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Are There Any Protestants Who Post Here?


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[quote name='Amppax' timestamp='1346712388' post='2477993']
would you believe that part of the joke was actually intentional on my part? :)

[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1346714456' post='2478007']


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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' timestamp='1346439289' post='2476792']
I prefer to call myself a "non-Catholic" rather than a Protestant, simply because I'm not personally protesting anything, and also, because the label "Protestant" has a very negative connotation among some folks on Phatmass. (Not all, by any means.)

The pope often mentions "people of goodwill" in his speeches, and I think that title is a good one for me. I'm not Catholic, but I have great respect for Catholicism.

However, you won't see me on the Debate board. Been there. Done that. I'm not much into debating anyway, and I've seen one too many debates that degenerate into name calling. I come to Phatmass because there are many folks here whom I like and respect, and I'm interested in what they have to say. I also want to be silly sometimes and have fun.

BTW--Although I am not Catholic, I have said several times that anyone here may feel free to pray for my conversion. I'm already a pretty "Catholic non-Catholic," otherwise known as an Anglo-Catholic. I say the Rosary several times a week (while I try for every day) and wear a Miraculous Medal, among other things. However, I ask for the respect of others that they do not try to actively convert me. God and I talk about conversion on a regular basis, and the process and decision is God's. The best form of Catholic evangelization (at least for me) is to actively show in your posts the virtues of humility and caring, while remembering that God listens to the prayers of non-Catholics just as he listens to the prayers of Catholics.

As to why I have not converted to Catholicism, that is a very personal question that I do not feel comfortable answering, even in a PM. However, God knows. For a number of reasons, I am not actively pursuing conversion. Will I ever do that? That door is not closed, but only God knows the answer at this point. I ask you to trust that God and I talk a lot, and to respect that I am allowing God to work in my life, just as I respect your faith.
With an attitude like that why would you want to convert to anything else. Stay just as you are :winner:

[quote name='BigJon16' timestamp='1346441871' post='2476824']

But really, we should have a gender indicator under the profile picture in the threads...
I've invented a new word 'shehe'. It can also be double as a term of amusement. And No I don't mean because I put 'she' first

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1346724141' post='2478112']
would you believe that part of the joke was actually intentional on my part? :)


Does this mean I ruined the joke by making it obvious? :sad2:

Edited by Amppax
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[quote name='Amppax' timestamp='1346779641' post='2478314']
Does this mean I ruined the joke by making it obvious? :sad2:

I am ok, but as for other people's opinions of it, that will probably remain a Mystery.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1346785646' post='2478351']
I am ok, but as for other people's opinions of it, that will probably remain a Mystery.


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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1346865282' post='2478799']
I'm a pretty serious Lutheran. Can I answer some questions for you? :)

I am currently unable to ascertain whether thou art actually Lutheran, or trolling. If you actually are, I didn't know that! That's interesting.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1346869413' post='2478827']
Can't be. One is a humble substance of the fallen creation, the other is incomparably not!

Edited by Mark of the Cross
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To Jesus Through Mary

[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1346865282' post='2478799']
I'm a pretty serious Lutheran. Can I answer some questions for you? :)

I <3 Lutheran Satire (The youtube channel). So funny. He hasn't updated in a long time. :(

Oh and curiously, why do you believe in consubstantiation vs transubstantiation?

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[quote name='To Jesus Through Mary' timestamp='1346894319' post='2479185']
I <3 Lutheran Satire (The youtube channel). So funny. He hasn't updated in a long time. :(

Oh and curiously, why do you believe in consubstantiation vs transubstantiation?

Luther was German. They're a very clever people. I trust his judgement.

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[quote name='phatcatholic' timestamp='1346385645' post='2476571']
Back in my day[/quote]

Did Protestants even exist back then?

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