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Are There Any Protestants Who Post Here?


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most people who might be classified as "protestants" would not come out and say so. that word typically connotes those who are members of a religion that protests the catholic church, like lutheran or one of those off branches. most noncatholics today do not dignify the catholic church so much as ot call themself protestant, but rather stay "christian". the folks who might callthemself that or be that, are older generations. not phatmass posters.
"noncatholic christians, show yourselves" would be more fitting, but then of course it's less fight oriented.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' timestamp='1346417300' post='2476660']
most people who might be classified as "protestants" would not come out and say so. that word typically connotes those who are members of a religion that protests the catholic church, like lutheran or one of those off branches. most noncatholics today do not dignify the catholic church so much as ot call themself protestant, but rather stay "christian". the folks who might callthemself that or be that, are older generations. not phatmass posters.
"noncatholic christians, show yourselves" would be more fitting, but then of course it's less fight oriented.
Personally, I had not previously viewed "Protestant" as being fight-oriented, though I did certainly understand why the other communities were termed such.

I like "non-Catholic Christians", mostly because it recognizes that we are also Christian in the Church. Drives me crazy when people tell me I'm Catholic, not Christian.

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[quote name='ThePenciledOne' timestamp='1346424544' post='2476700']
so much for being [b]ecumenical[/b]....



Edited by Slappo
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[quote name='franciscanheart' timestamp='1346424666' post='2476702']
I like "non-Catholic Christians", mostly because it recognizes that we are also Christian in the Church. Drives me crazy when people tell me I'm Catholic, not Christian.

I like that too, and more and more often it seems Evangelical is becoming synonymous with Protestant. Then there's also non-denominationals who claim they're beyond the whole squabble of what a denomination is and they're just Christians.

More than one person told me, after my two Protestant years here, that they were saddened to hear I'd become a Catholic and forsaken Christianity.

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[quote name='TheUbiquitous' timestamp='1346371086' post='2476473']
On an unrelated topic, FuturePriest has a lot of posts.

Yes. And you will also notice that each one of them is just as lame as that last one..

Edited by BigJon16
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[quote name='BigJon16' timestamp='1346432286' post='2476745']
Yes. And you will also notice that each one of them is just as lame as that last one..

I have greatly valued posts that are full of charity, humility, devotion, and a true zeal for God. And then I have twenty eight hundred other posts.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1346433672' post='2476756']
I have greatly valued posts that are full of charity, humility, devotion, and a true zeal for God. And then I have twenty eight hundred other posts.

This post I'm making will probably be moved for being off topic, but this comment shows FP has more personality than Romney. FP for President 2037!

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1346433672' post='2476756']
I have greatly valued posts that are full of charity, humility, devotion, and a true zeal for God. And then I have twenty eight hundred other posts.


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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' timestamp='1346417300' post='2476660']
most people who might be classified as "protestants" would not come out and say so. that word typically connotes those who are members of a religion that protests the catholic church, like lutheran or one of those off branches. most noncatholics today do not dignify the catholic church so much as ot call themself protestant, but rather stay "christian". the folks who might callthemself that or be that, are older generations. not phatmass posters.
"noncatholic christians, show yourselves" would be more fitting, but then of course it's less fight oriented.[/quote]
dairygirl is still here! amesome! you and i had some good debates back in the day :bravo:

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1346433672' post='2476756']
I have greatly valued posts that are full of charity, humility, devotion, and a true zeal for God. And then I have twenty eight hundred other posts.
[/quote]Ha! I dig you. Here's a taco: :paco2:

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[quote name='phatcatholic' timestamp='1346385645' post='2476571']
There really aren't any Protestants here? That's a bummer. Back in my day, we got to have actual debates, instead of just bickering amongst ourselves all day.

I prefer to call myself a "non-Catholic" rather than a Protestant, simply because I'm not personally protesting anything, and also, because the label "Protestant" has a very negative connotation among some folks on Phatmass. (Not all, by any means.)

The pope often mentions "people of goodwill" in his speeches, and I think that title is a good one for me. I'm not Catholic, but I have great respect for Catholicism.

However, you won't see me on the Debate board. Been there. Done that. I'm not much into debating anyway, and I've seen one too many debates that degenerate into name calling. I come to Phatmass because there are many folks here whom I like and respect, and I'm interested in what they have to say. I also want to be silly sometimes and have fun.

BTW--Although I am not Catholic, I have said several times that anyone here may feel free to pray for my conversion. I'm already a pretty "Catholic non-Catholic," otherwise known as an Anglo-Catholic. I say the Rosary several times a week (while I try for every day) and wear a Miraculous Medal, among other things. However, I ask for the respect of others that they do not try to actively convert me. God and I talk about conversion on a regular basis, and the process and decision is God's. The best form of Catholic evangelization (at least for me) is to actively show in your posts the virtues of humility and caring, while remembering that God listens to the prayers of non-Catholics just as he listens to the prayers of Catholics.

As to why I have not converted to Catholicism, that is a very personal question that I do not feel comfortable answering, even in a PM. However, God knows. For a number of reasons, I am not actively pursuing conversion. Will I ever do that? That door is not closed, but only God knows the answer at this point. I ask you to trust that God and I talk a lot, and to respect that I am allowing God to work in my life, just as I respect your faith.

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[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' timestamp='1346439289' post='2476792']As to why I have not converted to Catholicism, that is a very personal question that I do not feel comfortable answering, even in a PM. However, God knows. For a number of reasons, I am not actively pursuing conversion. Will I ever do that? That door is not closed, but only God knows the answer at this point. I ask you to trust that God and I talk a lot, and to respect that I am allowing God to work in my life, just as I respect your faith.[/quote]
That's co[i][/i]ol man, nice to meet ya. If you ever have any questions about Catholicism, just let me know.

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