electoral college, very restrictive laws that have evolved over time about who is actually allowed to vote (Here's a hint: almost no one on this phorum would be able to vote in early America), etc.

*glances through post* Yes...yes...enough contradictions. :)

Edited by BG45
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This is the dumbest video I have ever seen. At no point does the video explain it's claim that voter ID laws do not prevent voter fraud. It attempts to do this by citing low numbers of verified voter fraud cases, but fails to mention that it is possible that there were millions of unverified voter fraud cases--hence the reason for the laws in the first place.

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southern california guy

I'm suspicious that Hassan is actually a terrorist from some Arabic Muslim country, and I don't think that he should vote!

And I don't think that you should have to show ID. I think that it would be great if I could go around to different polling places and vote over and over again for the person that I wanted to win. If they required me to show photo ID that would only hurt me because I'm poor!

Edited by southern california guy
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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1346606933' post='2477606']
This is the dumbest video I have ever seen. At no point does the video explain it's claim that voter ID laws do not prevent voter fraud. It attempts to do this by citing low numbers of verified voter fraud cases, but fails to mention that it is possible that there were millions of unverified voter fraud cases--hence the reason for the laws in the first place.

Why? Why would there be millions of cases of fraud? There are millions of people out there who just desperately want to pretend to be somebody else when they vote?

This makes no sense. The republicans have absolutely no evidence that there is widespread, systematic voter fraud. None. We do know that these laws will cause tens to hundreds of thousands of voters to not be able to vote in November. Which voters? Black, Students, low income voters et cetera. Which party's base would be more impacted by these laws? Which party has the most to gain from thousands of people from these groups not being able to vote in their full numbers? I guess it's the party pushing for these laws which seek to remedy a problem that has not been demonstrated to exist. But I'm sure the republicans have no ulterior motive.

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Why should I have to show ID?

Wait...is it to show I am a US citizen? That I am not voting millions of times for my candidate? That I am not voting under the name of dead people?

The voter ID issue is not an actual issue. It is a distraction from the real issues: economy, unemployment, etc.

Hasan: Why do you imply black/students/poor [b]cannot[/b] get an ID? That makes no sense.

If this 'ID' issue is real, then we will have to stop 'forcing' people to get passports-they're expensive. Think of all the problems that will cause.

The ID issue is not for minorities/students/poor, thought that's what it is being presented as. It is for the truly lazy people who don't want to go get an ID, which admittedly is a big hassle. If a law is made that you don't have to show ID, then we have a large number of illegal immigrants who will vote. You can guess which party that will help.

Edit: If the problem is that young students/minorities/poor are too lazy to go get an ID... Should they be voting for our president? Someone's going to call me on that, but it just seems wrong.

Edited by emmaberry
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If you are such a fringe participant of society that you can't come up with an ID to vote, then you should not have a say in the government. Here in Florida, you need a number of verifiable documents to get or renew your drivers license and verify insurance for a car. It's unreasonable to expect no effort on the part of persons who want to vote.
Voter ID is more about non-contributors to society having the voting power to manipulate the power of government to take away from those who have contributed.

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Does it really cost that much to get an ID? I don't recall a state ID where I am costing that much $26, and less $7 for low income. Also you an ID if you want to write checks-should we change that so low income people can have checking accounts?

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[quote name='Light and Truth' timestamp='1346612586' post='2477634']
Does it really cost that much to get an ID? I don't recall a state ID where I am costing that much $26, and less $7 for low income. Also you an ID if you want to write checks-should we change that so low income people can have checking accounts?

That was my initial reaction. But a lot of these laws have been designed as part of a general trend to disenfranchise a lot of voters. You have a lot of people who just don't know that they need to take a photo id to the polls and will be turned away. et cetera. The bigger problem is how this ties into the general trend. So for example restricting absentee ballots. Canceling Sundays, when a lot of black voters tend to turn out, et cetera. There's a very disconcerting trend here. And no one law is that bad (although this one is probably the worse when you look at the raw number of individuals it will impact) but they ad up to a pretty concerning trend.

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[quote name='emmaberry' timestamp='1346610689' post='2477625']
Why should I have to show ID?

Wait...is it to show I am a US citizen? That I am not voting millions of times for my candidate? That I am not voting under the name of dead people?

The voter ID issue is not an actual issue. It is a distraction from the real issues: economy, unemployment, etc.

Hasan: Why do you imply black/students/poor [b]cannot[/b] get an ID? That makes no sense.

If this 'ID' issue is real, then we will have to stop 'forcing' people to get passports-they're expensive. Think of all the problems that will cause.

The ID issue is not for minorities/students/poor, thought that's what it is being presented as. It is for the truly lazy people who don't want to go get an ID, which admittedly is a big hassle. If a law is made that you don't have to show ID, then we have a large number of illegal immigrants who will vote. You can guess which party that will help.

Edit: If the problem is that young students/minorities/poor are too lazy to go get an ID... Should they be voting for our president? Someone's going to call me on that, but it just seems wrong.

It's not necessary lazy. At Chapel Hill the DMV is miles and miles away and the buses don't go out there. It's really difficult to find. If you don't have a car and your working 2 or 3 shiitake mushroom minimum wage jobs then your trouble attaining an ID is not necessarily from being too lazy.

If the sort of fraud this law was designed to prevent were an actual problem then it would be tricky but since there is no such problem what is the point of making it more difficult for people who tend not to have flexible work hours and poor transportation options to actually vote? Aside from, you know, helping republicans.


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To have a serious effect on a large election, you would have to organize a lot of people, and they would have to have access to several names. It wouldn't be a simple operation. The real concern is something along the lines of an LBJ like heist of an election. Good luck preventing that one. ID laws won't do it.

I personally don't object to it, but it's just being used as an issue to garner votes and agitate. There are more serious issues.

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