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May I Ask For A Favor?


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Hi pham,

I am set to enter the Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church on November 9th, 2012 and I have been blessed to have received some great support that along with my payments has reduced the amount I need to clear from near $60,000 when I began my application process two years ago to $38,750 currently.

Can I please ask that prayerfully consider a donation and if have the time to please share my fundraising page with a few folks and invite them to make a donation? no amount is too small so please feel free make whatever donation amount you can make. If you are not able to donate, please share my story with someone who might be able to and invite them to make a vocation to the Religious LIfe possible.

My fundraising blog can be found at [url="http://www.dynasvocation.wordpress.com"]www.dynasvocation.wordpress.com[/url] feel free to click on the donate button to the right or inside the most recent post.

Thank you all for your continued payers and support

Edited by HopefulBride
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To Jesus Through Mary

I am sorry I cannot help financial at this time (in coming months, maybe), but you are definitely in my prayers!!

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As you know, I am currently unemployed, so I can't help financially. However, I did include your link in the sidebar of my blog for [u]Donate to Religious Life Candidates[/u]. I originally had your Facebook link attached but I updated it to your blog. Hope this helps!


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Thank you guys for all of the prayers, please think of anyone in your circle who might be able to make any donations.


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When i was assigned in the USA, there existed a few foundations which were set up for the sole purpose of helping people pay off there college debt so that they may follow there religios vocation. The advantage was that people could enter sooner, while the foundation took care of the debt.

I can't remember the name of the foundations, but i can find out if you like.


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I believe you are referring to the Mater Ecclesiae Fund for Vocations. I applied last year and the year prior but was there was not enough to award me a grant. I am hoping that I am able to enter this year, please share my blog if you can.

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[quote name='HopefulBride' timestamp='1345859778' post='2473837']
I believe you are referring to the Mater Ecclesiae Fund for Vocations. I applied last year and the year prior but was there was not enough to award me a grant. I am hoping that I am able to enter this year, please share my blog if you can.

Just wondering -- have you contacted the Serra Foundation? I have a link on my blog posted above on the sidebar. They help pay debt for vocations as well. :)

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There is also the "laboure Society"

But i have heard that they are a little slow.

Have you approached your parish priest to ask if you can make a parish appeal? Normally it is the local community that is more willing to give for such a cause.

I will pray to St Anthony that you might find the necessary funds.

S. Antony . . .Ora Pro Nobis! :nunpray:


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I worked with the Laboure Society for two years. I was unable to participate in this year's class since I wouldn't have been able to see it through to May.

I am not able to make a widespread parish appeal but I have been able to speak to my local Serrans along with the women's guild. In fact, they were very supportive and made numerous donations on my behalf to the Laboure Society.

Thanks for the prayers!

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Thanks so much!!! I've been sending out emails out there asking for help in spreading my story. If out of the 50 emails, three bloggers decide to share my story that will be enough because you never know who they might reach.

I'm working on an email to send out to my friends and family to ask them to forward to their friends and family in the hopes of increasing traffic to my blog.

Feel free to share my blog link with anyone you think might be able to help or able to share my story with someone else.

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I have asked my knights and unfortunately they are not able to help right now. I do have their support and prayers though

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