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That is that I can understand God [b][u][i]WAY[/i][/u][/b] too well, not that I can't understand him. Like as far as discernment goes, I know what he wants of me and so I'l just have conversations with him. Is this weird? I think it's the holy spirit but I never had this happen until like 3 months ago. Ever since I chat with God all the time and hear him respond. from the worlds perspective I'll be zoning out eating my breakfast but in reality I will be having a deep theological conversation with God. Just to make sure this spiritual voice is really him I've tested it a few times and it didn't lead me to believe it was not him. I feel like either I am naive and don't realize this is the norm or it's not the norm and I'm really weird. Thoughts?

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Back in 1973, I think it was, a little gem of a film called "The Ruling Class", starring Peter O'Toole and a host of the best British repertory actors, was released. O'Toole played the heir to a big estate who had been in a mental asylum for years because he insists he is Jesus. His relatives get him released, hoping to control the estate through him. Once he's home, they try to make polite conversation with him: "And when did you first think you were God?"

"When I discovered that, when I was praying, I was talking to myself".

God moves in mysterious ways. You may think you are talking to yourself, but you never know; perhaps that idea that just occurred to you might be a subtle hint from That Upstairs Listener...

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There is no other way but for HIm to use our thoughts, our inner voice to communicate...well, not unless you reached sainthood already, which may be the case but doubtful!

I wouldn't worry. If you were hearing a different voice from outside of yourself that might be a little more reason for concern.

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[quote name='Annie12' timestamp='1346074693' post='2474857']
That is that I can understand God [b][u][i]WAY[/i][/u][/b] too well, not that I can't understand him. Like as far as discernment goes, I know what he wants of me and so I'l just have conversations with him. Is this weird? I think it's the holy spirit but I never had this happen until like 3 months ago. Ever since I chat with God all the time and hear him respond. from the worlds perspective I'll be zoning out eating my breakfast but in reality I will be having a deep theological conversation with God. Just to make sure this spiritual voice is really him I've tested it a few times and it didn't lead me to believe it was not him. I feel like either I am naive and don't realize this is the norm or it's not the norm and I'm really weird. Thoughts?

The beautiful thing is that even when we believe that we know Him well; we could never know or love Him enough! At least in this life, but the more we know Him, the more we are able to love Him.

I don't believe that you are naive or weird. It sounds that you are forming an interior relationship with Our Lord. Which then you are obviously in a very good position. :) ... When you find Him within yourself, thats where you'll want to be so you may find a growing desire for silence and solitude. You may find also that the things that you once enjoyed; though they weren't bad things, you'll lose interest. This will be part of the detachment; its all to bring you closer to Him though in the beginning you may not know whats happening and it could cause anxiety. In these times cling to prayer and the sacraments, and careful not to go to things and people because that doesn't do any good as they will just serve as distractions and may impede His work; unless they are going to help guide you. Especially if this starts happening through discernment, you'll need a good guide. I have been reading "The Golden Arrow: The Autobiography and Revelations of Sister Mary of St. Peter." She had many trials and temptations at a young age, and when she started discerning her vocation to the religious life, she wanted to enter Carmel so much but being under the guidance of a good priest he would not yet let her. It would be 5 years until she was able, but during that time she became prepared for what she was going to go through in the religious life; it was all to help her be able to persevere. I'm sure she had the virtue of patience by the time she entered in a very high degree!

I hope this little advise may be helpful now or one day; and reading that book wouldn't be a bad idea either. In times of trials and temptations your going to want, and need, a strong interior life. Seeming to be "distant" when one is interior is quite normal; for me, even when there are no words being said within myself and even when others are talking to me or around me the silence just draws me in deeper. If this happens, I don't try to force myself to say much, either within me or to those I'm with, or become very active with work or anything else if able, as this will only serve to make me weary. Just to be alone with Him in the silence, even if not always able to exteriorly, but always interiorly.

About interior communications; if we are always aware that He is there and listening, we should direct all our thoughts to Him; this way we would be sure to speak to Him and not to ourselves (though He is still hearing every word! :hehe2: ) I need to work on this also; then maybe I wouldn't have such useless and silly thoughts. Then we could be better guarded and listen to Him more. In the silence of of your heart you will know and love Him more. :)

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Annie, it sounds as if you are reaching a 'next level' of prayer. I am not educated enough to point out where this new level would fall in St Teresa of Avila's mansion, but I would go with it.

The Bible tells us to pray constantly, and most people assume that this an impossible command, but the Saints tell us that it can be done! If you can keep this interior dialogue with God up all throughout your day, as it sounds like you do during breakfast and other commonplace things, then you will be well on your way. :)

Edited by emmaberry
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[i]Dear Annie12, [/i]

[i]You do not sound weird, but when God begins to raise one to higher levels of prayer, it is important to get a good spiritual director, or at least a confessor who is orthodox and knowledgeable about prayer with whom you can talk about your prayer life. :saint2: [/i]

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