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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Orders With A Strong Intellectual Heritage


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[url="http://www.rsmofalma.org/charism/charism.html"]Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma[/url]

[url="http://www.fsecommunity.com/"]Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist[/url]

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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That depends on what you define as intellectual. Some saints who never attended college, had hardly any formal education, or were never formally educated were still very bright.

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All of them! Catholicism is an intellectual faith.

okay, I'm thinking the family of Augustinian order(the ones that use the rule) tend to be intellectual/scholarly.

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Orders with a strong intellectual tradition would be a place, I may falsely imagine, which don't mind good-hearted arguments in the pursuit of truth.

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I had a Franciscan and a Jesuit as my personal tutors in the convent and boy, did those guys 'discuss'. ( mainly it went way over my head).
I sure did learn the opposing arguments of various theological points of view though.

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