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I Think I'm Going To Do It..


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Next week I will be beginning my senior year of High school.

Ive already started on applying to a few colleges but...

I think I'm going to go ahead and apply to become a college seminarian with my diocese... *deep breath*

Prayers would be appreciated. :)

[i]"Duc in altum"[/i]

:w00t: :priest:

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I don't know about your diocese, but mine is just dying for priests (aren't all?). We are in a 'drought,' you could say, which is only funny because we are also literally in a drought. Anyways, your diocese will be very appreciative, no matter what decision they (or is it your Bishop?) makes.

May God's Holy Will be done, and I will be praying for you!

EDIT: You are very lucky that you start High School so late! Most kids have already gone back.

Edited by emmaberry
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Whoo! I am so glad you are not choosing to go to a secular college instead! Minor seminary colleges are so much better, especially if you feel you are called to the Priesthood anyway.

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