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Thank You Gift For Recommendation Letter


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I am visiting my friends at university this weekend, and my former professor, who is an Opus Dei numerary, wrote me a recommendation letter for my Roswell PCC application.

The visit is not very well timed, as I may be finding out the results a few days after the visit. I know it is best to thank someone after receiving acceptance, but I wanted to give her something in person while I am in the area. Even if I am rejected (hard to type that), I still want to thank them for their kindness.

I planned on giving those who supported me A Right to Be Merry. I was also thinking of giving her a gift card. A) I didn't know what kind of gift card to get an Opus Dei numerary (I am not sure what her title would be-privately vowed lay person in community?) and B) I am not sure if it would even be appropriate to get her a gift card.

Now that I typed this post, I may put off my University visit until a decision is made concerning my acceptance. I just had the idea that I could give supporters a lovely rosary the Poor Clares make, along with a holy card and the book.

I'd still love to hear your thoughts on appropriate gifts for people who supported a vocation, whether it be by writing a recommendation letter, financial contributions, spiritual director, general encouragement, etc.

May God reward you!


PS: This is my topic posting account. My main account (emmaberry) had a topic posting glitch, and I received an ok from a moderator to create this one. Hope that clears up any confusion!

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A gift card to Amazon or another book store. A mass card. Flowers. A donation or a life gift (such as water for a family in Africa, school fees etc.) I don't know much about Opus Dei so I'm only guessing.

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Mass card! :) My friend got me one for my birthday for a Mass at the Grotto at Lourdes. I almost cried. Best. Birthday. Gift. Ever.

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